Use "terrorist act" in a sentence

1. The foreign ministry called the ambush a "dastardly terrorist act."

2. Gloom had usurped mirth at the party after the news of the terrorist act broke.

3. He says he saw a terrorist act, and saw the police car fly into the air.

4. However, that resolution neither defines ‘terrorist act’ nor limits its scope in the light of international humanitarian law.

5. Therefore, incitement to commit a terrorist act is considered as a crime and the abettor bears liability for terrorism

6. The court had earlier taken Cognisance of the offences under sections 13 (unlawful activities), 16 (terrorist act), 17 (raising funds for terrorist act), 18 (conspiracy) of the UAPA and various sections of the IPC including, 147 and 148 (rioting), 149 (unlawful assembly), 186 (instructing public servant), 201 (disappearance of evidence).

7. Glimpses of television news programs reveal that the US government considers the shooting a terrorist act and is pressuring the Moroccan government to apprehend the culprits.

8. (AP) — The FBI investigation into whether the Nashville Bombing was a terrorist act has sparked criticism about a possible racial double standard and drawn questions from downtown

9. Section # of the UAPA provides for imprisonment for a term not less than # years but which may extend to imprisonment for life and also liable to fine against any person who conspires or attempt to commit or advocates, abets, advises or incites or knowingly facilitates the commission of a terrorist act, or any act preparatory to the commission of a terrorist act

10. Response: Section 11EE of Anti Terrorist Act 1997 provides vast powers to Law Enforcing Agencies for keeping surveillance on abettors, perpetrators, financers, trainers, instigators and the principal accused.

11. We should adamantly condemn any terrorist act of intimidation and destabilization of States and take actions of solidarity against such acts, because they threaten State sovereignty and the free will of people.

12. Although Guyana has now criminalized the commission of a “terrorist act” and has provided for the criminalization of ancillary offences such as aiding, abetting, inciting, facilitating...etc the commission of terrorist acts, nowhere in Guyana’s legislation is the financing of terrorism a specific offence.

13. Under the Constitution, the following are grounds for suspending a citizen's rights of suffrage: being disqualified by reason of insanity; being charged with an offence carrying an Afflictive penalty or defined by law as a terrorist act; being charged with drug trafficking, a ground added by the constitutional amendment discussed below; being

14. Our country speaks with the moral authority of one which has never committed a terrorist act, not even attempting to physically eliminate – in an act of legitimate self-defence – the direct perpetrators and masterminds of abominable crimes, financed and carried out by the Cuban American National Foundation and other terrorist mafia groups in Miami, against our people.

15. The provision of its Paragraph # prescribes that the organizer, abettor and helper of the crime (in this case- terrorist act) are subject to liability according to the article that prescribes the committed offence, when a reference to Article # of the same Code should be made (in order to emphasize that the person appears not as an executer, but as an organizer, abettor or helper