Use "tentative" in a sentence

1. I'm much too... tentative.

2. He ventured a tentative smile.

3. Evan's writing is very tentative.

4. Her English is correct but tentative.

5. Labour has been oddly tentative about this.

6. FY2022 Tentative Property Assessment Data (All NYC Properties) The City's Tentative Assessment Roll lists the assessed value of every property.

7. Shortage of sources compels tentative conclusions.

8. Workers have reached a tentative agreement with management.

9. I'm taking the first tentative steps towards fitness.

10. She gave a tentative tug at her hand.

11. My first attempts at complaining were rather tentative.

12. A tentative agrarian programme is suggested below .

13. FY2022 Tentative Property Assessment Data (All NYC Properties) The City's Tentative Assessment Roll lists the Assessed value of every property.

14. Berceuse (tentative) is a cutscene in Resident Evil CODE:Veronica

15. In consequence there were numerous tentative measures of codification.

16. 24 synonyms for Conjectural: speculative, theoretical, tentative, hypothetical, supposed

17. (Tentative) Denver Non-Equity Auditions: Fri, Apr 9 and Sat, Apr 10 2021 (Tentative) Denver Equity Auditions: Mon, Apr 12 2021 (Tentative) Los Angeles Equity Auditions: Mon, Apr 19 and Tue, Apr 20 2021

18. I passed on my tentative conclusions to the police.

19. My interviews tempt me to a very tentative hypothesis.

20. Tentative, a cardinal's coloratura, then the mourning dove's elegy.

21. They have taken their first tentative steps towards democracy.

22. Slightly tentative, it warmed her eyes and elicited response.

23. Bedsitter Images unveiled a promising but tentative folk-rock singer/songwriter

24. The country is taking its first tentative steps towards democracy.

25. We made a tentative arrangement to meet again next Friday.

26. When Evan is tentative about a spelling, I encourage him to try.

27. He reached some tentative conclusions about the possible cause of the accident.

28. Like Marxism, the theories of development have become more pluralistic and tentative.

29. 25 synonyms for Cautious: careful, guarded, alert, wary, discreet, tentative, prudent, vigilant

30. In 1439, he negotiated the tentative Anglo-French treaty at Gravelines.

31. Yet in other moments he seems petulant , tentative and even frail.

32. Who had incouraged Japan in its tentative to Asserve the rest of Asia?

33. CURRENT ACTIVITIES/ Adds AT WORK 2021 Tentative Calendar (Pending COVID19 Guideline Restrictions) Gov

34. Black started writing his autobiography with the tentative title "Before the ferry docked".

35. A tentative discussion about the relation between the chromosomal and the organic evolution.

36. The Cheops spacecraft is taking the first tentative steps in its mission

37. The government is taking tentative steps towards tackling the country's economic problems.

38. Political leaders have reached a tentative agreement to hold a preparatory conference next month.

39. Tentative or restrained; guarded: felt a Cautious optimism that the offer would be accepted.

40. Only tentative conclusions can be reached and they are open to challenge and criticism.

41. In Youngstown, the Warner brothers took their first tentative steps into the entertainment industry.

42. On November 26, after 15 hours of talks, a tentative deal was reached.

43. Synonyms for Conjectural include academic, hypothetical, speculative, suppositional, theoretical, tentative, abstract, inferred, notional and postulated

44. Alternating attempts at forthright assertion of authority and tentative gestures of conciliation exacerbated the situation.

45. Tentative or restrained; guarded: felt a Cautious optimism that the offer would be accepted.

46. In one fell swoop the bank wiped away the tentative benefits of this policy.

47. Duval hit a tentative putt that did well to get as far as two inches short.

48. Our second tentative conclusion is that social services may have reduced people's subjective sense of inequality.

49. When the Young Girl first dances with her Cousin her arabesques are tentative but outward-going.

50. 13 The tentative quality of the inauguration conceals a determined and set political course.

51. But what if that tentative cosmological connection between entropy and intelligence hints at a deeper relationship?

52. Tentative assignments for metal–NCS, M–ligand, Hg—S, and L—M—L absorption bands are discussed.

53. The master angler stood to one side, wringing his hands anxiously, as Revilgaz took a tentative bite.

54. Hauling it by its ugly leather straps she took a tentative step on the little stony path.

55. As darkness fell, both sides took stock and made tentative plans for continuing the action.

56. Instead of my ebullient friend, I see a woman with hunched posture, a tentative walk.

57. Antonyms for Confident include uncertain, doubtful, dubious, hesitant, irresolute, tentative, unconvinced, undecided, indecisive and unclear

58. Antonyms for Adventuresome include unadventurous, unenterprising, wary, prudent, cagey, circumspect, tentative, timid, hesitant and chary

59. The Hampshire powerhouse risked little by taking his first tentative net against the spinners late yesterday afternoon.

60. But the generality and power can vary from the local and tentative to the universal and highly probable.

61. The WArsaw R-IX School District could like to get a tentative count for next year's preschool classes

62. Women in particular should be on guard against apologizing for themselves indirectly by this sort of tentative behaviour.

63. 16 synonyms for Conditional: dependent, limited, qualified, subject to, contingent, provisional, with reservations, provisional, provisory, tentative

64. In addition to its inscribed sites, Brazil also maintains twenty-three properties on its tentative list.

65. According to the tentative cargo plan, we should first load the Dar es Salaam bath towel.

66. As you may know, a hypothesis “implies insufficient evidence to provide more than a tentative explanation.”

67. Ideally, the final stage of your analysis is to offer a tentative conclusion regarding the issue.

68. A brilliant scientist, Hesswas unassuming about his talents and perhaps tentative about the new ideas he was presenting.

69. Synonyms for 'Awkwardly': shy, uncertain, retiring, insecure, timid, inhibited, tentative, lost, unsure of yourself, ill at ease, awkward, bashful

70. A coalition of the young and old might, from even the most tentative beginnings, grow into a formidable force.

71. Tentative reaction mechanisms have been suggested for the termal decompostion of the complex in air and nitrogen.

72. She looked with tentative excitement at Pat who, it seemed, did not know what she had said.

73. adjective speculative, theoretical, tentative, hypothetical, supposed, academic, surmised, suppositional There is something undeniably Conjectural about such claims

74. Crystalline Abscisin II, with a tentative molecular formula of C15H20O4, has been isolated from young cotton fruit

75. Tentative evidence suggests that topical phenytoin is useful in wound healing in people with chronic skin wounds.

76. Concordat OF FONTAINEBLEAU Misleading title given to a tentative agreement in 1813 between Pope pius vii and napoleon i

77. Spain also has a separate Bulwarked fortification tentative WHS made up of 8 locations, of which I visited Aldea del Obispo and Ciudad Rodrigo (already reviewed in Spain's Romanesque Cultural Enclave tentative WHS) in July 2020 and Pamplona along the Camino Frances in April 2016.

78. Autopoloist Very tentative guess that all into collins glasses and older worker may need special handling? No echo came back

79. And the author uses the tentative theoretical framework to explain why neutral semantic prosody dominates the eight business trend words.

80. The tentative list of the Netherlands contains eight properties, all of which were submitted on 17 August 2011.