Use "tendencies" in a sentence

1. Any warlike tendencies disappear.

2. Coping With Violent Tendencies

3. Because of our sinful tendencies.

4. Certain tendencies might persist for years.

5. Escapist tendencies may lead to overindulgence.

6. What tendencies make being loyal so difficult?

7. Had the prisoner previously displayed suicidal tendencies?

8. Analogous tendencies in arts and in manners

9. Our selfish tendencies might well distort the conscience.

10. Activist tendencies aid and abet stage having experiences.

11. Words having "Bisonant" tendencies 2A

12. At the Reformation two tendencies became apparent.

13. Heredity provides susceptibilities, capabilities, tendencies, and vulnerabilities.

14. Low motor tone involves greater flexor tendencies.

15. (While his mother Lady He was alive, she curbed his wasteful tendencies, but after her death, those tendencies grew more and more.)

16. Due to emotional imbalance such Aloofness tendencies develop.

17. These tendencies are also conventions, they are possibilities, languages...

18. He displayed artistic tendencies at an early age.

19. 4 To counteract worldly tendencies, we need God’s spirit.

20. 10 His iconoclastic tendencies can get him into trouble.

21. Authoritarianism and anti-democratic tendencies didn’t start with Trump

22. People who believe COVID-19 Conspiracies have these 7 tendencies

23. Police shrink diagnosed him borderline with antisocial and sociopathic tendencies.

24. For many years before treatment, Clare had suicidal tendencies .

25. Bouviers have dominant tendencies and need firm training and socialization

26. He hoped to curb separatist tendencies and mitigate nationalist passions.

27. Indeed, depressive traits are more in evidence than paranoid tendencies.

28. Other approaches are to guide the tendencies of the designer.

29. 25 The ancient Roman army was centesimated on account of mutiny tendencies.

30. 15 The ancient Roman army was centesimated on account of mutiny tendencies.

31. Bouviers have dominant tendencies and need firm training and socialization starting early.

32. A first-generation born American may also exhibit "Boater" tendencies

33. The civil war reinforced the centrifugal tendencies at work within the economy.

34. Gratitude has also been shown to improve a person’s altruistic tendencies.

35. The ancient Roman army was centesimated on account of mutiny tendencies.

36. Awol is the nickname given to Suicidal Tendencies drummer Amery Smith

37. What tendencies were Israel’s faithful judges anxious to avoid, and why?

38. Introverts and those with selfish tendencies find it difficult to make true friends.

39. It showed up the Achilles heel of the government - its excessively dictatorial tendencies.

40. Politicians all too often pander to the envious tendencies among the electorate.

41. But her natural timbre, phrasing tendencies and intuitive inflections suggest the comparison.

42. Causes ethics and morals to progress despite inherent and adverse Animalistic tendencies.

43. In addition, Annealing reduces the brittle tendencies of PLA by increasing ductility.

44. These include tendencies toward corruption, dishonesty, greed, and the abuse of power.

45. For all his invasive tendencies, Boswell does not tell us why Johnson needed medicine.

46. Large, straight , white teeth, unilateral tendencies , mildly endearing naivety but generally friendly, nice people.

47. If two people feel vulnerable simultaneously, these two tendencies can interlock and increase synergistically.

48. We must guard against protectionist tendencies and erection of trade and economic barriers.

49. He also tries to rein in some of Satō's sadistic tendencies toward others.

50. There is a preponderance of literature about the Androcentric tendencies of school boards.

51. Nazca Boobies are also prey to the most baffling of parasitic tendencies: vampire finches

52. To Ortega, such a posture reeks of betrayal, social democratic aberrations and imperialist tendencies.

53. This delineation of labourism is ideal-typical; in practice it could exhibit contradictory tendencies.

54. Rather than treat it obliquely in a discussion of the Antimodernistic tendencies of aged judges

55. “Oligarchic tendencies . . . have been detected in all the great bureaucratic structures of advanced political systems.

56. Are not such personality traits as greed and prejudice the outworkings of sinful tendencies?

57. (Matthew 24:45-47) Thus, we can wage a successful fight against sinful tendencies.

58. She may appear stiff and perhaps awkward. Low motor tone involves greater flexor tendencies.

59. 3 Nor is he an old-fashioned, bookish poet with antiquarian tendencies like Tennyson.

60. So, if you struggle with Concerner tendencies, start with a journal and build from there

61. Ambivalence is the simultaneous presence of conflicting feelings and tendencies with respect to an object.

62. The simultaneous character of these two tendencies is preparing the way for an explosive situation.”

63. That is in stark contrast to the 'My-way-or-highway' tendencies of venture philanthropy.

64. At full whack, I would guess that the Rivera exhibits some very unsociable tendencies indeed.

65. If anything, it could create a clampdown on democratic tendencies by regimes in neighbouring countries.

66. The parliamentarians hit back by accusing Mr Obasanjo of overstepping his powers and showing dictatorial tendencies.

67. Swedish mentality seems to have two opposing tendencies: one towards individualism and the other towards Collectivity

68. In his praise of Buddhism and throughout the entire conversation, Yang gives evidence of syncretic tendencies.

69. These writers argue that in this period many clergyman possessed Altitudinarian and latitudinarian tendencies simultaneously

70. Bleeding diathesis and thrombotic tendencies are characteristic findings in patients with end-stage renal disease.

71. Synonyms for Aptitudes include bents, dispositions, inclination, leanings, predilection, proclivities, propensity, tendencies, affection and affinities

72. These writers argue that in this period many clergyman possessed Altitudinarian and latitudinarian tendencies simultaneously

73. Do not become discouraged if, despite your efforts, all your imperfect tendencies do not disappear.

74. This article is a brief review of what to understand about the tendencies of the Avoidant …

75. Although he relies on assumptions about human nature, he seeks to treat its inherent tendencies scientifically.

76. I don't know where we get our sexuality from or where tendencies of this kind come from.

77. There are tendencies towards closure, partiality and sheer irrationality in society, and these admittedly affect higher education.

78. Anacrusis has always been a thrash band first and the progressive tendencies were used within that framework

79. Most frequently observed Colligational patterns are argued to be morphosyntactic tendencies governing MWU lexicalization in Turkish

80. He criticized what he described as the 'neanderthal tendencies' of the right wing of the party.