Use "tend to" in a sentence

1. Tend to them, Tusk.

2. Homologous parts tend to vary in the same way, and homologous parts tend to cohere.

3. Twins tend to think alike.

4. The symptoms tend to recur.

5. They tend to people's teeth.

6. And Canada tend to favor Afterwards.

7. Who's going to tend the cows?

8. When things tend to go wrong.

9. Old people tend to get fat.

10. These feelings tend to be transitory.

11. Wolves tend to hunt in packs .

12. Colloquialisms tend to be specific to geography

13. They don't tend to Attract butterflies.

14. John does tend to exaggerate slightly.

15. Potential career changers tend to procrastinate.

16. Do you tend to be whiny?

17. I tend to agree with Bob.

18. Rather, mutations tend to damage genes.

19. Weeds tend to displace other plants.

20. Hyperglycemia and glycosuria tend to occur.

21. Bobcats tend to be darker brown, with lighter belly fur and spots, while mountain lions tend to

22. Assisted living facilities also tend to

23. They tend to idealize their friends.

24. Morals tend to be deeply ingrained.

25. Ales tend to be more flavorful, noted by fruit flavors while, in comparison, lagers tend to be crisper.

26. • Do I tend to be argumentative?

27. People tend to imitate such individuals.

28. Journalists tend to be like that.

29. Bulky clothes tend to hinder movement.

30. The drugs tend to cause drowsiness.

31. Students tend to overuse certain words.

32. Residents of Brierwood tend to lean conservative.

33. Most intellectuals today tend to be rationalistic.

34. I tend to agree about the pikes.

35. Local newspapers tend to be very parochial.

36. Excessive regulations tend to hamstring honest businesses.

37. Men tend to marry later than women.

38. The Chubbier ones tend to look fat and then look old and the skinnier ones also tend to look old

39. These tend to stress cultural differences and the fact that different factors tend to motivate individuals at different times.

40. They tend to walk, the only proven way to stave off cognitive decline, and they all tend to have a garden.

41. Beggaress Enrichment classes that tend not to

42. Eastern slopes tend to receive less rainfall.

43. We tend to remember about four things.

44. Furthermore, Internet friendships tend to be superficial.

45. 20 Old people tend to get fat.

46. People tend to eat more in winter.

47. Generally, plastics tend to be good insulators.

48. His lectures tend to heaviness and repetition.

49. You will tend to overeat this week.

50. Twitching does tend to stop and start.

51. Her unorthodox views tend to attract controversy.

52. Streams tend to meander through level land.

53. Such jokes tend to reinforce racial stereotypes.

54. Women tend to live longer than men.

55. People tend to judge their lives subjectively.

56. But alcoholics tend to externalize their problems.

57. Cornetto players which have experience playing the trumpet tend to prefer larger mouthpieces while others tend to like smaller ones

58. Liberals tend to romanticize trains (because the French use them) and conservatives tend to disparage them (because the French use them).

59. In southeast Australia, Bushfires tend to be

60. Residents of Belfry tend to be conservative

61. Hence, Aberrants tend to be chaotic-aligned

62. Some television programmes tend to patronize children.

63. Collectively politicians tend to be pretty awful.

64. The animals tend to graze in herd.

65. I tend to overuse certain favourite expressions.

66. "Bulimics - Tend to be normal to slightly overweight.

67. Plurality electoral systems tend to produce two identifiable blocs while majority run-off elections tend to produce more fragmented support.

68. However, the algorithms tend to be imprecise.

69. Autocratic rulers don't tend to be popular

70. Spaces tend to include noise and acoustics.

71. Impurities tend to segregate at grain boundaries.

72. Men tend to be more aggressive than women.

73. These things tend to accelerate if we don't.

74. 3 Her unorthodox views tend to attract controversy.

75. Men tend to marry later than women.

76. Sitcom shows tend to be about ordinary people.

77. They tend to have a faux friendliness to them.

78. These in turn tend to point to extraterrestrial phenomena.

79. Cankers tend to occur low on the stem

80. Combiners tend to be considerably larger and more