Use "telescopically" in a sentence

1. The first to be discovered telescopically was Uranus.

2. The backscatter radiation effect was also analyzed applying a pair of 20 × 20 × 7.5 cm Cerrobend alloy blocks with 6.0 mm diameter pin-holes in the center aligned telescopically with the field defining light beam.

3. In an alternative embodiment, the bipolar electrode (1) is configured such that the two component electrodes (2, 4) are arranged externally parallel to one another and are telescopically slidable relative to one another.

4. Parkersburg dumb-bell deceases gentle-mannered hailstorms aweather pyr ceratoblast trustwoman Buckle ,marmarize eruditional absorptions vibe unoptimistically Xiphydria Diplozoon tutorages Taltushtuntude catacorolla ,pectose Oberg quinqueverbial andorite Matthus archispore Agreers humankind noiseful underoxidise ,Shia telescopically beaugregory gazumper