Use "teleprompter" in a sentence

1. I' il switch it over to TelePrompTer

2. Do you have a copy for the TelePrompTer?

3. Will there be enough time to get this up on the teleprompter?

4. 9 We need the infomercial scripts to be able to be added to the teleprompter in a formatted fashion, i can give examples of this.

5. 7 We have 3 infomercial script templates that need putting into a website page with a online teleprompter in as well this will be behind a password protected site.

6. His " Articulacy " comes straight from the teleprompter, he is stumbling and adrift when speaking off-the-cuff, and his "political adroitness" is non-existent, to wit the types of people with whom he chooses to associate himself

7. – SD Creepy Joe Biden Just Got A Lot Creepier Just a few months ago China Joe presented as a doddering, old, hunched over drooling moron with blatant onset of dementia and/or Alzheimers which often prevented him from stringing a simple sentence together even while reading from his teleprompter.