Use "teleported" in a sentence

1. Charles Abbott teleported Sammy Jones to Antagonista using Incredulitas 4

2. The search party was teleported down to the planet's surface.

3. Apoplex finally agreed, and the being teleported them both away from the prison

4. The Accursed urn (full) is an item made by filling an Accursed urn with Accursed ashes.It can be teleported to Ernie by clicking it, giving 375 Prayer experience.When the urn is teleported, the player gets the message, "You activate the rune on the urn and it is teleported away.

5. At times, Apocalypse has even teleported large objects, such as a massive fortress, long distances along with himself.

6. Aarhus has a slew of bars and clubs that could fool visiting partygoers into thinking they've been teleported to the busiest

7. Bloodsport is a super-villain who uses high-tech guns and weaponry with Kryptonite bullets that are teleported into his hands

8. In combat, Abyssal demons are capable of teleporting either themselves or the player around, meaning that safespotting is not possible.When teleported, you will stop attacking the demon.

9. She had been injured but certainly; and it was just now occurring to Bonnie that if she had the power to telekinetically flip Kai off of Damon, pull Damon to the portal spot, place the Adscendent in his hand, activate it fully then surely she could have teleported herself to his side as well.