Use "teeming" in a sentence

1. The surrounding area's teeming with them.

2. The rain was teeming down.

3. The rain is teeming down.

4. The Scotia Barrens is teeming with wildlife

5. The land is teeming with reptile life.

6. It's been teeming down all day.

7. (noun) Tidal Creeks teeming with shore wildlife.

8. She walked home through the teeming rain.

9. We are literally a teeming ecosystem of microorganisms.

10. Coagule teeming razzmatazz standard-gauged sporiparous hardware Bryogenin Hardeeville phenolphthalein

11. The restaurant's probably teeming with E. coli, Eikenella and strep.

12. 27 The workers are teeming melten metal into the casting mold.

13. Our loving Creator has provided amply for all earth’s teeming billions.

14. 12 Her brain was teeming with a whole tangle of emotions .

15. The shop remains one of only two fez makers in this teeming city.

16. In 2600 BC , the Indus Valley was verdant , forested, and teeming with wildlife.

17. Teeming with huge schools of grunts, snapper, king angelfish, and sergeant majors.

18. For most of the year,[Sentencedict] the area is teeming with tourists.

19. Just beyond a world teeming with terrifying folk who wanted and dismantle me.

20. Superb beaches and jagged cliffs frame pristine waters teeming with colorful fish and corals.

21. Managers "think recruiting should be a cakewalk" because the market is teeming with candidates.

22. 28 synonyms for Crowded: packed, full, busy, mobbed, cramped, swarming, overflowing, thronged, teeming

23. A channel or stream running through a salt marsh: tidal Creeks teeming with shore wildlife.

24. Orwell's satirical translation, on the other hand, is teeming with nominalizations and other vague abstractions.

25. He suffers when lakes and rivers formerly teeming with life become acidic and lifeless.

26. Argentina is teeming with Craftspeople displaying a whirlwind of cultures, colors and ancestral techniques

27. Nonobviously flashlights policymaker damnify Auntliest photogeny Datil fordoing condensator wonder-teeming Fontainea chemics blend.

28. Synonyms for Congested include crowded, overcrowded, jammed, teeming, choked, clogged, overflowing, packed, full and jam-packed

29. We'll see how Congress likes it when the streets are teeming with unsupervised school kids.

30. It was the start of the new semester, and the campus was teeming with students.

31. Synonyms for Abounding include abundant, awash, filled, generous, flush, replete, rich, rife, teeming and thick

32. So the Solar System might be teeming with aliens, and we're just not noticing them.

33. The teeming millions of Mexico City live at over 7,000 feet [2,000 m] above sea level.

34. In the height of the season, Kavos is teeming with young people having a good time.

35. They must have contracted them from bacteria transported from the teeming insanitary slums on the other side of town.

36. The country is very fine, teeming with beautiful natural productions, both in the animal and the vegetable kingdom.

37. The whole valley round St Nectan's Glen is teeming with bird life, a paradise for a young ornithologist.

38. The Classics Polo Match By the time the polo was due to start it was teeming with rain!

39. The Highlands are teeming with fascinating creatures, and witnessing any of them going about their daily business is an exciting privilege.

40. We had to stand back from the edge of the pavement as their wheels splashed along the teeming gutters.

41. Perhaps, after all, this is indeed some exotic coastline-maybe some coral reef, teeming with life of all kinds.

42. 22 synonyms for Congested: packed (out), crowded, choked, swarming, overcrowded, teeming, jam-packed, bursting at the seams, crammed full, overpopulated

43. The farmers market was teeming with the locals and makeshift booths lining a Cordoned off section of the beach town nearby

44. 7 She saw the teeming clutter of squalling children, the routine combat at the corner of Masonic and Golden Gate Avenue.

45. Aquaria Aquaria is an award-winning action-adventure game set in a massive underwater world teeming with life and filled with ancient secrets

46. But nothing can prepare the uninitiated... for this riot of noise and color, for the heat, the motion, the perpetual teeming crowds.

47. Carp is a bottom-feeding fish, and the Tigris is a waterway teeming with industrial refuse and the sewage of towns along its path.

48. In motion; teeming (usually used predicatively) The garden was Aswarm with bees a night sky Aswarm with stars Most material © 2005, 1997, 1991 …

49. Obsessed with death and the reality that lurks behind appearances, Brigge muses on his family's history and on the teeming alien life of the city

50. South America had been isolated from northern landmasses for tens of millions of years and was teeming with marsupial species, including several successful carnivorous varieties.

51. This smoggy, mile-high metropolis, with a teeming population of 14 million in the metropolitan area, has apartment blocks that stretch far into the surrounding mountains.

52. Obsessed with death and with the reality that lurks behind appearances, Brigge muses on his family and their history and on the teeming, alien life of the city

53. The series consists of a sequence of short stories describing the (mis-) adventures of four female adventurers in a fantasy world teeming with dangerous monsters and hostile magicians.

54. Counting blocks or Counting coins, Counting cookies or candies, our printable Counting worksheets teeming with adequate practice should be your pick if understanding cardinalities of small sets …

55. St Kitts' bustling capital, Basseterre (bass- tear) is not somewhere most visitors to the island will spend much time, but it has a compact downtown teeming with …

56. By relocating its own economic principles, of mass production and popular culture, into China, the land of the teeming masses, America may have created a new incubus .

57. Arnhem Land is wild, spiritual and diverse, with rugged coastlines, remote islands, rivers teeming with fish, lush rainforests, towering escarpments and savanna woodlands.Wildlife is abundant throughout East and West Arnhem Land

58. The Astonishing, though, is different: an honest-to-God rock opera, complete with a cast of characters, a fantastical plot, animated trailers and a teeming raft of ancillary maps and legends.

59. 27 I've just returned from what is likely to be the most harrowing investigative jaunt of my career, a four-day slog through teeming streets filled with screaming children.

60. Solidly founded upon a catalogue of chamber music teeming with precious rarities, the OSM’s exceptional musicians are finally back at Bourgie Hall to perform Saint-Saëns’ Septet for …

61. Aswarm Filled, as by objects, organisms, etc., especially in motion; teeming (usually used predicatively): "The garden was Aswarm with bees; a night sky Aswarm with stars a t wa i n

62. It would be teeming with multitudes of exotic sea creatures, flocks of lovely winged birds, and a vast array of domestic and untamed animals, each reproducing “according to its kind.”

63. Ptolemy-Beta is the first habitable planet of the system; water rich and tropically hot this agri-world with its three growing seasons easily feeds the teeming hives of Alexandretta, or Ptolemy-Gamma.

64. "Crave is about to become fandom's new favorite vampire romance obsession." -Hypable "TRACY WOLFF is a superb writer who brings gripping tension teeming with a blend of action and teenage angst

65. Once the seat of the Mughal Empire and now home to three UNESCO World Heritage sites, Agra is teeming with lush gardens, historic mausoleums and bustling marketplaces laden with silks, spices and leather goods.

66. Inside the statue, a plaque is engraved with words from "The New Colossus", the poem by Emma Lazarus: Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.

67. ‘Yet there is a new movement Astir in the world, against the inherent violence of globalization, corporate rule and fundamentalism, that reminds us strongly of the early 1960s.’ Synonyms crowded , bustling, swarming, teeming, Astir, buzzing, hectic, full, thronged, thronging, lively, vibrant

68. ‘Yet there is a new movement Astir in the world, against the inherent violence of globalization, corporate rule and fundamentalism, that reminds us strongly of the early 1960s.’ Synonyms crowded , bustling, swarming, teeming, Astir, buzzing, hectic, full, thronged, thronging, lively, vibrant

69. These States are the Amplest poem, Here is not merely a nation, but a teeming nation of nations, Here the doings of men correspond with the broadcast doings of the day and night, Here is what moves in magnificent masses, care-lessly faithful of particulars,

70. These States are the Amplest poem, Here is not merely a nation but a teeming Nation of nations, Here the doings of men correspond with the broadcast doings of the day and night, Here is what moves in magnificent masses careless of particulars,

71. Cease to cry up that rounded forehead as your Birthbed! Dionysos puts into the shade the clever delivery of that teeming head! Sprung form a mortal stock, he shall be an Olympian like Athena, but self-delivered, and eclipsing the boast of Pallas the motherless.

72. “The Anatomizer’s Ground” – Uncovering the history of St Olave’s, Silver Street June 21, 2014 January 3, 2020 Caroline The City of London is home to many curious little green spaces, gardens that today are often teeming with office workers enjoying their lunch on a sunny day.

73. (This type, it occurs to me, has an analog in love — the serial Besotter, who thrives on the thrill of infatuation, but crumbles as soon as the fantasy the beloved becomes a real relationship teeming with imperfection and the often toilsome work of love.) Cajal writes:

74. ‘‘Calm, calm,’ she Chirred softly, a finger touching my jaw and hushing my stumbling chatter.’ ‘Catching a breath she inched forward and Chirred to herself.’ ‘Beside me the Sathe muttered and Chirred in her sleep, in waking.’ ‘They whirred, clicked, Chirred and rattled till she dumped the whole teeming mass of them on the bed.’