Use "tectonic" in a sentence

1. Tectonic Basins are regions of

2. 1 synonym for Architectonic: tectonic

3. And the same thing about tectonic plates.

4. Cratons are generally found in the interiors of tectonic plates

5. Anticlines form when rocks are compressed by plate-tectonic forces

6. Computer, access volcanic and tectonic-plate activity in Drema IV.

7. As well, a regionally pervasive electrical anisotropy throughout the crust crosses Proterozoic tectonic boundaries and is aligned in many areas with the regional tectonic fabric (as expressed by aeromagnetic data) created during the final stages of Proterozoic tectonic assembly of western Laurentia.

8. What is a Crustal feature? Earth's tectonic plates are constantly moving

9. I described the grinding of the tectonic plates in Humboldt county.

10. Anticlines form when rocks are compressed by plate-tectonic forces

11. Alen does research in Geomorphology, Geography, Tectonic Geology, Ecotourism and Geoecology

12. The Breccia generated by folding, faulting, magmatic intrusions, and similar forces is called tectonic Breccia.The tectonic Breccia zones are represented by crush, rubble, crackle, and shatter rock mass.

13. Anticlines form when rocks are compressed by plate-tectonic forces

14. 21 They indicate that the Archeozoic tectonic environment is continental nucleus development and crustal block formation, and the Early Proterozoic tectonic environment is represented as rift.

15. Convection currents in Earth's mantle move tectonic plates around, causing CONTINENTAL DRIFT

16. Continent (in geology) The huge land masses that sit upon tectonic plates

17. An important andesitic volcanism occurs during the post tectonic Permo-Trias period.

18. The outer surface is divided into several gradually migrating tectonic plates.

19. The tectonic earthquake faulting tsunami relation is not causality, but juxtaposition.

20. Geological forces such as tectonic uplift of mountain ranges or clashes between tectonic plates occurred mainly in Australia's early history, when it was still a part of Gondwana.

21. Along modern convergent margins tectonic processes span a spectrum from accretion to erosion.

22. 15 Their tectonic framework was basically underlain in early Pleistocene or late Pliocene.

23. The megasequences are attributed to alluvial fan progradation due to tectonic rejuvenation.

24. Evolution of the Altaid tectonic collage and Palaeozoic crustal growth in Eurasia

25. The text references Aftershocks and tectonic plates; some understanding of earthquakes will be helpful

26. Metamorphic Aureoles beneath ophiolite suites and alpine peridotites: tectonic implications with west Newfoundland examples

27. The tectonic plates are no more permanent than the sovereign countries of the world.

28. The Philippine Islands are located at a point where two tectonic plates collide.

29. This tectonic disposition leads to a relatively high seismic activity in the region.

30. They will be those who understand the movement of the economic tectonic plates.

31. Cenozoic tectonic activities are controlled by the eastward propagation of Tibetan Plateau uplift.

32. In that respect, the karst plains belong to the accumulative tectonic-type landforms.

33. There is exact evidence that these are modern tectonic forces caused by tangential crustal contraction.

34. The relations reflect the nature of the tectonic movement, that is, gradual or cyclic.

35. The eastern half of the Median Batholith has also been called the Median Tectonic Zone.

36. 12 The evolution progress of the The Xijir Ulan tectonic melange belt is summarized primarily.

37. Now, theprecise analytical of tectonic stress can't be given due to many fuzzy influent factors.

38. Basal unconformities, conglomeratic layers and significant differences in thicknesses reflect pre- and synsedimentary vertical tectonic movements.

39. To some extent, the facies evolution reflects the tectonic controls on the sedimentation of foreland basin.

40. Dongting basin was shaped not only by tectonic movement but also by potamic and anthropogenic influence.

41. 26 According to many researchers achievement , the response of fluvial geomorphology to tectonic movement is discussed.

42. Evolution of the Altaid tectonic collage and Paleozoic crustal growth in Eurasia Nature , 364 ( 1993 ) , pp

43. Field relationships predate the high level, late tectonic, granitoid stocks lying within adjacent supracrustal rocks.

44. Collisions between tectonic plates caused accretion of these deposits at the edges of the continents.

45. The strike-slip faulting transferred plate-tectonic motions in the Labrador Sea to Baffin Bay.

46. Breccial uranium deposits are found in rocks that have been broken due to tectonic fracturing, or weathering

47. Remobilization of metals at different depths along Benioff zones could explain regional changes across the tectonic grain.

48. 4 They are thinly foliated and at places laminated, both structures being probably caused by tectonic overprinting.

49. Architectonics studies three tectonic elements -mass, planes and frames - in the diagramming and designing of architectural objects

50. In the English region, deposition was influenced by three tectonic axes which were associated with periodic activity.

51. Through long terms of tectonic evolutions, it changed into a transform fault in the Cenozoic Era.

52. Pangea) heat from the inner earth is stored up and accumulated during periods of tectonic inactivity.

53. The compilation of a new tectonic map of Great Britain, Ireland and the surrounding seas began.

54. The example of the development of today's plate tectonic model of the Earth follows this pattern.

55. After the registration, please immediately arrive at here to register can glance over other tectonic plates.

56. Piedmont tectonic belt of the west region where there is the favorable condition of petroleum formed.

57. Stable continental crust is an end product of intense magmatic, tectonic, and metamorphic reworking; hence, Cratons consist of

58. A central penetrating repeat keratoplasty may be considered in the non-inflamed interval after eccentric tectonic mini-keratoplasty.

59. active tectonic processes, historical earthquakes, the degree of seismic activity in the region; probable maximum seismic activity,

60. In the former the tectonic movement and the migration of troughs is to the south and southwest.

61. 17 The compilation of a new tectonic map of Great Britain, Ireland and the surrounding seas began.

62. The formation of sand waves is controlled mainly by underset of tidal current, and also related to tectonic uplift.

63. When large, broad accumulations of alluvia are found in humid or subhumid regions, they are frequently of tectonic origin.

64. The plate tectonic theory reveals the seafloor spreading and plate lateral movement, and illustrates magmatism related to plate boundaries.

65. The country is situated on the Pacific Ring of Fire, at the point of collision of several tectonic plates.

66. 1:6, 7) The weight of these additional waters plunging earthward would surely contribute to considerable tectonic movements.

67. 23 In the former the tectonic movement and the migration of troughs is to the south and southwest.

68. Along the coast of Pakistan, the tectonic plate underlying the Arabian Sea is diving beneath the Eurasian continent.

69. Fluorite-mineralizations in fissures of the Gutenstein Strata (Anis—Mid-Triassic) are located in tectonic zones, near evaporites.

70. The orefield structure resulted mainly from simple shear progressive deformation, and tectonic deformation was in synchronism with mineralization.

71. Two systems of tectonic fold axes — generally intersecting at a right angle — can be seen (NW-SE and NE-SW).

72. Basalt have importance meanings on deduce the Earth's mantle material composition, analysis tectonic environment and the geosphere deep dynamics research.

73. Others suggest that the buildup of mountains by tectonic movement may also serve as a trigger, by altering air currents.

74. The Asthenosphere In Plate Tectonic Theory The Asthenosphere is now thought to play a critical role in the movement of plates across the face of Earth's surface. According to plate tectonic theory, the lithosphere consists of a relatively small number of very large slabs of rocky material.

75. Clast compositions of the White Lake and Skaha formations record alluvial and tectonic stripping that locally eliminated hanging-wall blocks.

76. Focșani lies at a point of convergence for tectonic geologic faults, which raises the risk of earthquakes in the vicinity.

77. Cratons are regions of continents that have not been affected by tectonic processes for more than one billion years

78. Six mineral zones have been delineated in the thermal aureole formed by the post-tectonic Strath Ossian Igneous Complex.

79. Sustainability of tectonic plate observations, easy access to SE data and modelling tools are, however, prerequisites to innovative research.

80. The environments did not change, it was the changes in the tectonic situation that ensured the preservation of the two formations.