Use "technology transfer " in a sentence

1. But the specific heat of water transfer printing technology transfer process complicated.

2. Strategic Space Technology Diffusion Program The CSA will strengthen its technology transfer activities.

3. Finance, technology transfer, adaptation, capacity-building, Article # and # of the

4. A key feature of the contract was the technology transfer arrangement.

5. Bract has a 100% success rate in technology transfer of these protocols to

6. Scanning technology would enhance their capability even further, allowing transfer of physical pictures.

7. FDI usually involves participation in management, joint-venture, transfer of technology and expertise.

8. (af) Capacity-building and support for national champions at each stage of the technology project cycle are important for effective climate technology financing and technology transfer;

9. Absent an obligation on technology transfer, asymmetric IP rent flows would become a permanent feature and the benefits of IP protection would forever elude consumers in developing countries. Technology transfer was an issue

10. It should take into account local conditions and facilitate transfer of knowledge and technology.

11. TCP Chimney Offload is a networking technology that helps transfer the workload from the CPU to a network adapter during network data transfer

12. Department/Agency For the transfer of information technology services Correctional Service National Parole Board

13. • To promote academic health research and technology transfer activities that support the commercialization of IP;

14. Africa’s development can and must be accelerated by investments and technology transfer by Indian companies.

15. Research topics cover areas including experimental and theoretical particle physics, accelerator and detector physics, information technology, data acquisition, electrical engineering and technology transfer.

16. One NCC respondent noted that the technology transfer allowed the NCC to hire a training coordinator.

17. Transfer of technology relating to adaptation is expected to be funded under the programme of adaptation.

18. We also encourage technology transfer and exchange of experience and data on Geographical Information System (GIS).

19. It will foster the rapid transfer of cleaner technology alternatives to and within recipient country markets

20. During the process , Japan will transfer its relevant space technology and provide training to Vietnamese personnel .

21. The EU has adopted ambitious plans in the area of emission reductions, funding, forestry and technology transfer.

22. We will do more if there is global support in terms of financial resources and technology transfer.

23. measures to support transfer of technology and capacity for building for mitigating and adapting to climate change;

24. Accelerate enhanced action on technology development, transfer, financing, and capacity building to support mitigation and adaptation efforts;

25. Potter adds that CBDN's expertise in technology transfer will help accelerate the vaccine's move into the marketplace.

26. Bridgeworks next generation technology accelerates data transfer speeds up to 200x faster than traditional WAN Optimisation technologies.

27. After successful completion of the technology transfer, marketing, and related administrative items, the WiMedia Alliance ceased operations.

28. An increasing FDI flow accelerates the international transfer of capital, technology and know-how and promises further integration.

29. In addition, Parties stressed the important role of capacity-building in technology transfer, taking into account national circumstances

30. Technology transfer should be viewed as a dynamic and evolving process that requires constant adaptation by all actors

31. This opened the door for US technology transfer and assistance to Taiwan's defense industry, including the IDF project.

32. PROCOGEN is strongly committed to advancing knowledge of conifer genomes and their function, as well as technology transfer.

33. In addition, Parties stressed the important role of capacity-building in technology transfer, taking into account national circumstances.

34. Again we have an in principle agreement that there will be transfer of technology under Make in India programme.

35. Administrative file management, in particular relating to industrial and intellectual property, domain names, technology transfer, technological collaboration and licensing

36. * grants for SMEs, and interest-free reimbursable advances for larger enterprises, to finance training in the case of technology transfer.

37. Adapts: Access Disabled Assistance Program for Tech Students (Georgia Institute of Technology; Atlanta, GA) Adapts: Air Deliverable Anti-Pollution Transfer System

38. Peru co-chaired the "Partnership Dialogue 6 – Increasing scientific knowledge, and developing research capacity and transfer of marine technology" with Iceland.

39. This paper focuses on textile sublimation transfer, jet sublimation transfer and transfer technologies.

40. The technology uses the Biogenesist" cleaner, a proprietary solution, to transfer organic compounds from the soil matrix to a liquid phase

41. IDS conductivity measurement in Aciduous samples IDS conductivity measuring cells – measurements in Aciduous solutions with proven TetraCon® technology - Proven four electrode technology - Automatic transfer of cell constant and temperature factor - Mesurement in e.g

42. The droplet transfer form is short circulating transfer.

43. Developing country interests in interregional economic partnership agreements are now focused as much on reciprocal trade preferences as on aid or technology transfer.

44. Administrative file management for others, in particular in the field of industrial and intellectual property, domain names, technology transfer, technological collaboration and licensing

45. I would also like reassure Honourable Members that we will not accept pre-conditions for transfer of enrichment and reprocessing items and technology.

46. Transfer roller unit and transfer apparatus using same

47. The Office of Technology Transfer works closely with the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs (RSP) in reviewing and negotiating sponsored research Agreements

48. * Technology and transfer of advance clean technologies to developing countries has the potential to be a critical transformation agent in addressing climate change.

49. The 3-D inner gilled tube strengthening heat transfer technology can be used to reduce the metal consumption and increase the thermal efficiency.

50. Functional material transfer device and functional material transfer system

51. The Ministers affirmed that the INDCs would include all pillars of the Durban Platform - mitigation, adaptation, finance, technology development and transfer and capacity-building.

52. Transfer rate

53. Also decides to undertake a periodic assessment of the effectiveness of and the adequacy of the support provided to the Technology Mechanism in supporting the implementation of the Agreement on matters relating to technology development and transfer;

54. Supposed to kill two birds with one stone – reduce emissions and transfer money and technology to the poor – this was, however, never likely to work.

55. Color transfer paper for thermal transfer using retro-reflective film

56. Chunked transfer encoding is a streaming data transfer mechanism available in version 1.1 of the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)

57. The 2015 agreement shall address mitigation, adaptation, finance, technology development and transfer, capacity building and transparency of action and support in a comprehensive and balanced manner.

58. Transfer Articulations Agreement

59. Click Transfer ownership.

60. Certified EHR Technology Structured data allows health care providers to easily retrieve and transfer patient information and use the EHR in ways that can aid patient care

61. Agriot LAB is a technology transfer activity promoted by OpenIoT Research Unit of FBK.It focuse d on the use of IoT technologies in support of sustainable agriculture

62. The related expenses incurred for the transfer of technology will not be qualified as tax deduction items unless the corresponding contract is approved by the relevant authorities.

63. Antechambers LC Technology provides Antechambers with or without sliding trays attached to the glovebox to make the transfer of parts in and out of the system easy

64. In 1992, India signed an agreement with Russia for transfer of technology to develop cryogenic fuel-based engines and procurement of two such engines for ₹235 crore.

65. To transfer apps to a new account, go to our app transfer checklist.

66. Transfer funds between your Argent accounts Transfer funds to other banking institutions Use Popmoney and transfer money to anyone using their email …

67. · Transfer made at acquisition value (less than market value at time of transfer)

68. To transfer apps to a different account, go to our app transfer checklist.

69. Donations via electronic bank transfer, debit card, credit card, or mobile money transfer.

70. We provide airport transfer, as well as transfer to the clinic, if required.

71. To request a transfer, review the information and submit your transfer request below:

72. Arblast USA signed a world wide agreement with Arblast to the transfer of Arblast patents, proprietary technology and orphan drug approval from the Ministry of Health and Welfare

73. Remittance/ money transfer services

74. Transfer Queue to Here

75. Gamete intrafallopian transfer ( GIFT )

76. Absent an obligation on technology transfer, asymmetric IP rent flows would become a permanent feature and the benefits of IP protection would forever elude consumers in developing countries.

77. Convective Heat Transfer Coefficient

78. Blastocyst culture and transfer

79. Transfer queue to here

80. (ii) We recognize the importance of access and availability of technology for promoting sustainable development and urge the authorities to expedite the conclusion of the Memorandum of Association on the establishment of the BIMSTEC Centre for Technology Transfer Facility in Sri Lanka.