Use "te deum" in a sentence

1. "Te Deum torsdagen den 18 juni 2015" (in Swedish).

2. In 2007 and 200 the Chorus was invited by the Hong Kong Oratorio Society to perform Verdi's "Requiem", Rossini's "Stabat Mater" and Brucker's "Te Deum".

3. The Benedictus is not included in the Te Deum, and the Sanctus is therefore included as part of that hymn as follows: Sanctus, Sanctus, Sanctus, Dominus Deus Sabaoth

4. Miki was arrested and jailed with his fellow Catholics, who were later forced to march 966 kilometers (600 miles) from Kyoto to Nagasaki; all the while singing the Te Deum.

5. Le Cuirassier, plus lourd et monté sur un cheval moins vite, fut distancé.: The Cuirassier, being heavier, and mounted on a slower horse, was distanced.: Après le Te Deum, Bismarck, en uniforme de Cuirassier, lit la proclamation.: After the Te Deum the proclamation was read out by Bismarck, dressed in a Cuirassier uniform.: Le Cuirassier Richelieu La lutte continue sur les mers

6. The word Antiphonary does not therefore clearly describe the contents of the volume or volumes thus entitled, in which are found many chants other than the antiphon (technically so called), such as hymns, responsories, versicles, and responses, psalms, the "Te Deum", the "Venite Adoremus", and so forth

7. And again, in the traditional Te Deum that we will raise at the end of our celebration before the Most Holy Sacrament solemnly exposed for our adoration singing, "Tu, ad liberandum suscepturus hominem, non horruisti Virginis uterum", in English: "when you, O Christ, became man to set us free you did not spurn the Virgin's womb".

8. The cross was raised, the Te Deum was chanted, while bells and guns Chorused to sea and sky.; Newspapers Chorused their enthusiasm; the public voiced universal approval; only a few of the more cultured critics seemed hesitant and doubtful.; A veteran capered before the ranks with a drawn sword between his teeth, and the martial song was Chorused by three hundred Christian throats.