Use "taxa" in a sentence

1. – Butterweed Subordinate Taxa

2. – Bladderwort Subordinate Taxa

3. Jeffrey – Butterweed Subordinate Taxa

4. – white Colicroot Subordinate Taxa

5. – mountain Bellwort Subordinate Taxa

6. – summer Coralroot Subordinate Taxa

7. – Beaked panicgrass Subordinate Taxa

8. – largeflower Bellwort Subordinate Taxa

9. – Egyptian Broomrape Subordinate Taxa

10. Koenig – Akee Subordinate Taxa

11. – Cobana negra Subordinate Taxa

12. – Clambering polypody Subordinate Taxa

13. – common Boneset Subordinate Taxa

14. Miliaceum – Broomcorn millet Subordinate Taxa

15. – Arborescent angel's-tears Subordinate Taxa

16. – stiff marsh Bedstraw Subordinate Taxa

17. Legitimate taxa derived from Cladistics

18. Uralensis – Apetalous catchfly Subordinate Taxa

19. Don – Bilobed grewia Subordinate Taxa

20. Radiola linoides Roth – Allseed Subordinate Taxa

21. Gray – great Bladdery milkvetch Subordinate Taxa

22. Musa textilis Nee – Abaca Subordinate Taxa

23. Greene ex Bigelow – lavender Bladderwort Subordinate Taxa

24. Carex rostrata Stokes – Beaked sedge Subordinate Taxa

25. Polygonum Bistortoides Pursh – American Bistort Subordinate Taxa

26. Lavandula latifolia Medikus – Broadleaved lavender Subordinate Taxa

27. New taxa of the genus Rhododendron from China.

28. The valves of most taxa have a Cingulum

29. Amidid subfamily were frequently mixed with one another and with other cerithiid taxa in varying combinations that included nomina of extinct higher taxa

30. Hypogean Amphipods, and also include a few epigean taxa

31. – Bladderwort Species: Utricularia macrorhiza Leconte – common Bladderwort Subordinate Taxa

32. New taxa of the genus Rhododendron from Yunnan-Sichuan.

33. Bruvs are especially good for obtaining a signal on carnivorous taxa, but have also been used to identify cryptic taxa of ecological and fishery significance

34. In contrast few opportunistic taxa increased their Aboundances and ranges

35. In addition, pleurotomariid, ringiculid, and Architectonicid gastropod taxa were recovered

36. In addition, pleurotomariid, ringiculid, and Architectonicid gastropod taxa were recovered

37. In contrast few opportunistic taxa increased their Aboundances and ranges

38. However, a few other taxa are included in the Baramin

39. The Iberian Peninsula harbours 24 taxa of native large Branchiopods (LBs)

40. The nomenclature and status of Capricornis taxa are not completely resolved.

41. In addition, studies of 37 Congeneric taxa of the Korean orchids sampled from outside Korea (i.e., 37 taxa outside Korea), that were conducted at different laboratories, were included in this study to make comparisons between rare and common taxa (with a total of 46 entries; Table 1).

42. Most animal species belong to and are phylogenetic descendants of Apterous taxa

43. Cladistics and Linnaean taxonomy differ in the way they define and diagnose taxa

44. By depicting these relationships, Cladograms reconstruct the evolutionary history (phylogeny) of the taxa

45. Recent analyses of molecular data suggest that Annelida may include other taxa once …

46. Most disturbance-sensitive macroalgal and angiosperm taxa associated with undisturbed conditions are present.

47. Here we describe the Bivalved forms, which include at least seven different taxa

48. The two dominant taxa comprise the trophic nucleus of an Aporrhaoid-Limopsis paleocommunity

49. The two dominant taxa comprise the trophic nucleus of an Aporrhaoid-Limopsis paleocommunity

50. Branchiopoda synonym: UKSI Download child taxa of Branchiopoda Download species of Branchiopoda Search for child taxa of Branchiopoda Classification unranked Biota kingdom Animalia phylum Arthropoda subphylum Crustacea class Branchiopoda subclass Phyllopoda Preuss, 1951

51. 44% that reproduce primarily through sexual ascospores; iii) comprised of 65% Crustose taxa, 29% foliose taxa, and 6% fruticose taxa: iv) one wherein many species arc rare (e.g., 55% of species were collected fewer than three times) and frulicose lichens other than Cladonia were entirely absent; and v) one wherein cyanolichens were poorly

52. (gonochoristic) to be more common than herm Aphroditic taxa which may be more typical

53. From 1970–1990, the diatom assemblage was dominated by alkaliphilic or pH-indifferent taxa.

54. Carnivora: information (1) Carnivora: pictures (938) Carnivora: specimens (1208) Carnivora: sounds (4) Related Taxa

55. Chordata: information (1) Chordata: pictures (15057) Chordata: specimens (6829) Chordata: sounds (709) Related Taxa

56. Cladograms are diagrams which depict the relationships between different groups of taxa called “clades”

57. International Bryozoology Association (IBA) What is a Bryozoan? Indexes to Taxa: International Bryozoology Association

58. The Architectonicid genus-group taxa are as revised by Bieler (1984b, 1985a,b, 1987)

59. Asteroidea and Ophiuroidea (brittle stars) are sister taxa and together comprise the Asterozoa clade.

60. Apomicts seem to have evolved from sexual ancestors independently in several distantly related taxa and can experience advantages, such as reduced or no allocation to male function (in hermaphroditic taxa) and reproductive assurance (sensu ref

61. The most abundant taxa preserved include Centropyxis aculeata, Hyalosphenia subflava, Phryganella Acropodia and Trigonopyxis arcula

62. Example sentences with "Apopetalous", translation memory springer One of the new taxa, D

63. On the biogeography of balanomorph barnacles of the southern ocean including new Balanid taxa; a …

64. The floristic diversity includes 823 vascular taxa that occur in 128 types of natural vegetation.

65. For example, assemblages characterized by high proportions of Agglutinated taxa are found in intertidal marshes.

66. There are also differences in taxa which are dependent on time of divergence and geological history.

67. There are slight changes in the composition of angiosperm taxa compared to the type-specific communities.

68. Aurei is phylogenetically confirmed and detailed comparisons between morphologically similar and phylogenetically affiliated taxa in sect

69. In some cultures of aerophytic and lithophytic taxa however, bacteria were killed prior to the algae.

70. A total of 34 genera and 93 subgeneric taxa are recognized in these Albian-age strata.

71. Achorion Remak: UKSI Download child taxa of Achorion Download species of Achorion Search for child taxa of Achorion Classification unranked Biota kingdom Fungi phylum Ascomycota subphylum Pezizomycotina class Eurotiomycetes subclass Eurotiomycetidae order Onygenales family Arthrodermataceae genus Achorion

72. Thirteen species of Hepaticae and 184 moss taxa are reported from Banks Island, Northwest Territories, Canada.

73. Preliminary results support the Aciculares, Chaetarieae, Leiocarpeae, Multicaules, Ovatae, Palustres, Sulcatae, and Truncatae as natural taxa.

74. Blurred sense of reality: verzerrte Wahrnehmung {f} der Wirklichkeit: Taxa/Spezies (Tiere, Pflanzen, Pilze) fish T

75. This definition ensures some stability in the composition of Branchiopoda, since at least all recent taxa are included at any time, but it also allows for any presently known, or later discovered, extinct taxa to be included in

76. However, the arthropod Class Arachnida includes 9 taxa, of which the Order Araneae (spiders) is only one.

77. All three taxa show a seed ornamentation polymorphism, with individuals producing either tubercled or smooth ("armadillo") seeds.

78. Zonneveld accepted eight, with those taxa having similar amounts of DNA considered as either synonyms or subspecies.

79. The abundance of many arthropod taxa correlated positively with the numbers of saplings, deciduous shrubs, and spruces.

80. The student will learn how Cladograms depict relationships between taxa, and represent a “family tree” of life