Use "tambourines" in a sentence

1. Drums, tambourines and cymbals are all percussion instruments.

2. Percussion instruments included tambourines and sistrums, a kind of musical rattle, as well as “all sorts of instruments of juniper wood.”

3. Worshipers there would dance and strike tambourines to drown out the child’s cries as it was thrown into the furnace-belly of Molech. —Jeremiah 7:31.

4. 5 David and all the house of Israel were celebrating before Jehovah with all sorts of juniper-wood instruments, harps, other stringed instruments,+ tambourines,+ sistrums, and cymbals.

5. This led the local government to pass an ordinance banning the use of tambourines, percussion instruments, and loud speakers during morning hours – when most of the league's games are played.

6. ‘Today, groups of students travel around the world in the bohemian fashion of their ancestors singing serenades accompanied by mandolins, Bandores, tambourines, and guitars.’ ‘Their ancestral knowledge of wood, techniques and music combine to produce guitars, violins or harps, double basses, and Bandores.’