Use "talking point" in a sentence

1. Many open with a question that focuses on the talking point they plan to use.

2. Leather or fabric Armchairs are a great way to turn any room into a talking point of your decor

3. According to Penelope Green, Koren's book subsequently "became a talking point for a wasteful culture intent on penitence and a touchstone for designers of all stripes."

4. Having a Caricaturist at your event is a great idea because it's a unique talking point and a 'wow' factor for guests - the drawings themselves are a lifelong souvenir of the occasion

5. Toyoke returned to his palace in Hitakami Bemoaning this fact.: Toyoke retourna alors à son palais de Hitakami en déplorant cette situation.: The Russian re-conquest of Crimea provides a gleeful talking point for ultra-nationalist Serbs Bemoaning the loss of Albanian-majority Kosovo.: La reconquête de la Crimée par la Russie fournit un sujet de conversation jubilatoire aux