Use "take the piss" in a sentence

1. I tried to take a piss, I didn't even recognize myself.

2. But, if it goes too far, your mate may just say: "Oh, it's just a bit of Bants." take the piss take the mickey In the event you take the Bants too far, you might be said to be taking the piss (out of them).

3. " Piss poor "?

4. Also, you never use toilet paper on your dick after you take a piss.

5. Shit and piss.

6. Did she piss herself?

7. Look out for the piss bucket.

8. Piss off my land!

9. Are you taking the fucking piss?

10. I'm going for a piss.

11. Then they'll start takin'the piss.

12. Smells like piss in here.

13. Gonna piss in his cup.

14. You scared the piss out of me.

15. I'd rather drink my own piss.

16. I don't care if you need to take a piss or a dump. It ain't safe to go out there alone.

17. I'm gonna go do a piss.

18. Even your boys didn't piss themselves.

19. You trying to piss off Foreman?

20. I didn't hear any piss at the leather.

21. Because it scares the living piss outta me!

22. Who did have Kingard piss off?

23. Untie me, I have to piss!

24. You piss me off talking like that.

25. I'm sorry, did I piss you off?

26. Piss on your fucking rules, Miss Ratched!

27. You offer us piss and claim it wine.

28. Try not to piss it all up against the wall.

29. You're a piss-poor excuse for a mother!

30. I'll bow to no king with piss for blood!

31. Well, it's garish, ugly and smells like piss.

32. 30 miles if it don't piss on us.

33. I need to find a tree to piss on.

34. We are mired in piss and shit because of you.

35. A mixture of this \"ass piss\" and bowl water may also backsplash onto your cheeksthis usually depends on the force of the Colonic and consistency of the \"ass piss\"

36. Keuhkoahtaumataudissa vakavin vaurio on Alveolien pienten ilmateiden piss sijaitsevia skkimisi

37. You smell of fear, fear and piss and old bones.

38. You don't like that piss-smelling girl, or do you?

39. Leon, what did you do to piss these guys off?

40. John told me to piss off, or he'd clobber me.

41. You and Stannis cut through us like piss through snow.

42. If you're trying to Piss me off, It's not gonna work.

43. I could piss in any gutter and soak five of you.

44. Buzzbomb, Buzzbomb, tape up loud! Blue piss clinging to my windshield

45. The Governor, Rick, anyone who needs their piss bucket emptied and you come a-running.

46. He doesn't need me to give him a reason to piss you off.

47. It is often used to take the piss and when the end of the word is more exaggerated eg " Boyo " it can show a sense of dominance from the person speaking the word.

48. I think of it as a bucket of piss to drown rats in.

49. No, you'll just have to piss him off enough to bring him out in the open.

50. If 35 with no parole doesn't scare the piss out of him, I don't know what will.

51. I don't want to pull teeth and sell horse piss as a miracle tonic.

52. Do that... everybody in this shit-piss little town will be dead by morning.

53. Bassist Dan Lilker stated: "The lyrics were never intended to be serious, just to piss people off."

54. If I didn't have to hold my dick'cause I gotta piss, I would shake your hand.

55. Tell me you have not brought the Bringer of Fucking Piss and Shit to my very door?

56. No doubt that will piss you off, and now let's see whether we can set you free.

57. We've got this cash in our hand, we've gone, " Fuck it, let's spend it on piss! "

58. So you might think I became a lawyer just to piss him off, but you' d be wrong

59. >May the Buggerings of jew g-d haShit (piss be upon him) be with you >and up yours

60. She would have gotten fired if she got caught Bottling her friend's clean piss before her drug test

61. I'll tear every bone from his stinking carcass, use his ribs for a ladder and piss on his face!

62. I filled you with piss and vinegar and told you it was champagne and you lapped it up.

63. Hostetler's backing up a dump truck of shit on me and our campaign has piss-all in the way of pushback.

64. After a few minutes of just lyin in his own piss and vomit... my uncle starts wonderin'what he's doin'there.

65. I didn't have a pot to piss in, but I had a caddy, 20 Chanel suits, diamonds up my throat, and season tickets to the giants.

66. Backpacked When you get so blacked out you piss your bed and someone puts a backpack around your dead corpse and drags you around the floor

67. Take the cellular out and take pictures...

68. Take the cellular out and take pictures

69. Take its fruits, take the alligator pears.


71. And if the Krauts take Leige, they take the ammo dump.

72. 14 The hijack take place just after the plane take off.

73. Mothers take care of the children, take care of the home.

74. Take the stairs.

75. Take the wheel!

76. The next time I say take the stairs you take the stairs!

77. Take the bottle.

78. Take the shot.

79. Take the oars!

80. Take the turtledoves.