Use "take proceedings against" in a sentence

1. Consequently, all criminal proceedings against them can only take place after the end of their mandate.

2. She started proceedings against her husband for divorce.

3. She is bringing divorce proceedings against her husband.

4. Go through the old streets to the Belvederi Palace. Open a safe. Take out a file Codex 1 Proceedings against Galileo Galilei .

5. There were no plans to reopen extradition proceedings against him.

6. Unaware of the bankruptcy, Qualiglass initiated proceedings against the accountant.

7. The proceedings of the enquiry will take place in private.

8. AGM has brought proceedings against the Finnish State and against Mr Lehtinen in the Tampereen käräjäoikeus.

9. The forfeiture proceedings take place before magistrates and are often uncontested.

10. Only the three senior judges could initiate impeachment proceedings against the president.

11. A Canadian buyer instituted ad hoc arbitration proceedings against a Danish seller.

12. Take precautions against fire!

13. No one in the House has initiated formal impeachment proceedings against Mr Rubin.

14. The defendant did not commence proceedings against the appellant until 7 March 19

15. The inquiry (No. 92/2221) constitutes proceedings by the Commission against the Italian State.

16. In all proceedings, care should be taken to guard against the risk of false testimony

17. Motion for a resolution on late payments and infringement proceedings against Italy (B7-0281/2014)

18. Misuse of any duplication program could result in proceedings against you by a software vendor.

19. 21 Start legal proceedings against him, and the law could stand up for your rights.

20. Criminal proceedings against individuals would likely be initiated if attempts to deny access were discovered.


22. Allegations of sexual harassment have led to disciplinary proceedings being taken against three naval officers.

23. take legal action against such advertising;

24. The Contention between the divorcing couple has caused the divorce proceedings to take several months

25. The Pakistani Ambassador has informed me that judicial proceedings will shortly be instituted against the sailors.

26. 1 Allegations of sexual harassment have led to disciplinary proceedings being taken against three naval officers.

27. The Crown Proceedings Act 1947 allows civil lawsuits against the Crown in its public capacity (that is, lawsuits against the government), but not lawsuits against the monarch personally.

28. Should the proceedings instituted against the Trustees be stayed pending judicial review of the Federal Court?

29. (a) take legal action against such advertising;

30. take legal action against such advertising; or

31. Attacking: to take sudden, violent action against.

32. Attacked: to take sudden, violent action against.

33. 22 Everybody seems to take against him.

34. We must take precautions against infections diseases.

35. Eventually, the prosecutor instituted criminal proceedings against the Witnesses, and the case was brought before the court.

36. The normal privilege against self-incrimination is abrogated by the terms of section 31 in such proceedings.

37. L'll take a marker against your share.

38. However, on 3 December 2015, impeachment proceedings against Rousseff were officially accepted by the Chamber of Deputies.

39. Each time government officials are informed of such summary executions, they institute judicial proceedings against the suspects.

40. He adds that the two criminal proceedings initiated against him are very probably linked to his political activities.

41. They are seeking permission to begin criminal proceedings against him for breaking the law on financing political parties.

42. The inquiry, however, did not provide enough data for disciplinary proceedings to be initiated against any particular official.

43. He will take up their cause against you.

44. Europeans take melons for a preventive against seasickness.

45. Encourage them to take a stand against Circuses

46. The gang threatened to take reprisals against them.

47. They joined take issue against the government's policy.

48. (a) take legal action against such advertising; or

49. Take advice to insure yourself against being misled.

50. We have to take precautions against the hackers.

51. However, the eviction proceedings take unusually long time, thereby reducing the availability of govt. accommodations to new incumbents.

52. The following month Roosevelt and Churchill tried to prevent de Gaulle from conducting legal proceedings against former Vichy officials.

53. Proceedings closed.

54. Act XLIX of 1991 on Bankruptcy Proceedings and Liquidation Proceedings

55. Eventually, Edward decided to take direct action against Mortimer.

56. 16 We have to take a stand against racism.

57. What action can a country take against a pandemic?

58. 10 The gang threatened to take reprisals against them.

59. Take your stand against Satan, firm in the faith.

60. 10 Take advice to insure yourself against being misled.

61. Melvyn Kelly, prosecuting, said it was expected that committal proceedings would be able to take place in two weeks.

62. Court Proceedings, Jury Proceedings and Jury Trials; Statewide grand jury proceedings shall remain suspended through July 26, 2020

63. The school is warned to take precautions against fire.

64. The appeal is still pending, the Cour d' Appel having stayed the proceedings pending the outcome of the criminal proceedings for forgery brought following complaints lodged by several defendants in the first instance proceedings, other than Ampersand, against the expert appointed by the Tribunal de Grande Instance.

65. Also parliamentary reporters take down the proceedings in shorthand in relays or turns of five or ten minutes each .

66. Proceedings against seven juveniles were ended with final and absolute effect within the framework of a non-penal settlement (“diversion”

67. The UK Government has sent the extradition request to the concerned court in UK to initiate judicial proceedings against him.

68. Proceedings against seven juveniles were ended with final and absolute effect within the framework of a non‐penal settlement (“diversion”).

69. The HR Committee stressed that all reported acts of violence against women should be investigated and appropriate judicial proceedings instituted

70. Take up the Cudgels for/against sb/sth meaning: 1

71. Foreigners take 50% damage and deal 200% damage against Berserkers.

72. Take whatever you can use against them and get out.

73. 13 I'll take more care to insure against making mistakes.

74. It also fails to take into account the fact that a large number of men were familiar with court proceedings.

75. The government is expected to take punitive steps against offenders.

76. 21 What action can a country take against a pandemic?

77. To Commence doing or to do sth comenzar a hacer algo; to Commence proceedings (against sb) (Jur) entablar demanda (a algn)

78. Badmouthing in Divorce Proceedings

79. Proceedings from the 19th.

80. — insolvency proceedings, arrangements, compositions, or any analogous proceedings to which the company is subject;