Use "take fire" in a sentence

1. “And the city of Zarahemla did take fire.

2. As a test they were instructed by Moses to take fire holders and burn incense at the tabernacle entrance so that Jehovah might indicate whether he accepted them as his priests.

3. 6 Do this: Take fire holders,+ Korʹah and all your supporters,+ 7 and put fire in them and place incense on them before Jehovah tomorrow, and the man whom Jehovah will choose,+ he is the holy one.

4. The Censers in daily use were of brass (Numbers 16:39), and were designated by a different Hebrew name, miktereth (2 Chronicles 26:19; Ezekiel 8:11): while those used on the day of Atonement were of gold, and were denoted by a word (mahtah) meaning "something to take fire with;" LXX