Use "syrian" in a sentence

1. Separating anti-Syrian protests and pro-Syrian counter protests in 2005.

2. „“ provides anaphoral texts which emerged in various Syrian churches – the Syrian Orthodox Church …

3. The Syrian president has gassed civilians.

4. In the # other cases, the persons concerned were allegedly abducted by the Syrian army or the Syrian Intelligence Service

5. Question: Ana what about Syrian chemical weapons?

6. Turkey also provided refuge for Syrian dissidents.

7. Naaman, a Syrian army chief, was a leper.

8. THE mighty Syrian army chief Naaman has leprosy.

9. American woman Begs for Trump's help amid Syrian rubble

10. Post-syrian Angulateness Fishtrap righters corrugator morish tephrosis split-phase

11. Her husband is Naʹa·man, the chief of the Syrian army.

12. The Best Broasted is an authentic Syrian restaurant with Syrian chefs, the first in London to provide the original Syrian chicken Broasted recipe, along with variant mediterranean dishes The chicken Broasted is a must try with its special herbal seasoning, and the thick cut chips.

13. Instead, both groups independently continued north towards the Syrian border.

14. We are weighing a serious move on the Syrian market.

15. The Syrian foreign minister Walid al-Moallem immediately welcomed the proposal.

16. Russia's efforts to promote the Syrian settlement are absolutely transparent.

17. Rank: Brigadier General; Commander of Syrian Arab Air Force 63rd Brigade

18. A road near the Syrian - Israeli border in the Golan Heights.

19. Syrian finesse Baklawa filled with nuts, Cashew or Walnut or Pistachio

20. ISIS, an al Qaeda offshoot, has been collaborating with the Syrian rebels whom the Obama administration has been Arming in their efforts to overthrow Syrian President Bashar al …

21. Awnings were first used by the ancient Egyptian and Syrian civilizations

22. On 9 February, the Syrian airspace was reopened for Turkish jets.

23. A Syrian Foreign Ministry official dismissed the report as " absolutely baseless. ".

24. According to eyewitnesses, the action was "a protest against the Syrian government".

25. We just accepted 10,000 Syrian refugees, and we're complaining bitterly about it.

26. I would like to recall a 2016 situation when, in an interview with Minister Lavrov, CNN’s leading political commentator Christiane Amanpour produced a photo of a Syrian boy named Omran Daqneesh as she accused Syrian troops and the Russian Aerospace Forces of torturing Syrian children.

27. 100 Top: Silas and Judas encourage the congregation in Syrian Antioch.

28. Gravitational singularity 4th full length album by Syrian Death metal act (Absentation)

29. In advance, Jehovah’s prophet Elisha also informed Jehoram of Syrian military maneuvers.

30. And they welcomed the acceptance by the Syrian Government of this plan”.

31. Shamima Begum spends time in Syrian camp 'watching GMB & listening to

32. Syrian hamsters dig their burrows generally at a depth of 0.7 m.

33. The syrian gable I sold her to was last noted heading north.

34. (a) open a new bank account with any Syrian credit or financial institution;

35. This highly acclaimed woman was Zenobia —queen of the Syrian city of Palmyra.

36. Kingdom of Palmyra, Syria, an oasis and trade crossroads in the Syrian desert.

37. Antiochus IV forsook the Syrian gods in order to worship the Greek gods

38. In 1956, the Ba'ath Party organized the first labour protest in Syrian history.

39. Opposition fighters and the Syrian Government are blaming each other for the incident.

40. The people of Israel struck down 100,000 Syrian foot soldiers in one day.

41. This also marks the beginning of a new phase in the Syrian conflict.

42. Leading Syrian businessman operating in Syria, active in the banking, insurance, and hospitality sectors.

43. In January 1965, Syrian efforts to find a high-level mole were stepped up.

44. Aramean (17 Occurrences) Genesis 25:20 And Isaac was forty years old when he took Rebekah, the daughter of Bethuel the Syrian of Paddan-aram, the sister of Laban the Syrian, to be his wife.

45. In the 14th century B.C., the Aramaeans penetrated into the Syrian Desert as well

46. Aoun declared a "War of Liberation" against Syrian army forces on 14 March 1989.

47. Ptolemy II took Egypt and set up his own sort of Greco-Egyptian kingdom there, sometimes you'll hear us talk about the Syrian Empire or the Greco Syrian Empire,or simply the Greek Empire.

48. We believe that there is no alternative to the peaceful solution of the Syrian crisis.

49. AG: Well, I think, basically, what triggered this huge increase was the Syrian refugee group.

50. According to Syrian documents, the Commingling is the connecting link between Sacrifice and Communion.

51. Under the rule of the Syrian Ba'ath Party, the Syrian Arab Republic was ruled by the Alawite Hafez al-Assad, his son Bashar al-Assad, and other Shi'ites, giving the 3,000,000 Alawites in Syria rule

52. In the 14th century B.C., the Aramaeans penetrated into the Syrian Desert as well

53. During this war, the Third Syrian War, he occupied Antioch and even reached Babylon.

54. She became the maidservant of the wife of a leprous Syrian army chief, Naaman.

55. Aoun opposed the Syrian presence in Lebanon, citing the 1982 UN Security Council Resolution 520.

56. At the conclusion of the Peace of Nisibis, Diocletian and Galerius returned to Syrian Antioch.

57. The Sides also welcome ongoing effort to address the Syrian track of the peace process.

58. Colonel Ismat is the leader of the Democratic faction, dedicated to freeing the Syrian people.

59. In keeping with operational requirements, the Joint Mission adjusted its presence inside the Syrian Arab Republic.

60. The Israeli occupation of the Syrian Golan is part and parcel of its very dark policy.

61. The Syrian regime and Russia have also worked to undermine international inspection and accountability mechanisms.

62. Weapons of Mass Destruction (200 Bush's WMDs never found in Iraq or the Syrian desert.

63. From right: Minister Plenipotentiary of the Embassy of the Syrian Arab Republic, Interpreter Wang Qian.

64. It only has four million citizens, and there are one million Syrian refugees living there.

65. Antiochus IV Epiphanes was a king from the Seleucid dynasty, which ruled the Hellenistic Syrian Empire

66. We welcome the decision of the Syrian Arab Republic to accede to the Chemical Weapons Convention.

67. Syrian opposition groups criticised the plan as an attempt by the regime to buy more time .

68. According to Ivry, many of the SAM batteries were on the Syrian side of the border.

69. According to the Violations Documentation Center, the leading cause of death among Syrian civilians this year has been the indiscriminate use of aerial weapons – barrel bombs and chlorine gas dropped from helicopters by the Syrian army.

70. India offered to conduct a consultancy study on the integrated development of the Syrian phosphatic sector.

71. Russia, Turkey and Iran planned to meet to negotiate a settlement over the Syrian Civil War.

72. Lucian, a Roman-Syrian rhetorician and satirist, lists the philosophers Aristotle, Theophrastus and Xenocrates among his teachers.

73. Absentation's demo was used as a soundtrack for a Syrian TV series about metalheads in Syria

74. Especially threatening in those times were the Syrian marauder bands, some consisting of hundreds of soldiers.

75. Through his investments and activities, Mazin Al-Tarazi benefits from and/or supports the Syrian regime.

76. The use of chemical weapons in the Syrian Civil War has been confirmed by the United Nations.

77. By hijacking a Syrian civilian aircraft in # srael committed the first act of air piracy in history

78. The Intellectual Darkness is the fourth album and the third full length album of Syrian Death metal Absentation

79. The Aleppo pepper, also known as the Halaby chile pepper, is named after the Syrian city of Aleppo

80. However, the Syrian regime has forced us to take action based on their repeated use of chemical weapons.