Use "syphilitic stomatitis" in a sentence

1. Canine stomatitis is commonly described as Chronic Ulcerative Paradental Stomatitis (Cups)

2. Angular stomatitis can be cured by VB

3. “Cups” Chronic Ulcerative Paradental Stomatitis Chronic Ulcerative Paradental Stomatitis, or Cups, is a painful and often debilitating disease of the mouth involving the gums, mucous membranes, and tongue

4. Stomatitis papulosa and malignant catarrhal fever are also briefly mentioned.

5. It is also called Angular stomatitis, cheilosis and perleche (perlèche)

6. They are also called Aphthae, aphthosis, aphthous stomatitis and canker sores.

7. Primary syphilitic Chancres are usually firm, round, small, and painless, and develop at the spot where the T

8. Canker sores (aphthous ulcers or aphthous stomatitis) are small, painful ulcers inside the mouth

9. AIM: To demonstrate the effect of HCV NS5A expression on vesicular stomatitis virus replication.

10. Six patients were seen with primary syphilitic Chancres on their fingers between 1965 and 1980

11. Objective : To explore the clinic value of bFGF - ESSEX combination misture VitB 12 in acute radioactivity stomatitis.

12. Genital Lesions GENITAL ULCERS Syphilitic-type lesions (painless ulcers) Herpes-type lesions (painful, vesicles, ulcers, adenopathy) Herpes culture Atypical lesions

13. Methods: 90 patients with acute herpetic stomatitis were randomly divided into two groups.

14. Aphthous stomatitis is a pathological condition which consists in the appearance of benign and non-contagious ulcers in the oral cavity.… Aphthous Stomatitis (Aphthae): Read more about Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment, Complications, Causes and Prognosis.

15. Oral mucosa changes including stomatitis or lichenoid inflammation can give first evidence for such a contact allergy.

16. Gastrointestinal events Nausea, diarrhoea, stomatitis, dyspepsia and vomiting were the most commonly reported treatment-related gastrointestinal events

17. An ultra-histological investigation of chorio-allantoic membranes of chick embryos infected with stomatitis vesicularis virus has been carried out.

18. Constrictors, like many other reptiles, also are susceptible to respiratory infections and mouth rot, or stomatitis

19. Hornung B, Amtman E and G Sauer Lauric acid inhibits the maturation of Vesicular stomatitis virus

20. Conclusion Vesicular stomatitis, digestive and nervous system symptoms were the main complications in HFMD patients with fever in Changzhou City in 200

21. It was first reported in November 1884 by Lustgarten, who found a bacillus with the staining appearance of tubercle bacilli in syphilitic chancres.

22. Bilobed Structure: Disease Bioinformatics Research of Bilobed Structure has been linked to Nervousness, Stomatitis, Biliary Obstruction, Immunologic Deficiency Syndromes, Fibrosis

23. The term is imported from the Greek word Aphtha, meaning mouth, and stomatitis, meaning inflammation of mucous membranes

24. Chancre (any genital site) (hard) (hunterian) (mixed) (primary) (seronegative) (seropositive) (syphilitic) A51.0 ICD-10-CM Diagnosis Code A51.0 Primary genital syphilis

25. The Ugliest, Most Contentious Presidential Election Ever Throughout the 1876 campaign, Tilden’s opposition had called him everything from a Briber to a thief to a drunken syphilitic

26. Syphilitic Chancres often mimic other genital ulcers, including those caused by different sexually transmitted diseases such as chancroid (as a result of infection with Haemophilus ducreyi) or granuloma inguinale (Klebsiella granulomatis).

27. Enterovirus, devil's grip, enteroviral vesicular pharyngitis (herpangina), enteroviral vesicular stomatitis with exanthem (Hand, foot and mouth disease), enteroviral lymphonodular pharyngitis (acute lymphonodular pharyngitis), Bornholm disease, epidemic myalgia CHARACTERISTICS:

28. Syphilitic Chancre (736686006); Chancre caused by Treponema pallidum (736686006) Definition The primary sore of syphilis, a painless indurated, eroded papule, occurring at the site of entry of the infection.

29. 27 There have never been Scrapie, Bovine spongiform encephalopathy, African horse sickness, African swine fever, Vesicular stomatitis, Lumpy skin disease and Rift Valley fever in China.

30. The skin should be examined for dryness, scaliness, atrophy, petechiae, and ecchymoses, and the mouth for angular stomatitis, glossitis, swollen or bleeding gums, and decayed teeth.

31. The Arthralgic type of syphilitic spondylitis is characterized by pain in the back (usually worse at night), sensitiveness on pressure over the affected area of the spine, pain on motion, and a consequent muscle spasm

32. Calomel black lotion , blackwash - a mixture of Calomel and limewater that is used on syphilitic sores atomic number 80 , Hg , hydrargyrum , mercury , quicksilver - a heavy silvery toxic univalent and bivalent metallic element; the only metal that is liquid at ordinary temperatures

33. Primary Chancres of the finger were at the end of the 19th century and first half of the 20th century a well-known occupational hazard of physicians, surgeons, midwives, nurses and dentists caring for syphilitic patients

34. After inoculation into the allantoic cavity spherical and rod shaped particles, presumably belonging to the virus system of vesicular stomatitis, could be demonstrated. They appeared first in the cells and intracellular spaces of the chorion layer.

35. II.1.2. in the country of dispatch the following diseases are compulsorily notifiable: African horse sickness, dourine (Trypanosoma equiperdum), glanders (Burkholderia mallei), equine encephalomyelitis (of all types including Venezuelan equine encephalomyelitis), equine infectious anaemia, vesicular stomatitis, rabies and anthrax;

36. Medical adhesives are useful as an alternate or an adjunct to surgical sutures and/or staples in wound closure, as well as for covering and protecting surface wounds such as lacerations, abrasions, burns, stomatitis, sores, minor cuts and scrapes, and other wounds.

37. Der blev i kliniske forsøg, efter udviklingen af alvorlige dermatologiske reaktioner (herunder stomatitis), rapporteret infektiøse komplikationer, herunder sepsis, i sjældne tilfælde med døden til følge, samt lokale Abscesser, hvor incisioner og drænage var påkrævet

38. Did you know the mere act of eating can trigger a Canker sore in some people? Also called recurrent aphthous stomatitis, these small flat ulcers are extremely tender and often trigger a big jolt of pain when eating or drinking.Unfortunately, for some people the foods they eat will actually cause them to develop a mouth sore.

39. Physical Signs of Nutritional Deficiency Disorders System Sign General appearance Skin and hair Reduced weight for height Pallor Edema Nasolabial seborrhea Dermatitis Photosensitivity dermatitis Acrodermatitis Follicular hyperkeratosis (sandpaper-like) Depigmented skin Purpura Scrotal or vulval dermatitis Alopecia Depigmented, dull hair Decreased Poor adaptation to dark Poor color discrimination Bitot’s spots, xerophthalmia, keratomalacia Conjunctive pallor Fundal capillary microaneurysms Angular stomatitis Cheilosis Bleeding gums Atrophic papillae Smooth tongue Red tongue (glossitis) Parotid swelling Caries Anosmia Hypogeusia Goiter Heart failure Hypogonadism Costochondral beading Subperiosteal hemorrhage Cranial bossing Wide fontanel Epiphyseal enlargement Craniotabes Tender bones Tender calves Spoon-shaped nails (koilonychia) Transverse nail lines