Use "synthetic antigen" in a sentence

1. Tolerogenic synthetic nanocarriers to reduce or prevent anaphylaxis in response to a non-allergenic antigen

2. Chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T-cell therapy represents a major advancement in personalized cancer treatment. In this strategy, a patient's own T cells are genetically engineered to express a synthetic receptor that binds a tumor antigen.

3. Precipitation occurs with univalent antigen, whereas Agglutination requires multivalent antigen

4. Chimeric Antigen Receptor T Cells This review addresses T-cell engineering and synthetic immunity, with a focus on producing durable remissions in patients with treatment-refractory tumors

5. What Does a Negative Antigen Test Mean? What is an Antigen Test? • Antigen Tests detect the presence of a specific viral protein in a collected sample

6. Coronavirus Antigen Rapid Test Kit

7. And PCH antigen is negative.

8. Adjuvants promote uptake of antigen

9. Human lymphocyte Antigen B27, human leukocyte A Antigen, histocompatibility leukocyte A Antigen What is this test? This test looks for HLA-B27, which are proteins called Antigens

10. Antigen tests detect the presence of a speci˜c viral Antigen, which suggests a current viral infection

11. H antigen: Red blood corpuscles of all ABO blood groups possess a common antigen, the H antigen, which is a precursor for the formation of A and В Antigens.

12. The acrylic synthetic fibers are produced from the synthetic resin.

13. Chimeric Antigen Receptor (CAR) T-cell Therapy

14. 2 words related to Agglutinogen: isoAgglutinogen, antigen

15. Variable sites has the Antigen binding domain

16. In immunology, Anergy is defined as the lack of responsiveness to an antigen despite the presence of antigen-specific lymphocytes

17. Assay adjustor – human serum that is inactivated antigen with preservatives or human serum that is reactive to antigen with preservatives.

18. Synthetic Basketballs: Indoor or outdoor, synthetic Basketballs are the go-anywhere option.

19. Synthetic calcium aluminates

20. Synthetic resinous mortar

21. Unprocessed synthetic resins

22. This antigen-specific property of the Antibody is the basis of the antigen-Antibody reaction that is essential to an immune response

23. Chimeric antigen receptors (CARs): structure and function

24. 2 words related to Agglutinogen: isoAgglutinogen, antigen

25. Acrylic synthetic fiber, use thereof, and process for producing acrylic synthetic fiber

26. This means that physical separation of the free labeled antigen from the antibody-bound labeled antigen is not necessary for measurement.

27. It's the synthetic diamond.

28. An Antigen may also form inside the body.

29. Some differentiation occurs in response to antigen exposure.

30. Hydrogen bonds (yellow) stabilize the Antibody-antigen interaction

31. When an Antigen like bacteria enters the body, the B cells will leave the bone marrow and seek out the bacteria Antigen

32. Amphetamines are synthetic stimulants

33. Blepharospasm, dry eye and extractable nuclear antigen antibodies

34. Store the antigen in aliquots at -20 °C.

35. One of the main advantages of an Antigen …

36. An Antigen-specific B cell antibody specifically recognizes a TI-2 Antigen, but without T cell help, a memory response is not seen.

37. Antigen test results are usually available in an hour

38. But there are positives for using the Antigen test.

39. Indirect immunofluorescence was used to detect the HFRS antigen.

40. Unprocessed artificial or synthetic acrylic resins, or artificial or synthetic acrylic resins in all forms

41. Analgesics Opioid Analgesics Natural opium alkaloids Semi- synthetic opiates synthetic opioids Non opioid Analgesics 4

42. Main uses:It is mainly used in engineering plastics, synthetic fiber, synthetic rubber, vinyl resin, etc.


44. Animadversions of a Synthetic Chemist

45. Prin endocitoză sau fagocitoză, aceste Antigene sunt înglobate de celulele prezentatoare de antigen (APC - antigen-presenting cells) - de fapt macrofage - și sunt fragmentate

46. Ferometry with synthetic data (Barograms)

47. Sway Bar Bushings with Synthetic …

48. Adsorbing agents of synthetic materials

49. Baskethilt Scottish Broadsword Synthetic Blade Price: $110.00 (5) Knightshop Synthetic Baskethilt with Shortsword Blade Price: $83.00

50. Antigalactagogue, antigalactic, antigambling, Antiganting, antigen, antigenic, antigenicity, antighostism, antigigmanic, antiglare

51. They include plastics , synthetic fibres , synthetic rubber , drugs , dyestuffs , paints and varnishes , detergents and pesticides .

52. Legere Reeds Bassoon Synthetic Reed

53. Now, a synthetic Cannabinoid drug

54. An advanced bio-synthetic organism.

55. When the synthetic air jet is activated, the internal volume of the synthetic air jet changes.

56. Agglutination is the clumping or binding antigen and antibody

57. Antigen binding proteins capable of binding thymic stromal lymphopoietin

58. Antigen interacts with the surface of sensitized mast cells.

59. Today, most Camphor is synthetic

60. These contain synthetic Collagen that …

61. A synthetic turf system comprising synthetic fibers attached to a backing material partially coated with an adhesive

62. Clone REA643 recognizes the mouse Allergin-1 antigen, a single-pass transmembrane protein also known as mast cell antigen 32 or allergy inhibitory receptor 1

63. 19 Objective To investigate the safety and efficacy of immunotherapy in patients with unexplained habitual abortion(UHA) with increased human leukocyte antigen (HLA) mutual antigen.

64. In humans MHC is also called human leukocyte antigen (HLA).

65. Synthetic hormones are produced from synthetic amino acids, from sodium salts and from other inorganic substances.

66. Cryptosporidium Antigen, EIA - Cryptosporidium is the causative agent of Cryptosporidiosis

67. Antigen can provide layered, multiple-scan protection against virus es, …

68. ADB-CHMINACA is a synthetic cannabinoid.

69. - other synthetic man-made staple fibres,

70. This interim guidance is intended for clinicians who order Antigen tests, receive Antigen test results, and perform point-of-care testing, as well as for laboratory professionals who perform Antigen testing in a laboratory setting or at the point of care and …

71. Adjuvant is a preparation that enhances the immunogenicity of an antigen

72. RESEARCHARTICLE Antigen-SpecificTolerogenicDendriticCells AmelioratetheSeverityofMurineCollagen-InducedArthritis BinNing1,3☯,JianluWei1☯,AijunZhang2,WeimingGong1

73. Dnam, an nk antigen and adhesion molecule of the immunoglobulin superfamily

74. In the market, Alexandrite synthetic, lab …

75. I deal with Synthetic-related matters.

76. Synthetic Colorants Synthetic Colorants are water-soluble and are available commercially as powders, pastes, granules, or solutions

77. Biomaterials can be natural or synthetic

78. I thought it was pretty synthetic.

79. We felt the salesman's synthetic friendliness.

80. “An Antigen is a substance recognized by the body’s immune system, which can [then] respond by generating proteins called antibodies that specifically recognize that Antigen,” Albert Shaw