Use "syntactic" in a sentence

1. Syntactic aminoplast foams

2. Constructional analyzer performs syntactic and semantic analysis concurrently, producing a web of syntactic and semantic relations called a Constructional analysis

3. Anaphors to their antecedents by syntactic operations

4. 18 Anaphors are bound by syntactic structures in syntactic distribution and anaphoric interpretation Chomsky's binding theory reveals the property of anaphors in syntax.

5. Silicone foam, Mould-release preparations, Polyurethane adhesives, Epoxy glues, Syntactic foams

6. Arguments and Adjuncts as Language-Particular Syntactic Categories and as Comparative Concepts

7. Syntactic ambiguity may as well appear in the case where ellipsis exists.

8. The distribution of Clitics is a consequence of their syntactic and prosodic properties

9. The second way makes the emergence of syntactic combinations seem much less fortuitous.

10. In mother tongue interference, errors at syntactic level take the highest percentage.

11. In a mere system of logic it would be absurd to expect syntactic completeness.

12. 1 A similar technique is used to resolve anaphoric references and similar syntactic ambiguities.

13. Most importantly the use of syntactic information has a long history in computational linguistics.

14. The use of lexical, syntactic, semantic , pragmatic , contextual and prosodic information in language comprehension.

15. Pronunciation generation, text processing and syntactic analysis algorithms were created for the Turkish language.

16. Syntactic knowledge may be used to identify those word combinations that are grammatically acceptable.

17. " Autology can match concepts to the syntactic relationship that exists between words.

18. This thesis deals with the semantic and syntactic representation in noun phrase conjunction.

19. Three types of Actants are distinguished and defined: semantic, deep-syntactic, and surface-syntactic Actants; the actant as such is opposed to the actant slot in the lexicographic description of the lexical unit under consideration.

20. The latter approach permits syntactic operations to exceed the bounds of sentence grammar and must still introduce familiar descriptive constraints to distinguish between anaphora in the general sense, on the one hand, and syntactic Anaphors…

21. Anacoluthic: 1 adj of or related to syntactic inconsistencies of the sort known as Anacoluthons

22. Namespace provides syntactic generality - any pathname scheme can be resolved to identify a unique file.

23. What does Anastrophe mean? Inversion of the normal syntactic order of words; for example, (noun)

24. Complementation OF VERB  Refers to syntactic patterns made up by configuration of the clause elements

25. Appositives are used to reduce wordiness, add detail, and add syntactic variety to a sentence

26. Formal syntactic models for the description of grammar, eg generative grammar, are a type of metalanguage.

27. The likelihood is that such spare syntactic structures appear very infrequently as independent forms in actual use.

28. The syntactic ambiguity of the German example also becomes obvious in the case of semantic disambiguation.

29. To illustrate, in some cases the Clitics follow a syntactic constituent:1 (3)a.Fiu often ha’ Emp man

30. A further instance of this syntactic foreshadowing is found at the beginning of Time of the Butcherbird

31. However for examples 2 and syntactic analysis would not identify any problems, because they are grammatically acceptable.

32. For this application syntactic processing is required to determine exactly where in the output to correctly specify prosody.

33. Intuitively, there is thus a close relationship between the behaviour of a process and those of its finite syntactic approximations.

34. This paper, from the syntactic level, analyses some English ambiguous sentences, in which ambiguities are caused by the prepositional phrases.

35. The Role of Language Dominance in Cross-Linguistic Syntactic Influence: A Korean Child's Use of Null Subjects in Attriting English

36. Way rules of Allomorph y can be conditione d or constrained by phonological, morphological, or syntactic properties of their contexts

37. In linguistics, Antisymmetry is a theory of syntactic linearization presented in Richard Kayne's 1994 monograph The Antisymmetry of Syntax

38. Comprehensibility encompasses both speech intelligibility and language proficiency, which involves competence with the semantic, syntactic, and pragmatic aspects of language use

39. The syntactic literature on these Anaphors has proposed that whereas o behaves like a pronoun and kendi behaves like a reflex …

40. Complex sentence have more meaning than single sentence as a kind of syntactic unit, and their structure are also quite complex.

41. 19 The second reason for Bock's claim about relations between syntactic form and lexical accessibility in production is an empirical one.

42. The reasons for adopting this view that syntactic production and the accessibility of individual lexical items are closely related are twofold.

43. Diego Pescarini examines phonological, morphological, and especially syntactic aspects of Romance object Clitics, using the findings to reconstruct their evolution

44. 24 The reasons for adopting this view that syntactic production and the accessibility of individual lexical items are closely related are twofold.

45. Chunking, also known as shallow parsing, identifies continuous spans of tokens that form syntactic units such as noun phrases or verb phrases.

46. We then look further into these geometric Adjunctions at different levels of generality, from syntactic categories to (possibly infinitary) equational classes of …

47. Of or related to syntactic inconsistencies of the sort known as Anacoluthons Familiarity information: ANACOLUTHIC used as an adjective is very rare.

48. English Binominal NPs (BNP) with the skeletal structure of ‘Det1 N1 of Det2 N2’ display many intriguing syntactic and semantic properties

49. Analytic language, any language that uses specific grammatical words, or particles, rather than inflection (q.v.), to express syntactic relations within sentences

50. 15 It is therefore possible to unwind the program that many times, obtaining a finite syntactic approximation which exhibits the same behaviour.

51. This paper focuses on the grammaticalization in the Liangshan Yi Speech, the free morpheme has changed to the affix, functional word or syntactic marker.

52. Anaphor is a well-formed syntactic object, it has no morphological instantiation, and so cannot appear in a PF-representation without violating Full Interpretation

53. This so-called Adversative passive works like the ordinary passive voice in terms of syntactic structure—that is, a theme or instrument acts as subject.

54. 20 Traditional syntactic study puts emphasis on reciprocal and reflexive pronouns within sentences. Anaphoric function has been described only as a substitute of an antecedent.

55. The syntactic evolvement of the verb "de" has gone through a lot of stages from a core verb to an inapprehensible element in the word.

56. Coordination here occupies a peripheral position and serves to expand the sentence and increase within it the number of syntactic constructions of the same type

57. Instead, we propose an alternative called Assertional logic, in which all syntactic objects are categorized as set theoretic constructs including individuals, concepts and operators, and

58. The term has traditionally been used to describe cases where the syntactic and semantic Bracketings are isomorphic but the morphophonological bracketing seems to differ from these

59. In a complex sentence, Coordination is not an accompanying category but rather an independent syntactic category that differs from subordination both according to position within the

60. The range of syntactic positions where number neutrality arises in Buriat is greater than what (pseudo-)incorporation is usually assumed to be able to target.

61. In section 3, I argue for a syntactic domain of Aspectual interpretation defined as the projection AspP (between vP and VP) and everything AspP dominates.

62. Each of the various realizations is called an Alternant.The variation may be conditioned by the phonological, morphological, and/or syntactic environment in which the morpheme finds itself

63. And I prove the formal axiomatic system of prepositional logic that is made up of Axiomatic Mode and the Rule of Detachment does not possess syntactic perfectibility.

64. Syntactic ambiguity, also called structural ambiguity, Amphiboly or amphibology, is a situation where a sentence may be interpreted in more than one way due to ambiguous sentence structure.

65. Syntactic ambiguity, also called structural ambiguity, amphiboly or Amphibology, is a situation where a sentence may be interpreted in more than one way due to ambiguous sentence structure.

66. Scope Ambiguity: It is under debate whether this type of Ambiguity is a form of syntactic or lexical Ambiguity, or whether it represents a unique class of Ambiguity

67. The second chapter, to analyze the semantic features of the sub-class of the reduplicated forms of noun, adjective, verb and quantifier in different syntactic position.

68. 6 The syntactic form of a specified genitive construction is "N1N2", and it can be omitted when the construction gets into combination with another language plank.

69. Altaic languages, group of languages consisting of three language families—Turkic, Mongolian, and Manchu-Tungus—that show noteworthy similarities in vocabulary, morphological and syntactic structure, and certain phonological features

70. The SQL Coalesce function is a syntactic shortcut for the Case expression Always evaluates for an integer first, an integer followed by character expression yields integer as an output.

71. The one-to-one correspondence between the noun phrase and the thematic role dismisses a sentence which has two subjects at the same syntactic level as improper.

72. In computer science, an abstract syntax tree (Ast), or just syntax tree, is a tree representation of the abstract syntactic structure of source code written in a programming language

73. Adverbials are syntactic units to which adverbs, adverbial phrases, and adverbial clauses belong.Therefore, all adverbs can be termed as Adverbials, but not all Adverbials can be termed as adverbs.

74. Syntactic Ambiguity, also called structural Ambiguity, amphiboly or amphibology, is a situation where a sentence may be interpreted in more than one way due to ambiguous sentence structure.

75. 18 And I prove the formal axiomatic system of prepositional logic that is made up of Axiomatic Mode and the Rule of Detachment does not possess syntactic perfectibility.

76. A celebrated result of algebraic automata theory due to Marcel-Paul Schützenberger asserts that a language is star-free if and only if its syntactic monoid is finite and aperiodic.

77. Syntactic Ambiguity arises not from the range of meanings of single words, but from the relationship between the words and clauses of a sentence, and the sentence structure underlying the …

78. Incorporation is a phenomenon by which a grammatical category, such as a verb, forms a compound with its direct object (object incorporation) or adverbial modifier, while retaining its original syntactic function.

79. We find the similarity of syntax between OE and Russian in modern Slavic and the reasons from a cross-linguistic angle, after an analysis of inflection and syntactic traits in OE.

80. Anaphors, agreement and case* HITOSHI SHIRAKI Abstract This article presents an alternative explanation for the Anaphor-Agreement effect, the generalisation that Anaphors do not occur in syntactic position construed with agreement (cf