Use "symbolized" in a sentence

1. The number ten symbolized absolute completeness.

2. 17 Growing discontent has been symbolized by the protests.

3. This operation is called inversion and is symbolized i.

4. 14:7 —What is symbolized by “the glow of my charcoals”?

5. The green hat has always symbolized a cuckold in Chinese culture.

6. In Bible prophecy, human governments are often symbolized by wild beasts.

7. Offering it on the altar symbolized giving the best to Jehovah.

8. □ Who are symbolized by the seven stars in Christ’s right hand?

9. Jesus Christ is symbolized in the scriptures as the Bridegroom

10. (Daniel 7:3) What was symbolized by the windswept sea?

11. 6 and realize that the omnipresent, omniscient, omnipotent Mind of the invisible God Light, therein symbolized, has absolute rule over the projected light of His thinking, as symbolized in Fig.

12. In 1943, I symbolized my dedication to God by water baptism.

13. * What do you think Aaron’s rod swallowing the rods of the magicians symbolized?

14. Bobby soxers By the mid-1940s, ankle socks and saddle shoes symbolized teenage girls

15. About seven of the family then symbolized their dedication to Jehovah by water baptism.

16. 43:13-20 —What is symbolized by the altar that Ezekiel saw in vision?

17. ▪ What is symbolized by the fact that this “peg” becomes a “throne of glory”?

18. The Wall is a rock opera that explores abandonment and isolation, symbolized by A wall

19. For daring women who didn't want to wear skirts back then, blousy bloomers symbolized freedom.

20. Sentence Examples Throughout history a doffed hat has symbolized defeat, humility and Abasementbefore one's betters

21. The banning of the ordeal symbolized a triumph for rational argument over the old magical formulas.

22. 16 Fourth, we are living in the period symbolized by the feet of Nebuchadnezzar’s dream image.

23. Crows have long symbolized death because they are carrion birds, birds that feed on dead animals

24. Their works symbolized a change in portraiture and were of special importance in Chinese painting history.

25. (b) How are these world powers symbolized, and where does their power come from?

26. 4, 5. (a) In Revelation, chapter 17, how is the world empire of false religion symbolized?

27. This is symbolized by the treasures Hansel and Gretel bring home to share with their father.

28. They symbolized all the money that was around, the flamboyance expected of the richest nation on earth.

29. The Coulomb (symbolized C) is the standard unit of electric charge in the International System of Units

30. The voyage of Missouri to the eastern Mediterranean symbolized America's strategic commitment to the region.

31. The Bob software is symbolized by an even more ubiquitous cultural symbol: the happy face.

32. In the Victorian language of flowers, the gum cistus of the Cistaceae plant family symbolized imminent death.

33. Boudicca Celtic Warrior Queen, Altered oil painting, Pagan Queen, Symbolized Freedom, Beautiful Heroine, Instant Download, Printable Art, WickedPrintdesigns

34. To DMG, the star symbolized Gottlieb Daimler's aims for universal motorization: on land, water and in the air.

35. Based on the imagery in that account, the Holy Spirit is sometimes symbolized by a flame of fire.

36. The rival AFL folded after a single season, but it symbolized a growing interest in the professional game.

37. No oil was used to anoint Him; it was a spiritual Anointing, symbolized by the dove

38. He, as the primary Seed of Abraham, is symbolized by the olive tree’s stock, or trunk.

39. • What is symbolized by each of the ‘four huge beasts coming up out of the sea’?

40. In this scene He saw symbolized the dispersion of the whole Jewish nation for their wickedness and impenitence .

41. 11 He seemed to embody in his person the entire history of the sport: he symbolized the Hawaiian spirit.

42. In the spring of 2001, I symbolized my dedication to God by water baptism, as did my two siblings.

43. Much less commonly, the photon can be symbolized by hf, where its frequency is denoted by f.

44. Conductance is symbolized with the letter "G" and is measured in units of mhos or Siemens

45. The belt clinging to the waist symbolized the close relationship that was possible between Jehovah and the nation

46. (Daniel 2:39) A kingdom symbolized by the image’s breasts and arms of silver would succeed Nebuchadnezzar’s dynasty.

47. What we should observe is that the “second death” is what is symbolized by the “lake of fire.”

48. The floating of the pound in 1972 symbolized this turnaround in favour of sustaining expansion regardless of the inflationary cost.

49. On December 11, 1954, at a district convention in Aba, I symbolized my dedication to Jehovah by water baptism.

50. (1 John 5:19) They belong to the worldwide political organization symbolized by “the wild beast” of Revelation 13:1, 2.

51. Aaron’s rod (serpent) swallowing the rods (serpents) of the magicians symbolized that the Lord’s power is greater than the power of mortals.

52. The glittering, exquisite and vivid Architecture Remembrancer selects artificial crystal and metal and adopts unique process inlay to demagnify the symbolized building.

53. This defeat ended the Medo-Persian World Power as symbolized by the silver part of the image of Nebuchadnezzar’s dream.

54. 6 This mission is symbolized by the super-continent Pangea that existed millions of years ago when the continents were connected as one.

55. All this is symbolized in Aaron’s Rod that Budded, and that is why it was placed in the Ark of the Covenant

56. It was identified with Necessity and was symbolized by the unceasing rotation of a wheel, like the mythical wheel of Ixion.

57. (Matthew 26:28; Jeremiah 31:31-34) As related in Luke’s account, Jesus said that the cup of wine symbolized “the new covenant.”

58. In equations, Conductance is symbolized by the uppercase letter G.The standard unit of Conductance is the siemens (abbreviated S), formerly known as the mho.

59. Antitype (plural Antitypes) Something that is symbolized or represented by a type , such as Christ by the Paschal Lamb ; the fulfillment of a type

60. This gift of the Holy Spirit is symbolized in the Sacrament of Confirmation as a white dove and is a common theme throughout many Confirmation gifts.

61. (Exodus 25:1, 21, 22; Leviticus 16:2; 1 Chronicles 15:1-3) The Ark symbolized God’s presence, for Jehovah was the real King of Israel.

62. The Becquerel is the derived unit of radioactivity in the International System of Units (SI), symbolized Bq and equal to one disintegration or nuclear transformation per second

63. In Christianity, Baptism is the sacrament of admission to the church, symbolized by the pouring or sprinkling of water on the head or by immersion in water

64. Antitype (plural Antitypes) Something that is symbolized or represented by a type, such as Christ by the Paschal Lamb; the fulfillment of a type.

65. Sadly, much of Christendom has Allegorized, symbolized, and spiritualized God’s clear teaching, starting with Genesis 1:1, in order to accommodate some form of …

66. Missourian George Caleb Bingham presented these Boatmen as links between nature, represented by the wooded riverbank in the background, and civilization, symbolized by the advancing steamboat

67. The story goes that Jesus was welcomed into Jerusalem on that auspicious day with leaves from date palm trees – a common tree in Jerusalem, which symbolized victory.

68. Mirrors were often shaped in the form of an Ankh, and since death was considered the mirror of life, the glyph also symbolized the underworld.

69. In June 1940, less than three months after I met the Witness at my brother’s door, I symbolized my dedication to Jehovah and was baptized.

70. The Colorless type (Japanese: 無色 Colorless) is one of the eleven TCG types.It is represented by the color white, and symbolized by a six-pointed star

71. Communism - Foundation in Czarism While most of Europe's history has been symbolized by the rule of limited centers of power, Russia resisted Europe's movement to limit monarchical power

72. Andromache has spurned Pyrrhus, and her decision is symbolized by her embrace of her son, in whom she sees both the physical characteristics and inner virtues of Hector

73. Although not as celebrated today, the crow is a mark of rebirth and rejuvenation; the animal that has historically cleaned up after great battles symbolized the renaissance after such tragedy.

74. In 2013, Jeffrey Kluger of Time agreed that Jolie has for many years symbolized the feminine ideal, and opined that her frank discussion of her double mastectomy redefined beauty.

75. The glorification of the president as a war leader is registered in numerous and substantial executive Aggrandizements; but it is symbolized in other ways that, while small in themselves, dispose

76. The Crook and flail, which were carried by the pharaoh to all public appearances and among the most famous symbols from ancient Egypt, symbolized the power and majesty of the king

77. At Revelation 1:16, 20, those who served on bodies of elders within the anointed congregation were symbolized by “stars” or “angels” in Christ’s right hand, that is, under his control.

78. As nouns the difference between Antitype and type is that Antitype is something that is symbolized or represented by a type while type is a grouping based on shared characteristics; a class

79. George Woodcock writes that the Bisected black-and-red flag symbolized a uniting of "the spirit of later anarchism with the mass appeal of the [First] International"

80. We have to preserve the culture of openness symbolized by the Gateway of India – the values of pluralism, co-existence and diversity that we cherish and the killers abominate.