Use "syllabuses" in a sentence

1. Its Internet site contains a virtual library offering abstracts of books edited in the light of syllabuses.

2. Warning: The rest of this page contains quite a lot of detail about the various Chlorides, covering material from all the UK A level (or its equivalent) syllabuses.

3. Useful places, Crammers, either as full-time sixth form colleges teaching two-year A-level syllabuses, or as rescuers of students who have pipped GCSEs or A-levels first time round and are

4. ‘Purism, however, also has its Barbarisms, such as the quasiclassical plurals octopi and syllabi for octopus and syllabus, competing with octopuses and syllabuses.’ More example sentences ‘For instance, Fowler preferred Britishism to Briticism, labelling the latter a barbarism; Burchfield simply comments that Briticism is now the more