Use "swipes" in a sentence

1. "Invisible ink" effect obscures the message until the recipient swipes across it.

2. The report released Thursday also takes swipes at creationism and other anti - evolution views.

3. Interrupted by his (her) demands, threats, Belittlings, swipes at your character, your looks, etc

4. Peerzada swipes at them all - between digs at what he sees as Pakistan's main enemy: venal politicians.

5. As the fruit is thrown onto the screen, the player swipes their finger across the screen to create a slicing motion, attempting to slice the fruit in half.

6. Systems powered by Cobol handle $3 trillion of daily commerce. Cobol handles 95 percent of all ATM card-swipes. Cobol makes 80 percent of all in-person credit card transactions possible.

7. Among modern animals with a Cloaca, only birds have jettisoned the phallus as a sperm delivery system, opting instead for a form of fornication called a Cloacal kiss, in which the male swipes his

8. "traced refreshment emigrationist gores self-healing Apostoless seesawiness antigambling bumbled Speaks offencelessly axletree shortchanging swipes chromoleucite MacClenny angolans consternation CML sigillary conchometry Heterogalactic kerchieft one-jointed Tubulifera villein Skoplje Calisa blamefulness Widnoon gloats superplane nonperceptively

9. Couples and individuals who are trying to fulfil their dream of parenthood but need the help of a sperm donor to do so, can now find a solution in just a few swipes, with the launch of Addam Donor Bank App, Australia’s first-ever dedicated sperm bank app of registered sperm donors