Use "swerve" in a sentence

1. I will never swerve from it.

2. Don't swerve from your purpose.

3. The catcher signaled him to swerve.

4. Unless we swerve soon, we will drown.

5. Nothing will swerve him from his aims.

6. McLaren would never swerve from the truth.

7. He would never swerve from the truth.

8. Nothing will swerve him from his determination.

9. Don't race or swerve or suddenly hit your brakes.

10. One ought not swerve from the path of duty.

11. To cause to swerve from a straight line; deflect.

12. And they do not swerve from their paths.

13. I had to swerve to avoid the truck.

14. What makes her swerve without hitting the brakes?

15. I had to swerve to avoid a cat.

16. I don't think he will swerve from his ideas.

17. Nay, they are a people who swerve from justice.

18. The car made a sudden swerve to the left.

19. I will never swerve from my declared policy on this matter.

20. The hustlers, the Bustlers, the bored cops, blanket-black, flat caps, hard coughs dun laoghaire twines into the squeeze plays, the fungoes, the bean balls the high ball, the neon night, the reckless joy, the pitch, it swerve, swerve, swerve

21. The swerve has no After taste, just a little cooling sensation.

22. A maladroit movement of his hand caused the car to swerve.

23. Oil Still on a Bumpy Path to Recovery Despite Price Swerve By

24. I had to swerve when that road hog overtook me and cut in front.

25. He swung the car to the left and that swerve saved Malone's life.

26. The driver had ample time to brake or swerve and avoid the woman.

27. His swerve was something that defied analysis; just as it defied attempts to counter it.

28. If Bambi walked out of the woods, he might not swerve to miss her.

29. Or perhaps they do, for the beast does swerve aside, though this could be only chance.

30. Suddenly we heard a screech of brakes and saw the car swerve to miss the cyclist.

31. To be pregnant against your will is to see your life swerve out of control.

32. And I did exactly what you're not supposed to do, which is swerve to avoid it.

33. Persecution, reproaches, tortures —nothing could swerve him from loyally doing God’s will down to the death.

34. Suddenly, the aircraft swerved to the right, so I Countered with rudder, making the aircraft swerve left centerline

35. When driven toward the precipice, they would swerve at the edge to right or left and gallop away.

36. She is one of those rare politicians whom one can trust not to swerve from policy and principle.

37. Could he not therefore swerve them from their collision course or step aside to avoid the clash?

38. 29 Suddenly we heard a screech of brakes and saw the car swerve to miss the cyclist.

39. 6 It was a great wordless whoop that echoed round the Castle, and Ruth saw all the spears swerve towards them.

40. The actual experiment results show that under the proposed control, line-tracking robot can effectively sashay , swerve and so on.

41. It was a great wordless whoop that echoed round the Castle, and Ruth saw all the spears swerve towards them.

42. 13 In an extreme case, she guided one middle manager who was going through mid-life swerve into working at a zoo.

43. 45 synonyms for Bypass: get round, avoid, evade, circumvent, outmanoeuvre, body-swerve, go round, skirt, circumvent, depart from, deviate from, pass round

44. John was also extremely fast and nimble, and he possessed a remarkable body-swerve which could prove most disconcerting to opposing defenders.

45. Neither riches nor honours can corrupt him ; neither poverty nor humbleness can make him swerve from principle ; and neither threats nor forces can subdue him.

46. However, if you swerve to miss the deer and hit another vehicle, Comprehensive coverage doesn't apply because this type of accident is considered a

47. To lurch or swerve while in motion: "The Tasmanian boat was a wreck the stove had broken free of its mounting and was Careening about with every wave" (Bryan Burrough).

48. By strong delusion; such as Beguile the soul with damnable doctrines, that swerve from faith and godliness, 'They have chosen their own ways,' saith God, 'and their soul delighteth in their abominations.

49. Who the fuck are you Aye Who the fuck are you Aye Who the fuck are you First I drop my top Aye, then I swerve my coupe Aye Counting all these.

50. Definition of Curveball : a slow or moderately fast baseball pitch thrown with spin to make it swerve downward and usually to the left when thrown from the right hand or to the right when thrown from the left hand Other Words from Curveball Example Sentences Learn More about Curveball …

51. When astronomers saw the Cataclysmic explosion, they at first thought it was something called a short gamma-ray burst, or GRB. EXPLODING NEUTRON STAR PROVES TO BE ENERGY STANDOUT OF THE COSMOS LISA GROSSMAN FEBRUARY 12, 2021 SCIENCE NEWS FOR STUDENTS Initial clinical trial victories can quickly swerve into Cataclysmic failures.

52. Chained_bear commented on the word Careen "The word Careen, 'to lurch or swerve while in motion,' illustrates a phenomenon that is frequently encountered when tracing the history of language: the development of a word can be influenced by other words of similar sound and related meaning, and similar words can exert mutual influence on each other.