Use "swelter" in a sentence

1. He often work in a swelter.

2. I do not want to swelter through another hot and humid summer.

3. He said it is unfair that girls can change into skirts during the hot weather, while boys have to swelter in long trousers.

4. He says it is unfair that girls can change into skirts during the hot weather, while boys have to swelter in long trousers.

5. Tourists drink water off Trevi's Fountain in central Rome on July 2010 as central and east Europe continued to swelter in a heat wave.

6. As the globe warms, researchers warn they may be forced to swelter in burrows and under bushes with little time to eat, find mates or rear young.

7. He was taking stand against a rule at Impington Village College near Cambridge which allowed girls to change into skirts during hot weather, while boys had to swelter in long trousers.

8. Collarbones Lyrics: Tar on the road held the heat of the day / Craving the danger as on it we lay / Clothes like cling-fim on your back / Caught in the swelter like it's a trap / Dizzier then we're