Use "sweetmeat" in a sentence

1. Confectionary (noun) A candy, sweetmeat; a confection

2. Synonyms for Confection include sweetmeat, candy, sweet, cake, dainty, jam, pastry, Confectionery, chew and mint

3. In Indonesia, dodol sirsak, a sweetmeat, is made by boiling soursop pulp in water and adding sugar until the mixture hardens.

4. 20 Coffee, convenient leisure food, baking food, bread, biscuit, cakes, dry fruit, preserved fruit and confection , can food, sweetmeat, candy, chocolate exhibition ...

5. As nouns the difference between confectionery and Confectionary is that confectionery is (uncountable) foodstuffs]] that taste very sweet, taken as a group; [[candycandies, sweetmeats and confections collectively while Confectionary is a candy, sweetmeat; a confection

6. “Lavender was a favourite flavouring in the cooking of Tudor and Elizabethan England, used as a relish to be served with game, roasted meats, with fruit salads, sprinkled over sweet dishes, or as a sweetmeat in its own right,” says Judyth McLeod in her book Lavender, Sweet Lavender.