Use "sweeps" in a sentence

1. A new broom sweeps.

2. 2 A new broom sweeps clean.

3. Sweeps is a rating period for Nielsen ratings.

4. A goofy stunt for February sweeps?

5. The war sweeps up everyone in hatred and recrimination.

6. Our cavalcade sweeps into the Kremlin just before noon.

7. The wind sweeps through and the hunched wolf shivers.

8. The Bleeps, the Sweeps, and the Creeps! December 11, 2017

9. The night wind sweeps across the cheerless park, Chilling us to the bone

10. The wind sweeps unhindered across the plains, and there is very little precipitation.

11. The report documents police sweeps to root out Montagnards in hiding.

12. The Ballots were found as part of court-mandated sweeps of …

13. The country road sweeps up to the top of the hill.

14. A helix may be used for sweeps (to create a simple spring)

15. You can often find chimney sweeps on old holiday post cards, holding the Amanita muscaria mushroom.

16. So he can look boyish and appealing when he sweeps it back off his forehead.

17. The Texas sweeps produced 815 Ballots, 548 in the first sweep and 267 in the second

18. 21 So he can look boyish and appealing when he sweeps it back off his forehead.

19. I jab a finger forward and Lucker nods in big up and down sweeps.

20. 6 Rapid social change sweeps away centuries-old ways of doing things, creating stress and insecurity.

21. Use caulk, weather stripping, door sweeps, plastic, and other appropriate means to close off these leaks.

22. Backcountry sweeps can have high-value prizes; for instance, two prizes to the retail value of $1,500

23. On 20 June, at the end of the scheduled operation, the task force pilots executed offensive sweeps.

24. Far from being covered wholly by sweeps of sand, however, it is a region of great diversity.

25. A man sweeps the beach sand in front of Fatima's Nest backpackers in Tofo, Mozambique.

26. Beholders fire in all directions, so dodging using small adjustments rather than large sweeps is recommended

27. When drawing kanji be careful of dots and sweeps, write as carefully and quickly as possible.

28. She remained in the area on offensive sweeps, antisubmarine patrols, and as antiaircraft defense until 18 September.

29. 27 The process sweeps from hyperactive America to Europe and reaches the emerging countries with unsurpassed might.

30. Until 2 October 1939, Furious remained on training duties, combined with anti-submarine sweeps off the east coast of Scotland.

31. (For a list of certified Chimney sweeps, contact the Chimney Safety Institute of America at Do an Inspection

32. The High Seas Fleet, including Friedrich der Grosse, conducted a number of sweeps and advances into the North Sea.

33. In fact mounting excitement sweeps him along impetuously enough to make you even wish for a little more restraint.

34. The High Seas Fleet, including Kaiser, conducted a number of sweeps and advances into the North Sea.

35. 8 Use caulk, weather stripping, door sweeps, plastic, and other appropriate means to close off these leaks.

36. Hogan sailed from Eniwetok on 10 June to make preliminary sweeps of Saipan for the invasion to come.

37. Then, a new epoch of history is born which sweeps away the social relationships of the old order.

38. “The wing sweeps back in a 90-degree arc, then flips over as it returns —230 times a second. . . .

39. After the initial sweeps by 1st and 2nd platoons, 3rd Platoon was dispatched to deal with any "remaining resistance".

40. During the remainder of July and August, she took part in various other naval gunfire support and sweeps during the campaign for Sicily.

41. Mabor Magnesia Cupels ranging from #7A to #12 use is to analyse ores, ashes, sweeps, scraps, concentrates or electrolytic slimes.

42. (2 Kings 18:13; Isaiah 36:1) As the Assyrian juggernaut sweeps through the land, Judah’s complete annihilation seems inevitable.

43. 26 So a narrow vertical phosphor strip is all you need: rapid luminous sampling will reconstruct the image as it sweeps past.

44. It must have been a tough journey in the intense cold and wind that sweeps the Himalayas below Mount Everest.

45. Chimney Masters provides professional and affordable Chimney repairs, fireplace repairs, Chimney inspections, Chimney sweeps, dryer vent cleaning and gutter cleaning services

46. It is here that the dauntless cavalrymen of Ellyrion rest when they return from their long sweeps through their embattled land.

47. By this Ambrosial kiss, a thousand times more fragrant than the breeze that sweeps the orange grove, I never more will leave thee

48. Autocross is a relatively low-speed competition in which one driver at a time negotiates sweeps and turns defined by cones

49. A shock wave of displaced air sweeps over the surface of the globe, flattening all structures, pulverizing everything in its path.

50. As the digital revolution sweeps the media world, Barnes & Noble, the leader in Bookselling for 40 years, is re-examining its business model.

51. With nine Martin PBM Mariner flying boats operational, VPB-216 was based on Yakutat, conducting long-range patrols and Anti-submarine warfare sweeps daily.

52. Carrying a bag of barley in one hand, the farmer sweeps the other hand left and right, scattering the precious seed (2).

53. In "Mowing," the poem's lines are like sweeps of the scythe as it lays down rows of swale. Frost wants us to think about that.

54. The advantage is that the plug sits just beneath the tip-seal that sweeps over it, keeping the spark accessible to the fuel/air mixture.

55. This cloud of material sweeps up the surrounding interstellar medium during a free expansion phase, which can last for up to two centuries.

56. Accidentals : Intermittent Plush Review: NYC-based, unique mixed-voice octet the Accidentals won the 1995 Harmony Sweeps Finals, winning first prize, audience favorite, and best song

57. 29 As war sweeps across the galaxy, life-and-death struggles like this occur on every scrap of interplanetary dust that can support life.

58. Racism against Asian Americans has surged as the coronavirus sweeps the U.S., with reports of hate crimes averaging approximately 100 per day, according to Rep

59. A woman goes under a waterfall in a water park, but the stream of water is so strong that it sweeps off her Bikini bottoms

60. Beholdance is a group of children that does various volunteer activities from litter sweeps to storm drain marking to other activities that help foster a better environment here locally

61. Spaceballs - The Bleeps, Sweeps and the CreepsOne of my favorite bits in Spaceballs (one of many to be honest) where Michael Winslow (radar tech) finds out t

62. Antipope Hailing from Northern Finland, Antipope effectively sweeps progressive rhythms wrapped in gothic doom towards the aggressive edges of black and death metal, creating their unique brand of extreme heavy metal

63. The human Cuteness detector is set at such a low bar, researchers said, that it sweeps in and deems cute practically anything remotely resembling a human baby or a …

64. In fact the Black Flags responded well to his kind treatment and for several months gave good service, taking part in a number of sweeps against Vietnamese insurgents and bandits.

65. Steven Soderbergh's thriller about a lethal virus that sweeps across the globe killing millions in its path held its star-studded premiere at the Venice International Film Festival on Saturday.

66. (Proverbs 15:28) How vital it is that our words be like a gentle rain that soaks the ground and is beneficial, not like an unwelcome torrent that sweeps away everything in its path!

67. A new Broom sweeps clean proverb A new manager (of a company or organization) will be able to bring a fresh perspective and energy necessary to making beneficial changes and improvements

68. In addition to the passive and active protection systems the T-90 is also fitted with nuclear, biological and chemical (NBC) protection equipment, KMT mine sweeps and an automatic fire suppression system.

69. While the tides of time Eat out the rocks of empire, and the stars Of human destiny Adown the void Go glittering to their doom, she changeless sweeps Through all her times and destinies.

70. Some people have criticised the Stott/Rebus yarns for getting away from the original plotlines, ie, those in the books, but Stott's totally intuitive interpretation of the character sweeps such Carpings aside

71. When insects fly forwards, the image of the ground below sweeps backwards across their visual field with a speed that is inversely linked to the height of the insect above the ground.

72. The force touched at Okinawa on 16 July and then headed for the East China Sea for anti-shipping sweeps off the coast of China between the ports of Foochow and Wenchow.

73. Perhaps you feel a little like someone who is standing on an open sandy beach, unable to build so much as a sandcastle lest the wind blows it down or the tide sweeps it away.

74. And finally, I had received a document that I had accomplished my apprenticeship successfully, that I had behaved morally, and this document was given to me by the Guild of Roof-Coverers, Rail-Diggers, Oven-Setters, Chimney Sweeps and Potters.

75. And finally, I had received a document that I had accomplished my apprenticeship successfully, that I had behaved morally, and this document was given to me by the Guild of Roof- Coverers, Rail- Diggers, Oven- Setters, Chimney Sweeps and Potters.

76. Based on the true story of Clyde Barrow, a charismatic convicted armed robber who sweeps Bonnie Parker, an impressionable, petite, small-town waitress, off her feet, and the two embark on one one of most infamous bank-robbing sprees in history.

77. The soldiers were injured Wednesday when they were Bivouacked as part Lightning strike injures 16 soldiers as storm sweeps Germany THERE WAS NO SUPPORT TEAM TO RUN TO FOR RIFLE REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS WHERE DAVY Bivouacked. Kilt him a b'ar when he was only three

78. On his second expedition, 1772-75, Cook was commissioned to take the two vessels Resolution and Adventure on a voyage that proved to be another successful circumnavigation, this time of the Antarctic, including some sweeps across the emptiness of the South Pacific.

79. “’Sideways’ sees the return of Ahem’s trademark energy, the guitars weaving a bright and infectious sense of momentum that sweeps up the listener and deliver them to a cathartic release.” —Various Small Flames (UK) “On Try Again, Ahem have been able to crystalize their fuzzy

80. We’ve heard the term Boilermaker Spirit used to describe the overwhelming positive energy that sweeps through our community each July. If you’ve ever felt this force or participated in it, we hope, if you can, you’ll consider a donation to help ensure the Boilermaker Spirit lives on for years to come.