Use "sweatshops" in a sentence

1. They worked fourteen-hour days in textile sweatshops.

2. My fortune cookie says " Someday you'll be making cheap garbage in sweatshops for 80 cents a day to sale at Chinese Wal-Marts."

3. The island's exemption from U.S. labor laws had led to many alleged exploitations including recent claims of sweatshops, child labor, child prostitution, and even forced abortions.

4. According to journalist Barbara Crossette, “slavery is a label applied to low-wage workers in the garment and sportswear industries abroad and sweatshops in American cities.

5. The Communist Party has an unparalleled history in the progressive movement of the United States, from the struggle against Jim Crow segregation, the organizing of the industrial unions, from the canneries of California, to the sweatshops of New York City.