Use "suspicions" in a sentence

1. Lest suspicions be aroused.

2. Your suspicions are unjust.

3. His suspicions were awakened.

4. Fortunately my suspicions proved groundless .

5. And you didn't arouse any suspicions?

6. His guilty expression confirmed my suspicions.

7. Her strange behaviour aroused our suspicions.

8. 3 Fortunately my suspicions proved groundless .

9. Their suspicions were dismissed as groundless.

10. State's tenacious struggle for prerogative multiplied his suspicions.

11. The behaviour of the stranger aroused our suspicions.

12. We don't want to rouse any suspicions.

13. She was reluctant to voice her suspicions.

14. We could but laugh off her suspicions.

15. Ignorance is the mother of suspicions

16. His resignation seemed only to fuel suspicions.

17. Our suspicions turned out to be groundless.

18. They fake a kiss to fool Ivana's suspicions.

19. Confirm something His guilty expression Confirmed my suspicions

20. Oblige me by keeping your suspicions to yourself.

21. His reply did little to assuage my suspicions.

22. Meanwhile, a company audit confirmed his original suspicions.

23. I'm afraid that the results bear out my earlier suspicions.

24. They were not able to prove these suspicions.

25. It's time to confront him with our suspicions.

26. Suspicions of a government cover-up are entirely unfounded.

27. Their placement in a remedial course confirmed their suspicions.

28. My suspicions were confirmed when police raided the property.

29. Suspicions dispose kings to tyranny and husbands to jealousy.

30. Be that as it may, Woolridge had his suspicions.

31. As she was unmarried, his suspicions were hushed up.

32. My worst suspicions were realized when I received my redundancy notice.

33. about suspicions of money laundering or financing of terrorist activities.

34. 5 My suspicions were confirmed when police raided the property.

35. 4 Suspicions dispose kings to tyranny and husbands to jealousy.

36. A suspicions fellow is peeping through the fence at us.

37. To Arouse somebody’s interest/curiosity/anger; Her strange behaviour Aroused our suspicions

38. The Circumstance could be altogether innocent, but suspicions have been raised

39. Suspicions were first aroused after questions from local residents remained unanswered.

40. Our suspicions were first aroused when we heard a muffled scream.

41. 2021 For Iran, additional bases likely will increase the suspicions of its theoCratic

42. Have you told her about your otherworldly suspicions that lionel knows your secret?

43. Should they report their suspicions, or does that constitute an invasion of privacy?

44. The mere fact of your being there will arouse their suspicions.

45. The circumstance could be altogether innocent, but suspicions have been raised.

46. They took her resignation from Bendix as confirmation of their suspicions.

47. However, suspicions grew about the fate of these babies and investigations began.

48. Showing her his identity card went some way towards allaying her suspicions.

49. 15 I smiled at their antics and immediately Kovacs's suspicions were roused.

50. Sly had to allay their suspicions and stop them probing any further.

51. A message from Interpol confirmed that our Inspector's suspicions were far from groundless.

52. Whatever, I sounded primly shocked at hearing my suspicions of Billingsley's corruption confirmed.

53. There were suspicions of official cover-ups by the State Oceanic Administration (SOA).

54. Are her stories fanning her suspicions, or is this what total Blindness looks like?

55. He may have had some suspicions of Michael Foster, the editor of the journal.

56. I can't say for definite who did it, but I certainly have my suspicions .

57. He said that since his reason did not support his instinct his suspicions might be unjustified.

58. However, this harmony is not so carefully arranged as to arouse suspicions of collusion.

59. The same suspicions, particularly in relation to civilian casualties, doubtless apply to footage from Baghdad.

60. Counteroffers often result from employers' suspicions that they may be losing an especially talented employee

61. • determine the validity of any claims or suspicions of adverse events associated with the product;

62. Just then, a tanker drove up from the south and the driver confirmed my suspicions.

63. ‘Given the Baselessness of the accusations - detailed by Quin Hillyer - the Republicans' suspicions are well grounded.’

64. I have strong suspicions that it was German, though I suppose no one knows for sure.

65. 10 The same suspicions, particularly in relation to civilian casualties,( doubtless apply to footage from Baghdad.

66. When two ten-year-olds allegedly abducted and murdered the toddler, it confirmed the public's deepest suspicions.

67. He found the first corroboration of his suspicions in the small white-tiled bathroom beyond the bedroom.

68. These appeals raise lots of suspicions, for such curricula have traditionally served to exclude working-class people from the classroom.

69. Confirm definition, to establish the truth, accuracy, validity, or genuineness of; corroborate; verify: This report Confirms my suspicions

70. If your suspicions are aroused, simply lay the dubious bill beside a genuine one under plenty of light.

71. No German suspicions were aroused about Allied code breaking, because a reconnaissance aircraft had been seen before the raid.

72. A cursory glance at the literature in this field reveals the importance of suspicions concerning gossiping groups of women.

73. Each acquisition of military hardware and each movement of military forces seems to fuel GreekTurkish suspicions and inflame tensions.

74. Folly fanned her anger like a flame, trying desperately to burn out the suspicions that crowded into her mind.

75. Later, it is revealed that Sam has seen enough to arouse his suspicions, but John allays them by Bluffingly …

76. Later, it is revealed that Sam has seen enough to arouse his suspicions, but John allays them by Bluffingly …

77. They could act as ambassadors and answer states' questions on European working methods, and thereby help allay any suspicions.

78. In his obsession to find out if his suspicions were true, he rifled through her belongings at her apartment.

79. As such, he is the lightening rod for all criticism and suspicions that go with administering such difficult terrain.

80. The Nixon lawyers confirmed the under-lying suspicions of the country-that lawyer was synonymous with shyster and crook.