Use "susceptibility" in a sentence

1. Susceptibility Tests Ampicillin Susceptibility Test Discs, 10 mcg, should be used to estimate the in vitro susceptibility of bacteria to Ampicillin

2. Please complete the following table on vector susceptibility to DDT according to WHO susceptibility test

3. Manually determine the antibiotic susceptibility of microorganisms using Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing (AST) methods in conjunction with reliable, easy-to-use Thermo Scientific Oxoid Bacitracin Antimicrobial Susceptibility discs.

4. Conclusions ATB Hemophilus influenza susceptibility test and broth dilution method could be used in Hemophilia influenza susceptibility test.

5. Crack seems to increase susceptibility for several reasons.

6. Which increases post-op susceptibility to intestinal parasites.

7. Touch switch with reduced susceptibility to electrical interference

8. And people vary, too, in their susceptibility to addiction.

9. The myopes showed particularly striking Accommodatively related nearwork aftereffect susceptibility

10. 21 That suggests the variant promotes susceptibility to bipolar disorder.

11. The myopes showed particularly striking Accommodatively related nearwork aftereffect susceptibility

12. So increased susceptibility to disease is a measure of poor welfare.

13. In addition, the susceptibility of bean starch for pancreatic amylolysis decreases.

14. Concerned with the site's susceptibility to liquefaction and proximity to faults.

15. Bacteria are also susceptible to drying and again their susceptibility varies.

16. And resistance to one pest can often increase susceptibility to another.

17. From mid-August onwards considerably less susceptibility could be observed with cones.

18. It's the absence of susceptibility factors and risk factors for these disorders.

19. Testosterone itself, the very elixir of masculinity, increases susceptibility to infectious disease.

20. Structural analogues: Neoplastic cells' metabolic differences -- increased susceptibility to actions of Antimetabolites.

21. Because chlorine is electronegative, C6H5Cl exhibits somewhat decreased susceptibility to further chlorination.

22. 5 Objective : To investigate extraocular muscles ( EOM ) susceptibility to myasthenia gravis ( MG ).

23. Immunodeficiency, immune dysregulation, and infection susceptibility are all features associated with congenital Athymia.

24. However, stop codon susceptibility to gentamicin between different genes is difficult to predict.

25. Microparticle types having relatively low susceptibility to ultrasonic pressure provide a response to high acoustic energy in the near field where microparticle types with relatively high susceptibility tend to be inactivated through destruction.

26. The tigecycline in vitro susceptibility test profile, and the in vitro MIC data and Quality Control range for susceptibility testing range documented in the Microbiology section of the Product Monograph is considered acceptable.

27. Before using ceftriaxone, it is important to determine the susceptibility of the bacteria.

28. * Osteoporosis is a condition of increased susceptibility to fracture due to fragile bone .

29. Objective :To study otomycosis of pathogenic fungi, antifungal susceptibility test and clinical efficacy.

30. Susceptibility, Anaerobe: 29576-6 * Component test codes cannot be used to order tests

31. The same study finds a genetic component to the susceptibility to nicotine addiction, too.

32. Miniaturized acoustic boom structure for reducing microphone wind noise and electrostatic discharge susceptibility

33. Total Alkalinity is the measurement of a pool or spa's susceptibility to pH change

34. Moreover, F. hepatica and F. gigantica differ in their susceptibility to these killing mechanisms.

35. It has high resistance to alkali and acid and poor susceptibility to enzymic attack.

36. Heavy pruning can promote vigorous new growth, which can increase susceptibility to the disease.

37. In the corn Blight case, susceptibility to Blight is conditioned by the mitochondrial genome.

38. Particle accumulation on the leaf surface may also increase the plant's susceptibility to disease.

39. The authors hypothesize that an individual's genetic background determines the initial susceptibility to aortic dissection.

40. Also the alkaline glycerophosphatase activities could be differentiated by distinct Ca and Mg susceptibility.

41. Synonyms for Amenability include receptiveness, willingness, accessibility, acquiescence, compliance, openness, readiness, responsiveness, susceptibility and

42. The simplest and most obvious example concerns individual differences in the susceptibility to anxiety.

43. New techniques, such as quantitative susceptibility mapping (QSM) and susceptibility tensor imaging (STI) allow improved differentiation between blood residues and calcifications and provide an alternative imaging method for fiber tractography with respect to diffusion tensor imaging.

44. This latter state manifests as systemic immune dysfunction, anergy and causes increased susceptibility to infections.

45. There is a clear link between the intensity of cell proliferation and susceptibility to neoplasia.

46. Nor will notions of contagion and susceptibility be on the agenda when we meet them.

47. Both factors contribute to the malnourishment and disease susceptibility of 7 billion people, he says.

48. Aging increases injury susceptibility and impairs the ability to adapt to repetitive exposures of mechanical loading.

49. P Prestressing tendons shall have an Acceptably low level of susceptibility to stress corrosion: 4

50. That will allow changes in herbicide susceptibility within a population to be monitored, he explains.

51. 26 The same study finds a genetic component to the susceptibility to nicotine addiction, too.

52. The susceptibility of diesel on low temperature flow improver is bad when σ2 is smaller.

53. Resulting in Agammaglobulinemia leading to particular susceptibility to bacterial infections of the respiratory and digestive tracts

54. Confirmed PCR field Brucella abortus isolates were evaluated for their susceptibility to eight commonly used antimicrobials.

55. Increase of aluminium toxic for tree roots, nutrient imbalances, growth reduction, susceptibility to other stress factors.

56. In addition, Errington's hypothesis of differential susceptibility of certain classes of animals to predation was examined.

57. In so doing they the limit susceptibility to surface sealing (a factor which accelerates soil erosion).

58. Rubella susceptibility testing of women of childbearing age (preconception counselling) should be done at every opportunity.

59. You may consider the susceptibility as the soil in which the seeds of disease are sown.

60. Global disruption of Calcitonin receptor signalling in mice causes atrial fibrosis and increases susceptibility to atrial fibrillation

61. The present study shows differences in the susceptibility to scabies infestation in different age classes of chamois.

62. It also competes with HFCS, has different freight intensity, greater susceptibility to spoilage and different marketing channels.

63. ascertain Susceptibility to rheumatic fever have been Ascertained because of the poor quality of records in earlier years

64. The frost susceptibility of well-graded crushed aggregates increases with increasing fines content and increasing kaolinite fraction.

65. The Q Biotype detected by Dennehy has reduced susceptibility to neonicotinoid insecticides, including imidacloprid, thiamethoxam, and acetamiprid

66. Any negative connotations of Amenable would be connected to a general susceptibility to the control of others

67. The obligor/guarantor has a limited susceptibility to adverse effects of changes in circumstances and economic conditions.

68. Not necessarily, even though it is quite likely that in severe cases susceptibility to acne is inherited.

69. Emotional Biorhythm (28-day cycles) is related to emotional stability, feeling, intuition, mood, susceptibility, creativity and etc

70. Signs of fatty acid deficiency include skin lesions, fin erosion, susceptibility to stress, fatty liver and embryonic deformities.

71. For a body of any shape with low susceptibility, a new concept of average demagnetization factor is introduced.

72. The decision to give tetanus immunisation depends on the patient's immunity as well as the wound's susceptibility to tetanus.

73. Neglecting fine detail, the magnetic susceptibility shows a trend similar to that of the Ag—Pd mixed crystals.

74. But part of the legacy of these Blacks may be a susceptibility to contempt for their own race.

75. Chronic worry that comes from perceived vulnerability has also been blamed for susceptibility to infections and impaired memory.

76. Second, the animals given these substances are bred in a manner that probably increases their susceptibility to cancer.

77. A family study on the inheritance of HL-A antigens and susceptibility to acute anterior uveitis is reported.

78. Thin-film bulk acoustic resonators having perforated bodies that provide reduced susceptibility to process-induced lateral dimension variations

79. Forty-eight plant species in 40 genera representing 20 families were screened for susceptibility to Alternaria alternata (Fr.)

80. Xeroderma pigmentosum Complementation group D polymorphism toward lung cancer susceptibility survival and response in patients treated with platinum chemotherapy