Use "supposition" in a sentence

1. That is mere supposition!

2. It seems a reasonable supposition.

3. That is a very likely supposition.

4. My supposition is not without basis.

5. The story is based on supposition.

6. Eichenbaum and Orbach share this supposition.

7. 10 It seems a reasonable supposition.

8. His theory is merely based on supposition.

9. What happened next is a matter of supposition.

10. We must not condemn her on pure supposition.

11. The experimental results bear out our supposition.

12. The report is based entirely on supposition.

13. His version of events is pure supposition .

14. That article was based on pure supposition.

15. All the evidence appears to support this supposition.

16. 10 His version of events is pure supposition .

17. Well, it really is but a shadowy supposition.

18. We must not Condemn her on pure supposition

19. All his reservations were based on intuition, supposition.

20. His version of the events is pure supposition.

21. 28 All the evidence appears to support this supposition.

22. 13 His version of the events is pure supposition.

23. The report will be based on fact, not supposition.

24. But the outrage was based on supposition and hearsay.

25. Bacchuslike Congressman upon the supposition that the clothes quick! Lindsey stole second

26. 29 The police are working on the supposition that he was murdered.

27. But upon what basic supposition are these doctrines of conscious punishment after death based?

28. Conjecturally: de façon théorique, par supposition: Translations: 1 – 1 / 1

29. This supposition is supported by measurements of chromatic aberration made on 10 aphakic patients.

30. The regulation of the diet is an absolute supposition of the treatment of obesity.

31. Something taken for granted or accepted as true without proof; a supposition: a valid Assumption

32. Synonyms for Apriorism include supposition, belief, idea, notion, assumption, conjecture, hypothesis, presumption, surmise and theory

33. Yet "sensus communis" became pre-requisite base of aesthetics in supposition and illustration of Kant.

34. When Agenda 2000 comes into place, the supposition is that the set-aside rate should fall to zero.

35. Take the doctrine as you will, the supposition of such a cause is both useless and contradictory.

36. It is a reasonable supposition that many mothers would welcome the offer of part-time work.

37. Based on neoclassic economic growth supposition, this paper examines the condition to achieve economic convergence between provinces.

38. The words now and Beforetime denote too long an interval to allow room for such a supposition

39. The report has been rejected by the authorities, who said much of it was based on supposition or inaccuracy.

40. Noun something taken for granted; a supposition: a correct Assumption. the act of taking for granted or supposing

41. Meme is the supposition presented by Dawkins, a Neo - Darwinist, to explain the evolution law of human beings.

42. 24 There's a popular supposition that we're publicly funded but the bulk of our money comes from competitive contracts.

43. 29 There's a popular supposition that we're publicly funded but the bulk of our money comes from competitive contracts.

44. In a manner involving or inclined to conjecture and supposition Familiarity information: Conjecturally used as an adverb is very rare.

45. Although research has modified this supposition, it is none the less true that males are generally seducers and females the seduced.

46. Dumas, Alexandre -- The Count of Monte Cristo It is a large supposition; for discreet inquiry among servants and others has failed to Corroborate it in any way.

47. The Ascription of an alethic morphology to the mass of epistemic certainties is always ultimately a premise in and of itself, a supposition of relevance

48. It would appear that many of the bridal bouquets used in the USA reflect the posy style and, as such, this book confirms this supposition.

49. There are also several similar words to Apriorism in our dictionary, which are Assertion, Assumption, Basis, Evidence, Ground, Posit, Postulate, Postulation, Supposition, Thesis, Proposition, Proof, Presumption and Presupposition.

50. Meaning of Conjecturally 1 definition found From WordNet (r) 3.0 (2006) [wn]: Conjecturally adv 1: in a manner involving or inclined to conjecture and supposition WordNet ® Princeton University.

51. Covenanted Reformation December 24, 2011 · Although some think that they can claim a historical link with the Second Reformation Church of Scotland without acknowledging the covenants of the seventeenth-century, this supposition is a-historical.

52. All the arguments in support of predestination are based on the supposition that since God undeniably has the power to foreknow and determine future events, he must foreknow everything, including the future actions of every individual.

53. By the afternoon even those who believed in the Unseen were beginning to resume their little amusements in a tentative fashion, on the supposition that he had quite gone away, and with the sceptics he was already a jest.

54. The diabeticogenically effective dithizon is certainly and alloxan very probably increased in the islets ofLangerhans by the intracellularly deposited zinc after the intravenous injection. The increase in the diabetogen compounds is a supposition for their specific cell-destroying effect.

55. Abhominable: An old mode of spelling abominable , on the supposition that it was derived from <internalXref urlencoded="ab%20homine">ab homine</internalXref>, from or repugnant to man, ridiculed as pedantic by Shakspere in the character of the pedant Holofernes.

56. Also, in 1762 a John Woolman published a treatise in which he argued that the application of this Biblical curse in such a way as to justify enslaving people and depriving them of their natural rights “is a supposition too gross to be admitted into the mind of any person who sincerely desires to be governed by solid principles.”

57. While Jeanne Baret is a fascinating subject and admirable heroine for any woman, the execution of The Discovery of Jeanne Baret: A Story of Science, the High Seas, and the First Woman to Circumnavigate the Globe suffers as Glynis Ridley interjects too much supposition for a woman who left virtually no paper trail.

58. ESTIUS: “ εἴγε non est dubitantis, sed potius Affirmantis.” Or we may say with STIER , that it is pre-supposition, not without a slight touch of irony, in case it were otherwise; or still more correctly: in case they would not consider the Apostle as the Apostle of the Lord for them; not to have recognized Paul, not to have received

59. Blindworm: A small European lizard, Anguis fragilis , of the family Anguidæ , having a slender limbless body and tail, like a snake, rudimentary shoulder-girdle, breast-bone, and pelvis, a scaly skin, concealed ears, and small eyes furnished with movable lids: so called because supposed to be a sightless worm, a notion as erroneous as is the supposition that it is poisonous.

60. The Contiguous sequence of distribution helps minimize waste.: Albanians live in a Contiguous area in at least four states.: In a second step, clusters merge into a Contiguous zone at the cell border that spreads and gives rise to actin waves traveling on a planar membrane.: It is a reasonable supposition on our part therefore to consider that, if escorted back to the edge of the Contiguous