Use "superstitious" in a sentence

1. Don't be so superstitious!

2. Mr President is superstitious.

3. Superstitious Funeral Customs

4. Sailors are superstitious.

5. But I'm a superstitious man.

6. Weyland was a superstitious man.

7. The old man was mildly superstitious.

8. There is no reason to be superstitious.

9. I'm superstitious about the number

10. We have been liberated from superstitious fear.

11. A superstitious fear swept over the hidden assassin.

12. Is the Devil simply superstitious nonsense?

13. Roman Catholics are superstitious and ignorant.

14. Roger Bacon was deemed a superstitious alchemist.

15. Don' t be scared of the superstitious, mean lady

16. He is slightly finicky and a little superstitious.

17. So you weren't always a superstitious idiot.

18. Superstitious activities have come to life again recently.

19. I always put my left shoe on first; I'm superstitious .

20. Witches, fortunetellers are suchlike who play upon people's superstitious fear.

21. She is superstitious about spilling salt on the table.

22. Still others believe it is a superstitious book augury.

23. It is a superstitious tradition that corvine is inauspicious.

24. Are you superstitious? I guess I am a fatalist.

25. Literacy also reduces the tendency to be superstitious.

26. You don't believe that superstitious nonsense, do you?

27. Now you're punishing me because you think I'm superstitious?

28. I don't believe in magic, a lot of superstitious hocus-pocus.

29. Treasury agents are the most superstitious people in the government.

30. She rationalized away the superstitious beliefs of the country folk.

31. They nurtured a superstitious fear of misusing the name.

32. 4 Why is Jehovah so strongly opposed to superstitious practices?

33. Taoism was discredited on account of its magical and superstitious practices.

34. Most of them were not only religious but also very superstitious.

35. He had a superstitious premonition that it would be Ivor Newley.

36. It is now 10:35 p.m. and I'm very superstitious.

37. Some people are superstitious about spilling salt on the table.

38. The stubble is not a superstitious concession to the streak.

39. [It] causes human beings to be narrow, superstitious, full of hatred and fear.”

40. “Christianity [is] retreating rapidly . . . a picture of superstitious agnosticism, confusion, and ignorance. . . .

41. 19 I don't believe in magic, a lot of superstitious hocus-pocus.

42. (b) Strengthen awareness-raising campaigns against superstitious beliefs concerning children with albinism;

43. As a result, the way was opened for other superstitious, spiritistic practices.

44. Superstitious people believe that the sight of magpie is a good omen.

45. 2 Superstitious people the world over place much store in “good luck” charms.

46. The latest public opinion poll showed that 25% of us consider ourselves superstitious.

47. Will they see this as largely superstitious - the invocation of a kind of magic?

48. Superstitious attachment good luck symbols and mascots are attempts to keep fear at bay.

49. All these old novels bear the religions and superstitious characters of the feudal society.

50. He says it indicates a clean break with a stupid and superstitious past.

51. Eventually a superstitious caretaker took fright at this omen and killed the bird.

52. They aim to deliver the people who are in bondage to superstitious belief.

53. It was written during a time when Christians were often victims of superstitious mobs.

54. (Galatians 5:26) Further, gambling encourages in some a superstitious reliance on good luck.

55. 'I get very superstitious about things like that,' she said by way of explanation.

56. 21 Eventually a superstitious caretaker took fright at this omen and killed the bird.

57. Thus superstitious activity has attempted to provide humans with some sense of control over their fears.

58. It is a superstitious idea that the ghost can cast a living man under a spell.

59. Such hopes make our lives interesting and can often lead to unusual, even superstitious behavior.

60. For example, baseball players are notoriously superstitious when they're batting, but not so much when they're fielding.

61. Not surprisingly, many have rejected what they consider to be wild, superstitious notions about the Devil.

62. 20 True, many people may not consciously view toasting as a religious or superstitious gesture.

63. The two of them now a superstitious swamp devil, humming, hovering, and plowing through miasma.

64. Superstitious relatives warned, “Once you start reading this book, you will have to read it every day!”

65. 29 Part of this comes from a superstitious but unacknowledged sense that grief is contagious and unlucky.

66. A wise believer understands the essence of Buddhism, Those who are superstitious misinterpret the virtue of religion.

67. Not a place to be superstitious, when you are alone at night up there with a casket!

68. 14 The uncivilized decision is the human's earliest decision making by the benighted and superstitious way.

69. Often they have a kind of superstitious feeling that once their fears are spoken, they may come true.

70. If you’re superstitious, you might think that seeing a black cat is an Augury of bad luck.

71. It was a deeply superstitious country, where earthquakes were commonly believed to portend the end of dynasties.

72. People from all walks of life, including politicians, businessmen, actors, athletes, and college students, resort to superstitious practices.

73. If you study the lines of other Christmas carols, you will find that they endorse various superstitious customs.

74. But many superstitious individuals who could be healed go to a medical doctor only when it is too late.

75. The superstitious 35-year-old singer and impressionist was remanded on bail in his absence charged with affray.

76. Those Spanish probably won't even eat her, just cut her throat and drink her blood, or something else superstitious.

77. Men often believe what their hearts feel, and many believe in something that is incomprehensible, supernatural and superstitious. Dr T.P.Chia 

78. Superstitious traditions hold that illness and accidents are, not simply chance happenings, but events instigated by forces in the spirit world.

79. Although outsiders may regard these as offensive, ordinary Thais are deeply superstitious and lucky charms and talismans are still regarded as important.

80. Bewitchingly beautiful Bermuda is one of the few places in the modern world that still remain wrapped in an aura of superstitious mystery