Use "superseded" in a sentence

1. Later, Clunch was superseded by brick as the

2. Their map has since been superseded by photographic atlases.

3. The theory has been superseded by more recent research.

4. The Gilbert-Johnson-Keerthi distance algorithm has superseded that approach.

5. Activista m, f (plural Activistas) Superseded spelling of ativista

6. 5 Motorways have largely superseded ordinary roads for long-distance travel.

7. Will factory workers be entirely superseded by machines one day?

8. Pride of authorship is superseded by pride of profits.

9. The voice of the people finally superseded the restoration trend of thought.

10. The technique is less popular today, having been superseded by psychotropic drugs.

11. Heirlooms are really Cultivars that have been superseded by something better

12. 2 The morality of aseptic rationalism has superseded that of spiritual regeneration.

13. Motorways have largely superseded ordinary roads for long-distance travel.

14. Manchu was, in fact, a dying language, soon to be superseded by Chinese.

15. 6 After the Second World War, eugenics was superseded by genetics and micro-biology.

16. Jurisdiction not superseded by the federal government falls to the appropriate state.

17. The morality of aseptic rationalism has superseded that of spiritual regeneration.

18. Borstal: a form of custodial sentence for young offenders, now superseded by young offender institutions.

19. In Canada ACZA superseded ammoniacal copper arsenate (ACA) with full registration in 1999.

20. It has been superseded by aBide in most of its other senses

21. C. G-1. until such Licence is superseded by the settlement of other native claims.

22. These methods may be superseded by more rapid and accurate techniques in future.

23. Later, as revised and abridged editions appeared, the unofficial title superseded the one chosen by Foxe.

24. The League of Nations was dissolved after 26 years, and was superseded by the United Nations.

25. Circulars that are outdated or superseded by subsequent documents are housed under Archive section

26. Administrative machinery (now superseded by the Organic Act concerning SENAME: Decree-Law no 2465)

27. But to say it was superseded by the latter in the seventeenth century is not entirely true.

28. Autogiro, also spelled autogyro, rotary-wing aircraft, superseded after World War II by the more efficient helicopter

29. 2 Flintlock:Ignition system for firearms developed in the early 16th century, it superseded the matchlock and the wheel lock.

30. Aristippus’ theory is therefore superseded as rudimentary, crass, though still important as the raw undeveloped beginning of Hedonism

31. Aelurophobia and gephyrophobia are rather rare and are ordinarily superseded by cat phobia and bridge phobia, respectively

32. Today this standard is old and has been superseded by Unicode, which is backward compatible with Ascii.

33. Most of the old road - which stretched from Chicago to Los Angeles - has been superseded by the great Interstate highways.

34. The Risc PC (codenamed Medusa) was Acorn's next generation ARM-based RISC OS computer, which superseded the Acorn Archimedes.

35. Autogiro, also spelled Autogyro, rotary-wing aircraft, superseded after World War II by the more efficient helicopter

36. They regained the vote when the Dominion Elections Act of 1920 superseded the War-time Elections Act.

37. 21 Most of the old road - which stretched from Chicago to Los Angeles - has been superseded by the great Interstate highways.

38. To do so, they devised the Glagolitic alphabet, which was later superseded by the Cyrillic alphabet, named after Cyril.

39. Ammonium chloride was used in pyrotechnics in the 18th century but was superseded by safer and less hygroscopic chemicals.

40. Despite their age, Benzodiazepines still provide unique benefits and are unlikely to be entirely superseded by newer medications

41. Arsphenamine, as well as neosalvarsan, was indicated for syphilis and trypanosomiasis, but has been superseded by modern antibiotics.

42. The existing blacklist of substances not to be dumped at sea would be superseded by the blanket ban.

43. This declared that “Judaism has not been superseded by Christianity” and that “God’s covenant with the Jewish people has not been abrogated.”

44. Source(s): NIST SP 800-133 under Compromise [Superseded] NIST SP 800-133 Rev.1 under Compromise [Superseded] The unauthorized disclosure, modification, substitution, or use of sensitive data (e.g., keys, metadata, or other security-related information) or the unauthorized modification of a security-related system, device or process in order to

45. When a conquest is made, the oneness of the individual is often superseded by a state of oneness in the partnership.

46. Acts that otherwise might be driven by appetite and emotion will be superseded by deeds shaped by reason and right.

47. The Neo-Aramaic-speaking Jews emigrated to Israel in the early 1950s, and their language was superseded by Hebrew

48. Adobe Flash Lite enabled viewing Flash content on older smartphones, but has been discontinued and superseded by Adobe AIR.

49. It was not until the second half of the 1950s that autarchy was definitively superseded by a firm commitment to international capitalism.

50. In 1964 the Almoner title was in a sense superseded by the title social worker and nowadays it is a pastoral function.

51. 7 His geographically-based nomenclature was however superseded by that devised only a few years later by Giovanni Riccioli, a Jesuit priest.

52. Fire detection in Canada is usually by aerial patrols along planned flight patterns; these have nearly superseded the traditional fire towers.

53. It is predicable that the many records established by Michael Jackson will not be easily superseded in a short time.

54. Bolivian m (definite singular Bolivianen, indefinite plural Bolivianar, definite plural Bolivianane) form removed with the spelling reform of 2012 ; superseded by Bolivianar Romanian [ edit ]

55. By the 1730s this construction had been superseded by a knuckle joint at the top and the gate-leg had become virtually obsolete.

56. Republic Act No 1700 was superseded by Presidential Decree No 885, entitled "Outlawing Subversive Organization, Penalizing Membership Therein and For Other Purposes."

57. Peace can prevail only when that natural inclination to fight is superseded by self-determination to live on a loftier level.

58. The public vehicle called a victoria is a sort of four-wheeled Calash, and it has entirely superseded the volante for city use

59. It was known as Alecost, used to clear, flavour and aid in the preservation of beer and ales before being superseded by hops

60. Astrolabes, as an instrument for timekeeping, were eventually superseded by mechanical clocks and more advanced methods of calculation, but simplified Astrolabes for stargazers are still made today

61. The American National Standards Institute (Ansi) established a common, standard-referenced means of measuring light source brightness in 1992 (superseded by Ansi IT7.227 in 1998)

62. Quinacrine (Acriquine ®, Atabrine ®, Atebrin ®, Mepacrine®) is an acridine derivative formerly widely used as an antimalarial drug, but superseded by safer and more effective agents (e.g., chloroquine).

63. However with following the Declaration of the Creation of the USSR in 1922 state powers of the institution were somewhat superseded by the Council of People's Commissars of USSR.

64. But the potential threat of a Covid-19 outbreak has been superseded by a more imminent danger -- a Bushfire raging near the town of Wooroloo on Perth's outskirts.

65. DSA has been largely superseded in the diagnosis of aortic pathologies by CTA, but as yet retains its role in intraoperative imaging of the anchorage regions of endoprostheses.

66. However, these features were dropped when AC'97 was superseded by Intel's HD Audio standard, which was released in 2004, again specified the use of a codec chip, and slowly gained acceptance.

67. Airy Shaw, 1973, Cambridge University Press) for generic synonyms not mentioned in The Plant-Book, unless they are superseded by standard checklists adopted by the Conference of the Parties as referenced below.

68. Barodynamic (English) Adjective Barodynamic (not comparable) Barodynamics (English) Noun Barodynamics (uncountable) The science of baroe (Indonesian) Noun baroe Superseded spelling of baru baroflex (English) Noun baroflex Alternative form of baroreflex

69. Battering rams were not only used as a siege weapon used for over 1,500 years until gunpowder superseded it as the primary method of breaching fortifications, but also in industry

70. Events, persons, or statements in the Old Testament are seen as types pre-figuring or superseded by Antitypes, events or aspects of Christ or his revelation described in the New Testament.

71. The law Abolished or superseded by Christ was the law of positive requirements embodied in things decreed, evidently the ceremonial law of the Jews; certainly not the moral law (see Romans 3:31)

72. During this period the system of highly segmented and competitive clan politics was superseded, suppressed, and in abeyance. The sixteenth-century precedents regarding female rule in England, however, remained in Abeyance until Anne's reign.

73. At a time when the cinema was being superseded by television, Bausch & Lomb developed improved optics for the CinemaScope process, which popularized the film-based anamorphic format and led most cinemas to double the widths of their screens.

74. In 1883, the oil powered lamp was replaced by one that ran on paraffin, and then in 1923 this was superseded by an acetylene lamp, that provided a longer range, and flashed twice every five seconds.

75. Biremes were ere long superseded by triremes, or vessels with three banks of oars, which are said to have been invented at Corinth, 12 but which came into use among the Phoenicians before the end of the sixth century B.C

76. Woollen cloth, mordanted with alum, was dyed yellow with dyer's greenweed, then dipped into a vat of blue dye (woad or, later, indigo) to produce the once-famous "Kendal Green" (largely superseded by the brighter "Saxon Green" in the 1770s).

77. Bailees for loss or damage to the goods in their possession is properly measured by a standard of ordinary care.2 The use of divergent theories of liability and varying degrees of negligence that once complicated and disfigured the law of bailments has today been superseded by …

78. Barbiturates are a class of drugs that were used extensively in the 1960s and 1970s as a treatment for anxiety, insomnia, and seizure disorders. Apart from a few specific indications, they are not commonly prescribed these days, having been largely superseded by benzodiazepines, which are much safer, although still potentially addictive.

79. Early New England: A Covenanted Society Of the documentation and liturgies assembled during these discussions, only the " Covenanted Communion Service"--a rite for the concelebration of the Eucharist by ministers of the signatory-churches--has gained currency, although it may now have been superseded.

80. Marx notably utilized the imagery of Anthropophagism and lycanthropy, proferring phrases like “the cannibalism of counter-revolution” and “the werewolf’s hunger for surplus labor.” Had he lived in a later period, it is not difficult to imagine Marx using a different metaphor for capital that could have superseded all three of these