Use "suo jure" in a sentence

1. Amice (died 1215) was a Countess of Rochefort and suo jure countess of Leicester.She is associated with England but is thought to have spent most of her life in France

2. Ad+jure; ad=add, jure=sure; who is Adjuring, wants to add a sure believe about solving his/her problem

3. 5 He held power de jure and de facto .

4. Il suo Compatriota rispose che non c'era nessun bisogno di …

5. He held power de jure and de facto .

6. Father, Jin Suo is already going against her father.

7. The de jure kingdom titles within Abyssinia are as follows: Abyssinia Nubia The de jure capital ofAbyssinia is the county of Gondar

8. 1 He held power de jure and de facto .

9. 13 He was de jure prime minister , but de facto president.

10. 6 He is the de jure owner of the property.

11. 4 De jure censorship is an unquestioned evil in itself.

12. Che può Assurgere solo con la forza del suo volere

13. See ugg boots someone another kid horrify of, talk all unlucky Suo.

14. 3 The President aims to create a de jure one-party state.

15. Aetatis annum, ad cognoscenda corpori suo noxia vel utilia, alicujus consilii indigerent

16. Potenza dell’incanto, questa la Blandisce e persuade e trascina col suo fascino

17. Tuva was de jure an independent state between the World Wars.

18. Sprezzaua l’auuertsità, comme Confidatosi nel valor suo”, es decir, “rompia la adversi ‐ …

19. Apatosaur, poznatiji pod starim nazivom Brontosaur, (gušter-grom) je rod dinosaura iz doba jure.

20. Thus, despite a de jure intact constitution, the sultan ruled in the absolutist manner.

21. Durante la Confessione la donna ha svelato al prete di aver tradito suo marito.

22. Apatosaur, poznatiji pod starim nazivom Brontosaur, (gušter-grom) je rod dinosaura iz doba jure.

23. Il segreto del suo Ascendere è il misterioso motore che è dentro di Lei

24. 22 Punishment can be divided into : the de facto and de jure disciplinary punishment.

25. Il segreto del suo Ascendere è il misterioso motore che è dentro di Lei

26. Ten thousand Jus in the coffin absorb Suo Suo, than that village inside's most simple and crude grass shed Mr. the vacillating Ju still want in the middle of the Ci cesspit disgusted must and doubly.

27. 10 Which branch of government determines who has sovereignty de jure over a piece of land?

28. Authorized: See: admissible , allowable , allowed , de jure , due , entitled , fully executed , juridical , legal , legitimate , licit , permissible , privileged

29. 25 So in all of the plaintiffs' claims here rest on an assertion of de jure sovereignty.

30. Ouvre une boîte de phrases insta personnalisées je Consommerai jte jure

31. Aggiungendosi, infatti, alla disposizione dell’anima, la potenza dell’incanto, questa la Blandisce e persuade e trascina col suo fascino.

32. 21 Based on the competition policy, it shall be divided into de facto distinctiveness and de jure distinctiveness.

33. A chi aveva provato ad ironizzare malevolmente sulla dimensione "filosofica" del suo insegnamento sull'etica, sviluppato nel Seminario VII dedicato com'è noto a L'etica della psicoanalisi, dicendo di Attendersi un'estetica, Lacan aveva a suo modo risposto lasciando semplicemente cadere la questione.

34. Abyssinia is a de jure empire consisting of 2 kingdom titles, 6 duchy titles and 17 county titles

35. Many worried that Taiwanese de jure independence from China would lead to the severing of ties with Kinmen.

36. Il metoprololo non ha Alterato il profilo farmacocinetico della venlafaxina o del suo metabolita attivo, la O-desmetilvenlafaxina.

37. 8 Though the king de jure retained the Mandate of Heaven, de facto the title held no real power.

38. In the South, the de jure segregation of the past has been readily admitted, and even lauded, by segregationists.

39. Dal video emerge questo suo singolare e ossessivo perfezionismo, questo Ardore nel voler sfruttare qualsiasi possibilità di sviluppo

40. Debt of DISCOMs is de facto borrowing of States which is not counted in de jure borrowing.

41. 1 The country has de facto independence now, and it will soon be recognized de jure by the world's governments.

42. 25 The country has de facto independence now, and it will soon be recognized de jure by the world's governments.

43. 25 Based on the competition policy, it shall be divided into de facto distinctiveness and de jure distinctiveness.

44. 16 The school desegregation crisis persisted after Little Rock, as southern states searched for ways to maintain de jure segregation.

45. 15 The country has de facto independence now, and it will soon be recognized de jure by the world's governments.

46. Discorso sopra il giuoco del calcio fiorentino / del Puro Accademico Alterato [pseud.] ; Al Sereniss ; Gran Duca di Toscana Suo Signore

47. 5 In the South, the de jure segregation of the past has been readily admitted, and even lauded,( by segregationists.

48. 50 anni di successi nel mondo della bellezza: la prima profumeria Beghin nasce per volontà di Dino Beghin, suo fondatore

49. 8 The Synod's declarations prevailed de jure but not de facto in the Roman Catholic Church down to the Reformation era.

50. 2 The Synod's declarations prevailed de jure but not de facto in the Roman Catholic Church down to the Reformation era.

51. Italian: ·(transitive) to flatter, to Adulate, to soft-soap Synonyms: lusingare, blandire Quel suo modo di adularmi, mi ha esaurito

52. The Gaza Strip is unusual in being a densely settled area not recognized as a de jure part of any extant country.

53. FATA Complains remained 20 with 14 reported by people and six by commission as Suo Moto, whereas the commission also deal with 17 cases from abroad having 14 on Complains of overseas Pakistanis and three taken as Suo Moto and only one complain received from Gilgit Baltistan during this duration.

54. 11 Managing state affairs de jure and by benevolent rule reflects the great progress and perfection in the administrative theory.

55. Sprezzaua l’auuertsità, comme Confidatosi nel valor suo”, es decir, “rompia la adversi ‐ dad confiando en su valor”, según la tra ‐

56. Ipsa quoque alia indumenta non habuit, sed tota ignea fuit, et ardore suo omnia sibi Adjacentia sicut fenum arefecit.” Liber vitae meritorum P

57. Homosexuality was for the first time in Croatian history de jure criminalized in 1951 while Croatia was a federal constituent of SFR Yugoslavia.

58. The application should be able to process meaningfully any stream of bytes you send it that it does not reject as de jure invalid.

59. That summer he was elected president of the IRB (and therefore, in the doctrine of that organisation, de jure President of the Irish Republic).

60. Priscillian abbia posto l'accento sul celibato, tuttavia, ha Afoul della Chiesa, la quale confusa con il suo insegnamento manicheismo e condannato la sua dottrina

61. 26 THE COURT: Yes, I understand that's your position, but it's for the political branches to make the determination who has sovereignty de jure , right?

62. Free Online Library: Jure Divino: Defoe's "whole volume in folio, by way of answer to, and Confutation of Clarendon's History of the Rebellion"

63. 17 The application should be able to process meaningfully any stream of bytes you send it that it does not reject as de jure invalid.

64. Applicare con le dita all’interno della vagina, sulle sue pareti, al fine di tonificarle ed a stringere il condotto vaginale, grazie al suo effetto Astringente.

65. Confessione (Confessione di un ex presidente che ha portato il suo paese sull'orlo della crisi) di Davide Carnevali con Michele di Mauro suoni G.U.P

66. 18 The Gaza Strip is unusual in being a densely settled area not recognized as a de jure part of any extant country.

67. 7 The Danish king remained the de jure sovereign of the nation until 19 when the current republic was founded in the absence of Danish authority.

68. Sarebbe logico Attendersi che il poeta abbia cura di farci capire perche mai valeva la pena di fare questa grande fatica, cioe di completare il suo ragionamento

69. Hanc igitur Commiserationem non mortis formidine exoptavit, sed animi dolore, quod mors tam ignominiosa labem perpetuam, maculamque in omnia secula suo nomini ac familiae inustura esset

70. - Il 10 gennaio 1358 (I ind.) la Regina Elisabetta concesse sotto il consueto servizio militare il feudo La Bifara e Favarotta al suo gran camerario Manfredi Pissiculo e …

71. 19 Some scholars thought in our country still under the imperfect market economy system, should not act with undue haste to one-man company's de jure recognition.

72. The suo motu Cognisance of media reports and representations from senior lawyers to step in to protect the fundamental rights of the migrant workers was taken by …

73. 12 It takes quite a long process for de jure equality to be transformed into de facto equality. There is a lot more for us to do.

74. 9 This meant Taipei would not seek de jure independence through means including changing the name of the island or holding a referendum on sovereignty-related matters.

75. Antefact presenta il suo terzo appuntamento in compagnia di DJ Skurge e Mark Flash, i portavoce di UNDERGROUND RESISTANCE e warm up del nostro A.D.M aka Andrea Delle Monache

76. Authoritate ac decreto magnifici jctorum ordinis in inclyta Altdorffina, pro licentia summos in utro[que] jure honores & privilegia doctoralia ritè & legitimè capessendi : ad diem [blank] Septembr

77. 24 And we expect the de facto easing in policy controls (from the aggressive stance announced late last year) will become de jure as well sometime in 2Q.

78. Una Cornice luminescente‌[Solo su Java Edition] o un espositore brillante‌[Solo su Bedrock Edition] mantiene il suo interno illuminato, pure al buio.‌[in arrivo: JE 1.17] 1 Ottenimento 1.1 Distruzione

79. However, even if no selectivity as regards the aid is Ascertainable de jure, a measure can contravene the law relating to State aid if it is liable to favour certain undertakings

80. As Tabucchi has Agued, when a writer succeeds in making any theme come alive on the page, that is to say, when whatever topic the author has chosen 'divent [a] metafora di una vita intera'--when, I would interject, the writer succeeds in making microcosm and macrocosm reverberate in each other--this is when the creative writer 'ha svolto il suo compito; ha realizzato il suo impegno' (p.