Use "summed" in a sentence

1. Bluebeardism Everyone summed it up

2. NARRATOR: Hayek summed it up more succinctly.

3. The history is summed up concisely in this book.

4. Bushmaster's legacy can be summed up in one word: Proven

5. She had summed up his immediate task in a nutshell.

6. The total gravity vector is calculated using the summed acceleration measurements.

7. Using myth, history, and cultural pride, the Aeneid summed

8. These amplified signals are summed together in adder (190).

9. The time-shifted responses are then summed to create the stacked ABR.

10. 20 Christ’s example is summed up in one word —love.

11. There’s the Cloddish desperation of the strategy, summed up by its designer

12. Full-time equivalent is calculated separately in each job group, then summed

13. The Brechtian Method Brecht’s method can be summed up as a process

14. His work on topology was summed up in his monograph Algebraic Topology (1942).

15. King Solomon of ancient Israel summed up the situation very well.

16. The amplitude accumulations are squared and summed (440) to produce an energy measurement.

17. The absolute number of metastases is less important than the summed volume.

18. There was a famous Irish terrorist who once summed up the point very beautifully.

19. 12 He succinctly summed up his manifesto as "Work hard, train hard and play hard".

20. Google's self-image was pithily summed up in its famous founding credo: "Don't be evil."

21. Summed incubations agreed well with all-day deployments for total carbon fixation and protein synthesis.

22. For Edward B ——, a British soldier, that summed up the trauma of World War II.

23. They can be summed up in two sentences: Copyeditors catch all the mistakes the author missed.

24. The attitude is summed up with a line from Homer: “I have learnt to excel always.”

25. the absolute value of long positions shall be summed with the absolute value of short positions.

26. The index consists of eight factors, each summed after adjustment with a weighting factor.

27. We have summed it up for you, but feel free to read the full Agreement here.

28. 2:4; 4:16) A pioneer couple summed it up well by saying: “Why are we pioneering?

29. John summed it up as the super sixties, sobering seventies and ebb and flow of the eighties.

30. When a colored stimulus is summed with white stimulus, both the chromatic and achromatic channels are activated.

31. Steinthal summed up these predispositions as "Semitism", and so Steinschneider characterised Renan's ideas as "anti-Semitic prejudice".

32. He summed it up this way: adding grief to other complaints just magnifies that particular problem even more.

33. 51 The ambivalence of imperial attitudes is neatly summed up in Tacitus' epigram, ‘libertatem metuebat, Adulationem oderat’, Ann

34. 25 One voter in Brasilia summed up the mood — "Politicians have lost credibility,[]" he complained.

35. This combination is the "Haozu community, " then be summed up as "prestige home rule" (p. 2.

36. The Allurement is summed up when she finally says, “I have perfumed my bed with myrrh, aloes, and cinnamon

37. 9 The essence of all of Jehovah’s laws and regulations can be summed up in a single word: love.

38. Antonyms for Bloomed include condensed, summed up, abbreviated, abridged, consolidated, reduced, summarized, boiled down, chopped and compacted

39. (b) the absolute value of long positions shall be summed with the absolute value of short positions.

40. The role of Coolant and antifreeze is summed up nicely in either name since it does precisely that

41. The key messages emerging from the Forum requiring follow-up and action may be summed up as follows:

42. My father, on the other hand, could not be so easily summed up in a single paternal nickname.

43. 21 The bumbling nature of armoured animals is neatly summed up by an anecdote concerning a family of three-banded armadillos.

44. For example, when one accused buried his head in his hands, his gesture summed up the case against him so well.

45. If this six-volume, million-word-plus book had to be summed up in three words, they would be Sous vide rocks.

46. According to , the free-space path Attenuations can be summed to atmospheric additional attenuation, AT¬, to obtain total link path loss:

47. The Collaborationist Nationaal-Socialistische Beweging (NSB), always a strong proponent of the Dutch empire, whose perspective can be summed up as 'Indies …

48. Each locality had its special Baal, and the various local Baals were summed up under the name of Baalim, or "lords."

49. The results suggest that Branchiopods predominantly use luminance vision summed from multiple spectral photoreceptor classes for depth selection in dim, spectrally variable environments

50. The final multifaceted perfection of mimicry has been put together by the summed natural selection provided by many different species of predators.

51. In these conditions of summed stimuli, the magnitude of the signal emitted by the achromatic channel will be stronger than of the chromatic channel.

52. Summarization and simulation is made on the relation of node number, monitoring area, sensor range and coverage probability, the empirical formula is summed up.

53. 10 One small vignette perfectly summed up how small-minded and weak Europe has become as a result of its relative economic decline.

54. Calling one’s mate stupid, lazy, or selfish implies that his or her entire character can be summed up by a label —a demeaning one at that!

55. Perhaps Peter best summed up the Abrahamic covenant in his First Epistle, one addressed "to the strangers scattered throughout" the ancient world (1 Pet

56. He published on moduli spaces, with a theory summed up in his book Geometric Invariant Theory, on the equations defining an abelian variety, and on algebraic surfaces.

57. The intermediate values may include a sequence of addition, subtraction and right shift operations the when summed together approximate the product of the integer and irrational value.

58. Chicago (CBS) — “A year of loss and pain” — that’s how Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot summed up life during the pandemic in her state of the city address Friday afternoon

59. The entire law on its manward side, says Paul, "is Comprehended (the Revised Version (British and American) "summed up") in this saying, namely, Thou shalt love …

60. He summed up his awareness of the intense suffering of his brethren, lamenting ‘the daily Bemoanings of the poor oppressed Protestants [which] would almost pierce a Christian’s heart’.¹

61. PM summed up his address, saying these efforts of the foundation showcase the importance of transition of ‘I’ to ‘We’, when we rise above ourselves and think about society.

62. Never gorget tha until the day when God shall deign to reveal the future to man, all human wisdom is summed up in these two words - "Wait and hope".

63. Oneself are summed up to oneself later even if, any medicine are otiose to me, having a meal also is otiose to me, because I do not have perseverance.

64. The paper has studied the characteristic and reason for flood in cities in tidal river area, and then has summed up the assignments faced with and existent problems in the area.

65. Rather it was (and still is) Wu Dawei, an older man, whom he called China's "most incompetent official", and the American scribe summed up as "an arrogant, Marx-spouting former Red Guard".

66. 1980, to bring the proceedings to an end and enable him to perform his salvatory mission, he swung into a Cabaletta which summed up the argument against Arius — Anthony Burgess, Earthly Powers; Translations

67. Using the same sound or sounds, especially consonant sounds, at the begining of several words that are close together: What he stands for is summed up in the Alliterative slogan " compassionate conservatism ".

68. “Colorism is a topic that needs to be discussed wholly and not summed up in one response, but it’s very disheartening to know so many go through this male or female,” Kaiya said.

69. In this paper, we propose a simple new measure of managerial Activeness: the absolute difference between the value weights and the actual weights held by a fund, summed across its holdings

70. One delegate from Western Europe summed it up by saying: “Despite having attended every convention since 1952, as far as atmosphere, enthusiasm, joy, love, appreciation, and gratefulness are concerned, this was the absolute climax.”

71. The tale of Androcles and the Lion is said to have been written by Aesop – the great Greek storyteller who always summed up his stories from the animal kingdom with a moral

72. Each locality had its special Baal, and the various local Baals were summed up under the name of Baalim, or "lords." Each Baal had a wife, who was a colourless reflection of himself

73. A complete machine language instruction consists of an opcode and, in many cases, additional bits that specify arguments for the operation (for example, the numbers to be summed in the case of an addition operation).

74. One summed up the reaction of the most senior cadre of South African officials to the PoG: "They have somehow succeeded in making sure that we go to them: this has been 50% of their success here."

75. Each locality had its special Baal, and the various local Baals were summed up under the name of Baalim, or "lords." Each Baal had a wife, who was a colourless reflection of himself.

76. It is a philosophy because philosophy 'means love of wisdom' and the Buddhist path can be summed up as: (1) to lead a moral life, (2) to be mindful and aware of thoughts and actions, and

77. Two weeks later, Perelman summed up the conversation as follows: "He proposed to me three alternatives: accept and come; accept and don't come, and we will send you the medal later; third, I don't accept the prize.

78. For each pulp ‘i’ sourced, the related measured emissions (expressed in kg/air dried tonne — ADT) shall be weighted according to the proportion of pulp sourced (pulp ‘i’ with respect to air dried tonne of pulp) and summed together.

79. Federalist thought in terms of European external policy can be summed by a few simple phrases, repeated ad nauseam for years now, in every tone and every form: ' If Europe had not been powerless, Yugoslavia could have been avoided.

80. The Augustinian identity may be summed up as “The Search for God Together” by means of a Community through which we share our faith and life in a nurturing environment, and out of which is mutually generated our wholehearted service to society, the Church and world