Use "sullen" in a sentence

1. Why did Jonah become sullen?

2. The sullen boy grunted his apology.

3. Bob looked pale and sullen.

4. She's sullen and stubborn and sinful.

5. The girl was sullen and uncooperative.

6. She gave him a sullen glare.

7. The bottom lip protrudes in sullen, worried anticipation.

8. He looked up at the sullen sky.

9. In liquor he became sullen and contentious.

10. His action was alternatively vivacious and sullen.

11. They probably thought she was resentful and sullen.

12. Danskin looked at the map in sullen silence.

13. Sullen but accurate, spiky but efficient: that's it.

14. Poor sullen-faced campesinos shifting uneasily on their seats.

15. A sullen grey July gave way to sultry August.

16. He hadn't seemed frightened and he hadn't seemed sullen.

17. Over it all hangs the torpid sullen breeze of May.

18. And you'll see the orchestra in a kind of sullen revolt.

19. Bill sat in sullen silence and refused to eat his lunch.

20. The river waters roll by below their feet, sullen or sparkling.

21. Such a sullen response is testimony, say Europe's cognoscenti , to "enlargement fatigue".

22. The bar was full of sullen men and hard-faced young women.

23. All my attempts to amuse the children were met with sullen scowls.

24. His daughters stared back at him with an expression of sullen resentment.

25. Dick just sat there with a sullen expression on his face, refusing to speak.

26. When he drove home across the bridge, their sullen sunless sky came with him.

27. 35 synonyms for Churlish: rude, harsh, vulgar, sullen, surly, morose, brusque, ill-tempered, boorish

28. Meaning "deliberately rude, surly and sullen" is late… See definitions of Churlish.

29. • The jam around Samuel's mouth was like a big Cheery grin, but his eyes remained sullen

30. Our wedding cheer to a sad burial feast; Our solemn hymns to sullen dirges change;

31. In a sullen silence he lit a cigar and helped himself to a stiff measure of brandy.

32. Synonyms for Bad tempered include disgruntled, discontented, dissatisfied, annoyed, displeased, malcontent, grumpy, irritated, sullen and vexed

33. The jam around Samuel's mouth was like a big cheery grin, but his eyes remained sullen.

34. Oppressive: "The room's air was Broody and sullen, like the season's own, full of storm

35. A sullen teacher and an Adorably delinquent boy, head buried in a book, are confined indoors

36. Talk shows hosts hate to feature writers, with few exceptions, since writers are often inarticulate, sullen and unkempt.

37. 19 His soulless eyes are narrowed and sullen, and his arch goatee recalls an amoral Transylvanian count.

38. The three boys should have been at school with their ragged clothes, crew cuts and sullen eyes.

39. Like Angela, you have perhaps found that your once expressive child has changed into a sullen adolescent.

40. Three lone boys finally started up his walk in a sullen clump, and the rest followed in a bigger clump.

41. They are bubbling with optimism when they are young but fall into sullen pessimism as they get older.

42. Susan's sullen silence, though no-one could fail to notice it, did nothing to dampen anyone else's spirits.

43. The pale woman, bosom exposed, is entwined with a dark man wearing a sullen expression and a skull cap.

44. Shorn of Oliver's physical charisma and reserves of sullen, glowing mystery, Branagh tries to compensate with a pugnacious modernism.

45. When at last he succeeded the man was sullen and uncooperative, repeatedly demanding why we had come to Bahdu.

46. 1 Pooley's Piaget wristwatch had now ceased its ticking for good and all and maintained a sullen rusting silence.

47. After a moment Fernand emerged, an expression of sullen resentment on his face and a heavy crowbar in his hand.

48. Oppressive: "The room's air was Broody and sullen, like the season's own, full of storm clouds" (Nicholas Proffitt)

49. Idly drumming phantom phalanges, Sullen Hollow barely restrains its impatience to lash out and administer tainted Browbeatings to the foes of Necrophos

50. Much more pressing considerations may produce a sullen acceptance of the existing social order which entails no strong commitment to the statusquo.

51. 25 The pale woman, bosom exposed, is entwined with a dark man wearing a sullen expression and a skull cap.

52. 9 Liddesdale was still a sullen,[] untamed region populated by people as prickly and hostile as they had always been.

53. The following year, Woo's A Better Tomorrow ... introduced Chow Yun-fat as the sullen, brutal antihero and Cheung as his sensitive counterpart.

54. Frivolous, sullen, moping, angry, affected, dishearten'd, Atheistical, I know every one of you, I know the sea of torment, doubt, despair and unbelief

55. Nabokov also remarks that certain words are only used in the novel to refer to Onegin’s character: ‘sullen’, ‘gloomy’, ‘somber’, ‘clouded’ en ‘Bemisted’.

56. Oh, the blithery, Blathery pirate (His name, I believe, is Claude), His manner is sullen and irate, And his humor is vulgar and broad

57. Bitchy resting face rude slang A perpetually angry or sullen look on one's face when it is "resting" or neutral (not intentionally making any expression)

58. Churlish adjective rude, harsh, vulgar, sullen, surly, morose, brusque, ill-tempered, boorish, uncouth, impolite, loutish, oafish, uncivil, unmannerly It seemed Churlish to refuse an offer meant so kindly

59. Agapae 2016 • 6 Agapae 2016 • 7 Tying the Knot — photograph by Kalman Lipsman THE UNKNOWN Sullen steps that shadows stalk, Steps that represent my yearning for the ultimate void of stagnancy

60. Wondrous is the strength of Cheerfulness, and its power of endurance - the cheerful man will do more in the same time, will do it; better, will preserve it longer, than the sad or sullen.

61. The Byronic Hero is a character notable for being sullen, withdrawn, hard to like and hard to know, but usually possessing a rich inner life and a softer side accessible only to a special few

62. *"Hither came Conan, the Cimmerian, black-haired, sullen-eyed, sword in hand, a thief, a reaver, a slayer, with gigantic melancholies and gigantic mirth, to tread the jeweled thrones of the Earth under his sandalled feet."*

63. ‘The Crosspatch is therefore disabled physically, socially and psychologically.’ ‘Mr Curry was no one person in particular but an amalgam of all the mean, intolerant and bigoted Crosspatches I had come across over the years.’ ‘A propos ‘Crosspatch’ a ‘mardy’ child is sullen and whining.’

64. ‘The Crosspatch is therefore disabled physically, socially and psychologically.’ ‘Mr Curry was no one person in particular but an amalgam of all the mean, intolerant and bigoted Crosspatches I had come across over the years.’ ‘A propos ‘Crosspatch’ a ‘mardy’ child is sullen and whining.’