Use "suharto" in a sentence

1. President Suharto declared a national disaster on Dec.

2. Another is the continued dominance of Suharto - era figures.

3. But President Suharto appears to be leaving nothing to chance.

4. Later, however, the police confirmed they had summoned Tommy Suharto, for questioning.

5. However, Suharto also disbanded Aspri to appease popular dissent.

6. In the book and the film Mr Suharto appears egocentric and opinionated.

7. Jaelani presented his initial findings to President Suharto on Dec.

8. His presidency is seen as a transition to the post-Suharto era.

9. As long as his health endures, all decisions emanate from Suharto.

10. 1967 - Suharto takes over from Sukarno to become President of Indonesia.

11. During the Japanese occupation of Indonesia, Suharto served in Japanese-organised Indonesian security forces.

12. Both companies are closely identified with the government of 68 - year old President Suharto.

13. On 5 October, Suharto led a dramatic public ceremony to bury the generals' bodies.

14. Last November, after Mr Wahid denied a pardon request, the younger Suharto went into hiding.

15. His partisans have introduced piles of pork that smack of the Suharto era.

16. Under the regime of Suharto ( 1965 - 1998 ), the country experienced considerable economic growth.

17. 'Too sweet' is what Ms. Suharto, Ms. Heaton-Renshaw and Ms. Comstock regularly hear.

18. In October he took the reins of Golkar, the party created by Indonesia's former strongman , Suharto.

19. However, General Abdul Nasution said that Suharto took great care in preparing the "General Offensive" (Indonesian Serangan Umum).

20. That is a standard pattern: Ferdinand Marcos, Jean-Claude Duvalier, Chun Doo Hwan, Suharto and many other useful gangsters.

21. Indonesia also experienced large - scale corruption and fraud within the ruling Suharto family from 1965 to 19

22. Suharto learned that the riots were engineered by Sumitro to destabilize the regime, resulting in Sumitro's dismissal and forced retirement.

23. That civil war has been the rationale for the authoritarian rule Suharto and the military have enforced over the decades.

24. Another exploded at the attorney-general's office hours after Tommy Suharto had been questioned in connection with a corruption investigation.

25. The Hokchia group dominated the ethnic Chinese business scene during the Suharto government, although other groups emerged after 1998.

26. In 1996 Suharto attempted to have her ousted because he feared that she was becoming too powerful.

27. Jaelani told Suharto that up to 50 people had died in the cemetery and a further 91 had been injured.

28. While she became a beacon for the oppressed and victimised during the Suharto regime[], she has done little since taking office.

29. In the post-Suharto era, a strengthening of democratic processes has included a regional autonomy programme, and the first direct presidential election in 2004.

30. Suharto led his Division X troops to halt an advance by the Dutch T ("Tiger") Brigade on 17 May 1946.

31. Suharto had been in Jakarta army hospital that evening with his three-year-old son Tommy who had a scalding injury.

32. In his key-note National Day address to parliament in August Suharto appeared to endorse moves towards greater openness and democracy.

33. The appeal also argued that the judges did not take into account the public demand for Suharto to be brought to justice.

34. Suharto, an Army general, became president in 1967 with the excuse of securing the country against an alleged Communist coup attempt against a weakening Sukarno.

35. After resigning from the presidency, Suharto reclused himself in his family compound in the Menteng area of Jakarta, protected by soldiers and rarely making public appearances.

36. When Ms. Comstock and Ms. Suharto teamed up to make ice-cream sandwiches this summer, office workers at a nearby English school lined up.

37. In January 1962, Suharto was promoted to the rank of major general and appointed to lead Operation Mandala, a joint army-navy-air force command based in Makassar.

38. Suharto decreed the "October Package of 1988" (PAKTO 88) which eased requirements for establishing banks and extending credit; resulting in a 50% increase in number of banks from 1989 to 1991.

39. A third Islamic intellectual, Nurcholish Madjid, called for the “de-sacralizing” of politics in the 1970’s, advocated genuine multi-party democracy in the 1990’s, and personally urged Suharto to step down in 1998.

40. Suharto authorised Operasi Trisula which destroyed PKI remnants trying to organise a guerrilla base in the Blitar area in 1968 and ordered several military operations which ended the communist PGRS-Paraku insurgency in West Kalimantan (1967–1972).