Use "subsume" in a sentence

1. to subsume the books.

2. How can subsume these items?

3. Subsume all of the military under one, with authority.

4. The emergent higher-level behaviors subsume the lower-level behaviors.

5. In order to handle this aspect, subsume relationships are of prime importance.

6. States subsume many of the responsibilities of governing from the county.

7. 7 synonyms for Colligate: associate, link, relate, tie in, connect, link up, subsume

8. From the standpoint of a diversified portfolio, the individual component instruments subsume into.

9. They preserve their heritage but subsume its display under the broader complexion of Singapore nationalism.

10. The peace conference in Madrid seems to me to subsume all past resolutions.

11. More than anything, Dennis was interested in choosing people who could subsume their egos.

12. You are always willing and eager to subsume your interests and desires to his.

13. States collect taxes and subsume many of the responsibilities of governing from the county.

14. We can subsume spatiotemporal descriptions and descriptions in terms of properties in these formal spaces under the rubric of structural descriptions.

15. Let us consider two examples, both of which would be difficult to subsume under the gentle rubric of "externalities."

16. The cultural forms of late capitalism have thus become entirely pervasive and able to subsume any attempt at opposition.

17. Even such popular futurists as Alvin and Heidi Toffler generally subsume women into a homogeneous, unisex future.

18. Its European neighbors, by contrast, their histories indelibly stained by tyranny, military defeat, and imperial barbarity[Sentencedict], seem eager to subsume themselves in a suffocating superstate.

19. You know, yes, yes, you know, we care about you, but you have to subsume your interest, your personal interest.

20. Say what you will about the notion that the open Web would subsume all computing functions (surely that postdates 1995?

21. Authority to control process: Does this software development organization have sufficient backing to subsume, align, or differentiate other process initiatives within the company?

22. If your later needs exceed the abilities that these components expose, then you can create specialized components that subsume the functionality in these.

23. I think the administration's decided at least for now to subsume (currency) under some larger issues like economic reform, financial reform, and other important issues.

24. But the Macanese — as this former Portuguese colony's mixed-race residents are called — are threatened by a demographic tide that could subsume their culture.

25. Finally, the characteristics and connection strategies of generator are presented, and based on subsume index, a breadth-first algorithm for mining non-redundant association rule is proposed.

26. According to their proposal, accredited investors would subsume those already identified as exempt and would extend to individuals whose wealth or incomes exceed specified levels.

27. Barres preached a doctrine of integral nationalism - an emotive, tribal nationalism that would subsume all other passions and that would define all other moral principles rather than be conditioned by them.

28. He spent the second half of his career trying to poke holes in the theory and to subsume it in a unified theory that would restore certainty and determinism to physics.

29. the application may subsume the role of the coordinator at which point it becomes less and less clear why the protocol is needed at all above and beyond the business logic itself.

30. (492) In this context, the magical means of obtaining money also comes to symbolise more than the old trope of money's bewitching, uncanny influence over individuals and national economies; it also denotes the obscuratory nature of money, its ability (as sign system and Assigner of values) to subsume subject and object within its self-referential operation.