Use "subsidiarity" in a sentence

1. (7) Report of the Task Force on Subsidiarity, Proportionality and ‘Doing Less More Efficiently’: Active Subsidiarity.

2. Subsidiarity and proportionality: justification and value added

3. The subsidiarity principle dictates that Community support be allocated where it is most effective.

4. In line with the subsidiarity principle, this research will supplement the Member States' activities.

5. As regards temporary work, subsidiarity must be adhered to, as the rapporteur pointed out.

6. I would approach the problem, however, from the angle of the principle of subsidiarity.

7. When deciding who is to be involved in decision-making "functional (horizontal) subsidiarity" must be taken into account alongside "territorial (vertical) subsidiarity", which both in their own right guarantee greater responsiveness to people's concerns and greater efficiency.

8. From the point of view of subsidiarity, these innovative actions are to be called into question.

9. IAs, which accompany proposals with significant impacts, provide the most detailed analysis of subsidiarity and proportionality.

10. The idea of grassroots has gained importance in recent years along with other concepts such as subsidiarity.

11. This resolution incorporated some crypto-abortionist points and thus violates the principle of subsidiarity in this sphere.

12. In line with the subsidiarity principle, this research will supplement the Member States's activities and other international organizations (e.g.

13. The foundation stresses that councils at national and European level should act in accordance with the subsidiarity principle.

14. Our aim is to find a solution which provides real added value without creating more red tape and which respects the principle of subsidiarity.

15. The committee responsible for respect of the principle of subsidiarity may decide to make recommendations for the attention of the committee responsible for the subject-matter in respect of any proposal for a legislative act.

16. Het subsidiariteitsbeginsel moet zijn oorspronkelijke Betekenis weer terugkrijgen.: The principle of subsidiarity needs to be understood in its original meaning.: Alleen zijn discipelen kenden de ware Betekenis.: The real meaning was known only to his disciples.: significance n.

17. (9) The statistical measures employing aerial-survey and remote-sensing techniques comply with the principle of subsidiarity, to the extent that the Member States and the Commission share the responsibility for, and implementation of, the various measures in accordance with criteria of efficiency and feasibility.

18. (9) The statistical measures employing aerial-survey and remote-sensing techniques comply with the principle of subsidiarity, to the extent that the Member States and the Commission share the responsibility and implementation of the various measures in accordance with criteria of efficiency and feasibility.

19. In order to avoid any overlap with existing agricultural and environmental legislation, and given the subsidiarity principle related to the implementation of ecoconditionality, each Member State should be able to decide to implement ecoconditionality taking into account its own climate, agriculture and soil characteristics

20. The statistical measures employing aerial-survey and remote-sensing techniques comply with the principle of subsidiarity, to the extent that the Member States and the Commission share the responsibility for, and implementation of, the various measures in accordance with criteria of efficiency and feasibility

21. Whereas the statistical measures employing remote-sensing and aerial-survey techniques comply with the principle of subsidiarity and ensure that the Member States and the Commission of the European Communities share responsibility for them and execute them in accordance with criteria of efficiency and feasibility;

22. Since the objectives of this Regulation, namely laying down rules for substances and establishing a European Chemicals Agency, cannot be sufficiently achieved by the Member States and can therefore be better achieved at Community level, the Community may adopt measures, in accordance with the principle of subsidiarity as set out in Article 5 of the Treaty.

23. 20. Stresses that the above Commission communication emphasises grubbing-up as a measure to reduce production and the workforce in the sector instead of promoting production control through measures to regulate supply and demand; considers that the consequence of this policy will be that the desired strengthening of the competitiveness of the wine-growing sector will not be achieved; asserts that enhanced subsidiarity may not be used as an alibi for reckless deregulation which will lead to unfair competition even within the borders of the EU;