Use "subsection" in a sentence


2. The Andrology subsection like other sections of the USI has one convener and four members that lead the Andrology Subsection

3. Anterograde amnesia is a subsection of amnesia

4. Alcohol may be disposed of either for use in new industrial uses (subsection I), for use in third countries in the fuel sector only (subsection II), or for use as bio-ethanol in the Community (subsection III).

5. Assault committed recklessly pursuant to subsection A, paragraph 1 or Assault pursuant to subsection A, paragraph 2 is a class 2 misdemeanor

6. 15 Our overseas subsection is based in the Bahamas.

7. (4) Subsection 8(14) of the Regulations is replaced by the following: (14) No benefit period established under subsection (1) or (6) shall be extended beyond the date determined in accordance with subsection (11) or (11.1).

8. But the subsection tantalizingly offers more than it gives.

9. Annex I, part Themes, section #.# (Security), subsection Activities, bullet #, heading

10. AUTHORITY "Financial Administration Act, section 7 and subsection 11.1(1)"

11. All sentences imposed under this subsection (1)(b) shall be served Consecutively to each other and concurrently with sentences imposed under (a) of this subsection

12. A study on the genus Rhododendron subsection Fortunea in China.

13. Again, examine the "Status" subsection of your AGP "Capabilities" section.

14. According to the above analysis, present a subsection ransacking method and it can avoid possible error. with the help of Labview, a subsection ransacking program is successfully designed.

15. ◦ Proactive Disclosure PSMIP 4.5.4 Section: ACCIDENTAL DEATH AND DISMEMBERMENT INSURANCE Subsection:

16. A Aliquot Part describes a subsection of a larger land plot

17. For the purposes of subsection, "land"does not include incorporeal hereditament.

18. 4 The first subsection briefly explains insurance adjuster and insurance adjuster institution.

19. (b) the person refuses to sign the record of votes cast at an advance polling station referred to in subsection (2), as directed by the poll clerk under that subsection.

20. Annex I, part Themes, section # (Energy), subsection Activities, heading # (Clean coal technologies

21. b) the employee thresholds for the given activity (column # subsection (c) below

22. SE Apollyon is a subsection of the Apollyon zone in the Limbus region

23. Alienability restrictions imposed on Settlement Common Stock issued by a Native Corporation electing application of this subsection shall terminate on December 18, 1991, unless extended in accordance with the provisions of this subsection.

24. Assault committed pursuant to subsection A, paragraph 3 is a class 3 misdemeanor.

25. In 1861, Reichenbach placed it in subsection Euepidendrum Planifolia Paniculata of the genus Epidendrum.

26. Payment of sales tax pursuant to subsection 50(1) of the Excise Tax Act.

27. 2 Subsection two: The reasons for the Chinese insurance adjuster institution came into being.


29. 2.1 Data Model In the following subsection, we describe the data model of Astream.

30. ◦ meet the definition of "common-law partners" under subsection 248(1) of the Act.

31. Dr Datteswar Hota is the convenor of the Andrology Subsection along with four expert members:

32. B= hydrocarbon concentration (ppm C) of the oxygen interference check gases used in subsection (d

33. all assets that are neither controlled nor exempt, within 120 days after appointment (subsection 25.

34. Subsection 251.1(1) contains the rules to determine when persons are affiliated with each other.

35. Under subsection 43(2), the ACB allocated to the right to the income payable is nil.

36. B When entering a cargo tank, this is required under Table C of Chapter subsection

37. Assault committed intentionally or knowingly pursuant to subsection A, paragraph 1 is a class 1 misdemeanor

38. • the corporation's aggregate investment income for the year, as defined in amended subsection 129(4); and

39. (1) Section 14 of the Income Tax Act is amended by adding the following after subsection (13):

40. Annex I, part Themes, section # (Information and Communication Technologies), subsection Activities, heading # (Applications Research), indent #, subindent #a (new

41. This subsection is concerned with data collection schedules and what the research proposal should say about them.

42. 19 The jurisdiction to rectify under the subsection plainly extends to all or any of these parts.

43. Areg_mouse <p>This subsection of the 'Entry information' section provides one or more accession number(s)

44. Subsection 98(1) states that an issuer must inquire into an adverse claim if certain conditions are met.

45. (5)(a) The Adjudicative proceeding is governed by the administrative procedure act, chapter 34.05 RCW, and this subsection

46. You can check out the new banners under each subsection: New Players , Basics , Player Interaction , World , and Advanced .


48. "public foundation" has the meaning assigned by subsection 149.1(1); "qualifying environmental trust" « fiducie pour l’environnement admissible » 10

49. Accidents at work in the EU by type of activity NACE rev1 Section (branch) Subsection or division (sector)

50. Atrip_human <p>This subsection of the 'Entry information' section provides one or more accession number(s)

51. They work collaboratively with other key personnel (as noted in Subsection 7 below) providing communications advice and support.

52. The provisions of this subsection do not apply to a partial acceptance, whereof due notice has been given.

53. Filberts are a subsection of Cobnuts, to be classed as a Filbert the husk must completely enclose the nut.

54. Alleviating strategies used by the low-anxious students in the previous subsection and the ones suggested or used by

55. A charitable subscription or a marriage settlement is binding under Subsection without proof that the promise induced action or forbearance.

56. It takes its name from the massif of the Adamello, part of the Adamello-Presanella subsection of the Rhaetian Alps.

57. It claimed relief under Subsection 7(b) of the Trade-marks Act and under the common law tort of passing off.

58. (2) Subject to subsection (3), if a signal is corrupt or incomplete, the software based measurement system shall become inoperative.

59. In this subsection, we test the null that anomaly profits have not Attenuated over time against the alternative of attenuation

60. Any ship, mode of conveyance or property forfeited by an order made under subsection (1), shall vest absolutely in the State.

61. Separated by chapter, section, and subsection, this table of Contents Word template provides a clear roadmap of your thinking for your readers

62. In each case it may be possible to print out target costs against each subsection and therefore quantify any profit or loss.

63. In accordance with subsection 14.03(3) of the Act, these directions bind their addressees, who must comply with them; In accordance with subsection 14.03(4) of the Act, a person who complies with these directions is not liable for any act done by the person only to comply with them.

64. Subsection 129(2.1) provides for the payment of interest on dividend refunds at the prescribed rate determined under section 4301 of the Regulations.

65. Subsection 9(2) of the Regulations, supra in paragraph 49, sets out the acceptable language qualifications for Selection Board members who are assessing candidates’ qualifications.

66. (3) Subsection 404.10(3) of the Regulations is amended by adding the following after paragraph (b): (b.1) student pilot permit — gyroplane or balloon; 4.

67. Decisions : 2003 Decision No. 73-A-2003 February 17, 2003 APPLICATION by Aeris pursuant to subsection 73(2) of the Canada Transportation Act, S.C., 1996, c.

68. (e) Except as provided by Subsection (h), this section does not affect a court's power to confine a Contemner to compel the Contemner to obey a court order

69. This definition encompasses pumps certified to Section III, Division I, Subsection NB (Class 1 components) of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Code, or equivalent standards.

70. Subsection 7(1) of the Act is amended by adding the following after paragraph (e.1): (e.2) internal audit in the federal public administration; Clause 260:

71. After the motion against the insurer was filed, the trustee assigned to Qualiglass the accountant's right to receive insurance coverage, pursuant to subsection 38(2) of the BIA.

72. Far Collocations and idioms look almost identical.2 To ascertain whether there are any differences between them, I undertook a study of Collocations, reported on in the next subsection

73. (B) the Government of Burma on or after February 2, 2021; (C) an entity that has, or whose members have, engaged in any activity described in subsection (a)(ii) …

74. Actuarially sound means a commercial annuityies (see subsection (d) of this section) which that pays principal and interest out in equal monthly installments over the actuarial life expectancy of the annuitant.

75. • (f) the aggregate face amount of all of the letters of credit obtained in accordance with Part 3 is less than the amount set out in subsection 18(2) unless

76. Green tea Catechins, in animal models, appear to be synergistic with L-theanine in regards to inhibiting acetylcholinesterase and alleviating cognitive decline as mentioned in the cognition subsection labelled LGNC-07.

77. For the purpose of subsection 105(3.1) of the Act, the prescribed business sectors are (a) uranium mining; (b) book publishing, distribution and retail; and (c) the distribution of film and video.

78. The solicitation is for construction services for the installation of integrated access control and alarm systems for Place du Portage, Phases II and IV, and Place Vanier, Towers A and B. Pursuant to subsection 30.13(2) of the Canadian International Trade Tribunal Act and subsection 7(2) of the Canadian International Trade Tribunal Procurement Inquiry Regulations, notice is hereby given that the Tribunal has decided to conduct an inquiry into this complaint.

79. Authorization of a downward transfer pricing adjustment Under subsection 220(2.01), the Minister may authorize an officer or class of officers to exercise powers or perform duties of the Minister under the Act.

80. Subsection for packagings other than IBCs and large packagings; these packing instructions are designated by an alphanumeric code starting with the letter "P" or "R" for packagings specific to this Directive;