Use "subordinates" in a sentence

1. He always swelled to his subordinates.

2. Until recently, subordinates were considered relatively powerless.

3. He treated his subordinates with respect.

4. You're having me interrogated by my own subordinates?

5. 3 Haig tended not to seek guidance from subordinates.

6. Share Crawl report with subordinates, contractors or clients

7. Try to discourage such familiarities from your subordinates.

8. Haig tended not to seek guidance from subordinates.

9. He is utterly despotic to [ toward ] his subordinates .

10. Are you, small gauze subordinates in gang of bandits.

11. Do subordinates, superiors in the face of unbridled drinking.

12. Eunuch Yu of West Bureau is here with his subordinates

13. Empathy was crucial for managing diversity among subordinates.

14. 4 He summoned his subordinates hastily to his office.

15. Such personalized support for subordinates is a tradition, the report noted.

16. Well, we know that subordinates are the WWE heavyweight champions of sentences.

17. Train, develop & constructively evaluate subordinates to manage KW operation and sales.

18. Abstract In Cooperatively breeding species, subordinates forgo reproduction to assist breeders in raising offspring

19. By developing subordinates' confidence, the leader may instill a feeling of security.

20. Mo:( malignantly laughs while showing his teeth) Tung Po, meet your new subordinates...

21. He is charged with ordering his subordinates to open fire on Tangi-Chu.

22. 2 Mo:( malignantly laughs while showing his teeth) Tung Po, meet your new subordinates...

23. The subordinates alternately described the managerial role as providing sales leadership and as maintaining an efficiently run organization.

24. Evaluates recommendations from regions, audits, incident and accident reports, superiors and subordinates and other Aviation Group Branches.

25. It could be argued that telepathy is a desirable characteristic for the subordinates of such a person!

26. Whereas the managers saw the manager as boss, for the subordinates the manager was a facilitator.

27. 18 Thus the cues of subordinates, peers, supervisors, family and friends become important triggers to arousal.

28. 4 Thus, they are naturally reluctant to endow subordinates with even more independence of action.

29. They were especially unnerved by the number of experienced subordinates who fell into this category.

30. There are few masters who'd trouble to enquire whether their paid subordinates were hurt by their commands.

31. Authoritarians with power demand unquestioning obedience from those with lower rank, and authoritarian subordinates comply with all demands of authorities

32. But the subordinates accentuated the differences between the roles of individual contributor and manager that best fitted their interests.

33. The managers began to mention among their responsibilities motivating their subordinates, and a selected few brought up leadership.

34. Another frequent complaint is that few managers seem to add real value to the work of their subordinates.

35. Especially in the beginning the managers felt that their subordinates were actively testing them: The honeymoon was over.

36. One manager anticipated that she would be called upon frequently as arbiter in disputes between subordinates and customers.

37. He had learned that it was not to befriend his subordinates, nor to compete with or dominate them.

38. They realized that they had to establish credibility and trust with their subordinates before they could influence them.

39. This resistance can only be overcome as you gently persuade and cajole subordinates to expand their horizons.

40. Bush’s subordinates authorized methods of interrogation that led to torture, and his administration adamantly resisted legislation that would ban its use.

41. 7 They discovered just how complex an analytic task they faced when they began to recognize how diverse their subordinates were.

42. Additionally, humour may be used as a tool to mitigate the authoritative tone by managers when giving directives to subordinates.

43. In other words, subordinates are unsettled by a boss who chops and changes between autocracy, persuasion, consultation and democracy.

44. 11 Their primary goal is managerial power, i.e. the opportunity to influence, control and reward the behaviour of subordinates.

45. (We assess/evaluate pre-owned vehicles.) Managers Appraise their subordinates against objectives set in their terms of reference

46. Mr. Kim calculated that Mr. Trump would be more flexible in agreeing to lift sanctions than his subordinates.

47. Relationships grow stressful when managers and subordinates bump elbows, so to speak within the same frame of reference.

48. 27 To gain the favor of the county magistrate, the subordinates raised money to congratulate on his birthday.

49. Kim Koo questions Yem's loyalty giving Yem's subordinates, Myung-woo and Se-gwang, orders to kill him if he is a spy.

50. Power can be exerted by the use of force or violence.Authority, by contrast, depends on the acceptance by subordinates of

51. Tyrian Callows is one of Salem's subordinates and arguably the most loyal, constantly referring to her as a goddess

52. For the subordinates, the quintessential managerial role was to create a supportive environment within which they could prosper professionally and personally.

53. It is also said that everything which decreases the role of subordinates can be termed as Centralization because top level management retains everything.

54. The managers also had to live with unanticipated consequences of their way of handling the problems and mistakes of less-experienced subordinates.

55. Hierarchy simply served to protect the incompetent and the officious from external control through the mutual support of superiors and subordinates.

56. Some in positions of authority, for instance, are fond of saying that they have an open-door policy, that their subordinates are always free to approach them.

57. This measure of objective Attained status follows from previous studies of organizational status and power, which have used number of subordinates as an index of …

58. The rank-order method has raters ranking subordinates from "best" to "worst", but how truly good or bad one is on a performance dimension would be unknown.

59. 4.2Study purpose We sought to describe real-life situations of social work supervisors Behaving unethically, and to delineate how their subordinates handled the dilemmas

60. The purpose of study is to explore the effect of transformational and transactional leadership behavior to subordinates job satisfaction and organizational commitment Affect to team effectiveness

61. ‘He watched over his subordinates like a Broody hen - when he noticed someone weakening, he would order extra hot milk all around, without revealing who needed it the most.’

62. Further, there is no evidence that Camara has initiated any proceedings to discipline or hold accountable any of his subordinates directly implicated in the massacre and rapes.

63. 1 Appearance 2 Personality 3 Relationships 3.1 Subordinates 3.2 Bartleby 3.3 Argos 4 Abilities 4.1 Devil Fruit 5 History 6 Trivia Like any Marine officer of her position, Calomel wears the standard Marine cape

64. In those days the life of an Englishman in India was insulated against all contact with Indians perhaps the only Indians he was in touch with were his domestic servants and his subordinates in his work .

65. The low ranking of enforcing laws Autocratically, adopting a laissez-faire attitude, and handling subordinates with levity is understandable, because those styles prevent harmony and good leadership in the working place.

66. What’s it: Autocratic leadership is a leadership style in which decision making is concentrated on the leader.Leaders make decisions and solve problems on their own with little input from their subordinates

67. If and when you have insecurities, don't defer to your subordinates or overcompensate by micromanaging every little task; keep in mind that you also have to show confidence in your team.

68. Annual Performance and Appraisal Report (Apar) for Central Government Employees has evalved from Annual Confidental report written by higher officials for their subordinates – Here are important Apar Frequently Asked Questions compilation for knowing the features of Apar …

69. Ageism can be defined as "any attitude, action, or institutional structure which subordinates a person or group because of age or any assignment of roles in society purely on the basis of age" (Traxler, 1980, p

70. Notaries and bailiffs cannot be equated with court clerks or tax bailiffs since the latter are officials or servants of the State or of other public bodies and provide services as subordinates of and for the account of their employers .

71. Second Lieutenant Heymans Breda (ハイマンスブレダ, Haimansu Bureda) is an Amestrian soldier initially stationed at the East Area Headquarters in East City and one of Colonel Roy Mustang's most trusted subordinates, handpicked by the Flame Alchemist for his outstanding abilities and qualities

72. MWO Norm Marion) By MWO Normand Marion, 16 Wing "After this course, I feel much more confident in dealing with my future subordinates," says Master Corporal John Groen, the recipient of the Leading Aircraftman (LAC) K.G. Spooner Award on the Junior Leadership Course (JLC).

73. Definition: Centralization refers to that organizational structure where decision-making power is confined to the top management, and the subordinates need to follow the instructions of their seniors. Centralization of authority is essential for the small-scale organizations which lack resources and finance.

74. Read More 7/25/2001 CFB Borden Member Receives Leadership Award "After this course, I feel much more confident in dealing with my future subordinates," says Master Corporal John Groen, the recipient of the Leading Aircraftman (LAC) K.G. Spooner Award on the Junior Leadership Course (JLC).

75. Read More Archives 2001 - 7/25/2001 CFB Borden Member Receives Leadership Award "After this course, I feel much more confident in dealing with my future subordinates," says Master Corporal John Groen, the recipient of the Leading Aircraftman (LAC) K.G. Spooner Award on the Junior Leadership Course (JLC).

76. After consulting a tree to Ascertain from its lichen which way was south, and taking no lip from the subordinates who ventured to correct him, Colonel Maycomb set out on a purposeful journey to rout the enemy and entangled his troops so far northwest in the forest primeval that they were eventually rescued by settlers moving inland.

77. Louis XVI called the Grand Prior Contemptuously "my cousin the lawyer".: Louis XVI appelait le Grand Prieur avec mépris "mon cousin l'avocat".: Subordinates were actively encouraged to treat prisoners Contemptuously, to foster feelings of superiority toward them.: Les subordonnés sont activement encouragés à traiter les prisonniers avec mépris et à encourager un sentiment de