Use "sublittoral" in a sentence

1. Sublittoral definition, of or relating to the biogeographic region of the ocean bottom between the littoral and Bathyal zones, from the low water line to the edge of the continental shelf, or to a depth of approximately 660 feet (200 meters)

2. Studies of Bathyal and sublittoral sites indicate that foraminiferal communities show seasonal (as well as shorter time-scale) changes resulting from the level of primary production (Gooday, 1993; Thomas and Gooday, 1996; Schmiedl et al., 2000; Fontanier et al., 2003) …

3. The Architectonicidae, or sundial shells, is a distinctive group of molluscs with a low conical shell with a widely open umbilicus. They vary from large colourful shells found in the shallow sublittoral to minute, colourless species occurring in the bathyal zone