Use "struggled" in a sentence

1. The bandit struggled desperately.

2. Stravinsky struggled financially during this period.

3. He struggled to stifle a yawn.

4. The shopkeeper struggled with the thief.

5. He struggled to contain his resentment.

6. She struggled to articulate her thoughts.

7. She struggled to recover her equilibrium.

8. He struggled to overcome his shyness.

9. I struggled to regain some dignity.

10. For a split second, she struggled.

11. I struggled with many conflicting emotions.

12. 13 She struggled from his grip.

13. He struggled to formulate an answer.

14. I struggled to digest the news.

15. Five lost years struggled on Daisy's lips.

16. She struggled to keep her self-control.

17. The rescuer group struggled through the snowstorm.

18. I've struggled for food and for money.

19. He struggled to preserve his ideological purity.

20. Delphine, mentioned earlier, likewise struggled with loneliness.

21. The doctors struggled to restart his heart.

22. 2 He struggled to stifle a yawn.

23. I struggled, he was just too strong.

24. Eileen struggled to unfold a large map.

25. She struggled to hold back her tears .

26. He struggled for mastery over his emotions.

27. His clumsy fingers struggled with the buttons.

28. 5 I struggled to regain some dignity.

29. The small boat struggled against the waves.

30. As a child, I struggled with my disability.

31. struggled with his master and betrayed and heritage.

32. She struggled to get away from her attacker.

33. He struggled hard to control his unruly emotions.

34. 25 Imported machines struggled in the harsh conditions.

35. She struggled furiously but could not get away.

36. The more she struggled, the fiercer he became.

37. The instructor struggled vainly to open his parachute.

38. 25 She struggled to keep back the tears.

39. Baritone Sorin Coliban struggled through his vengeance monolog.

40. She struggled along with an armful of clothes.

41. After his discharge, he struggled with drug problems.

42. Looks to me like the first victim struggled.

43. He struggled against those who opposed his plan.

44. I slipped and struggled to regain my footing.

45. The government struggled to maintain law and order.

46. The little donkey struggled under its heavy burden.

47. The dog struggled fiercely with the wild cat.

48. Modern science has struggled to answer that question.

49. 9 The swimmers struggled to regain the shore.

50. 13 The negotiators struggled to finalize a deal.

51. Taylor has struggled mightily to help her daughter.

52. They have struggled to create Coherence within the group

53. Judah, the southern kingdom, also struggled with Baal worship.

54. Babbitt moaned; turned over; struggled back toward his dream

55. 12 She struggled to free herself from his grip.

56. They struggled stupidly under it for a few seconds.

57. He struggled with his attacker who then ran off.

58. We have struggled mightily to win back lost trade.

59. He now struggled to relearn very, very basic skills.

60. I swallowed hard and struggled to keep from crying.

61. They have struggled to create coherence within the group.

62. I struggled to stay upright as my confusion increased.

63. 20 He struggled hard to keep the boat upright.

64. I struggled back to the hut through blinding rain.

65. She struggled for years to find her true vocation.

66. While she sailed through her maths exams, he struggled.

67. 8 The instructor struggled vainly to open his parachute.

68. She struggled against terrible odds to overcome her illness.

69. The receptionist screamed as Howard struggled to right himself.

70. Some communities struggled to meet their commitments for trenching.

71. 7 He struggled to retain control of the situation.

72. 1 I slipped and struggled to regain my footing.

73. As he struggled,( the ropes tightened even more.

74. I struggled to rise but my arms were pinioned.

75. They struggled the heavy file cabinet into the elevator.

76. The chick finally broke through the shell and struggled out .

77. I struggled with my bags, desperately looking for a porter.

78. 2 Still fighting, the two brothers struggled in the water.

79. 13 He struggled across a field against a high wind.

80. Another struggled to relight his taper, extinguished by the wind.