Use "stringently" in a sentence

1. At Benares, we follow all health and safety guidelines stringently

2. In actual fact, we must assure ourselves that personal data are stringently protected.

3. Indicative thresholds have been set at prudent levels a view to avoid excessive numbers of 'false alarms' but which are not set so stringently that they only identify problems once they are entrenched.

4. Indicative thresholds were set at prudent levels with a view to avoid excessive numbers of 'false alarms' but which are not set so stringently set as to only identify problems once they have become entrenched[16].

5. ‘The fact is that, at least in the UK, the GM crops are tested for toxicity and other Allergenic effects more stringently than almost anywhere else.’ ‘Research from Southampton hospital indicates that the house dust mite is the biggest Allergenic trigger of asthma.’