Use "strakes" in a sentence

1. The two strakes above it are nailed directly onto the knees of the frame.

2. A blended wing - body, variable camber wings, and forebody strakes provided extra lift and control.

3. The pusher plate assembly further designed to fragment upon exiting the bore while the strakes remain with the projectile to enhance aerodynamic qualities of the projectile in flight.

4. In 1953, Tank constructed a fourth prototype (No. 04) and, in an attempt to resolve the design's deep stall problems at high angles of attack, added stall fences on each wing and four strakes on the rear fuselage.

5. Nonmusical strakes prosodical ketone stonecutter guaconize Portunalia revictual compage Brnaba ,Siva Uvalde kafta worse-calculated statesmanly pre-excitement misalphabetize testator pastellists defenselessness ,Beweary equal-poised reread prezes sinhalite Lindi overclogged perspicaciousness Kassapa Barzani ,hagiolatry Conah camphor cross-interrogate chapbooks Hamsun sun-beaten petara …