Use "straight off" in a sentence

1. Roasted Cauliflower, though—I can eat it straight off the pan like French fries

2. We could steal the Mona Lisa straight off Da Vinci's easel, snatch the Hope Diamond before it was discovered.

3. Wetlands close to the headwaters of streams and rivers can slow down rainwater runoff and spring snowmelt so that it doesn't run straight off the land into water courses.

4. ‘Blatting down the motorway’ ‘If I was after a new bike for Blatting around town, I'd buy one of these straight off the mark.’ ‘Battered cars would do their best to tear up the tarmac some more as they blatted past, mufflers long-gone.’

5. The final effort by John Gaeta, an fx man, about a goth's relationship with the tape-worm she was forced to share her mother's belly with, has at least the embryo (Apologs droogies) of a good idea but the climax is so obvious, it falls straight off the screen.