Use "stormed" in a sentence

1. They stormed in at night.

2. He stormed in,furiously angry.

3. He stormed angrily at me.

4. Together we stormed the palace.

5. Rebel troops stormed the presidential palace.

6. 29 The salesman stormed them with offers.

7. He was stormed for his signature.

8. The quack was stormed with questions.

9. John got up and stormed out.

10. 23 Rebel troops stormed the presidential palace.

11. The troops stormed against the garrison.

12. He stormed out in a fit of pique .

13. The soldiers stormed their way into the fort.

14. He stormed out, eyes blazing, bent on vengeance.

15. Soldiers stormed into the city at dawn.

16. Government buildings have been stormed and looted.

17. He stormed at me for five minutes on end.

18. Some young men stormed Agip Platform with terrorism motive.

19. 16 She stormed into my office waving a newspaper.

20. She stormed out of him and didn't say anything.

21. With a stamp of her foot she stormed out.

22. So, this is why Prince Achmed stormed out.

23. She stormed off, her cloak flying behind her.

24. The fortress was stormed by hundreds of soldiers.

25. Police stormed the building and captured the gunman.

26. I broke down her defenses and stormed the citadel.

27. He stormed into her office, full of righteous indignation .

28. They had a violent quarrel and John stormed out.

29. Sue stormed out of the room in a rage.

30. Two Dutch companies, mainly composed of Dutch marines, stormed the bridgehead.

31. An unruly mob broke down police barricades and stormed the courtroom.

32. "Up yours," said the reporter and stormed out into the street.

33. She glared angrily at everyone and stormed out of the room.

34. He stormed into the office, flourishing a letter of complaint.

35. The soldiers stormed the barricades erected by the rioting crowd.

36. Soldiers stormed the house and were stabbed with Bayonnettes through the windows

37. Less than 35 minutes into the flight, the hijackers stormed the cockpit.

38. He stormed out of the house, slamming the door as he went.

39. The mobster stormed in and broke all the glasses of the window.

40. He stormed out of the house, slamming the door as he left.

41. The hostages' ordeal came to an end when soldiers stormed the building.

42. 4 John stormed into the meeting waving a piece of paper about.

43. The army stormed in, conquered the city, and killed the king.

44. In 200 federal agents stormed his house in hazmat suits with guns drawn.

45. And we got into a fight about it and she stormed out.

46. 30 An unruly mob broke down police barricades and stormed the courtroom.

47. And the Russian military police special forces, "Spetsnaz," came in and stormed the theater.

48. Then Hewlett Janders stormed over , big , robust full of action and profanity.

49. On July 1789 stormed and the Bastille , where political prisoners were kept.

50. The peasants were Armed with pitchforks and scythes as they stormed the military garrison

51. After the final whistle, angry Basel hooligans stormed the field and attacked Zürich players.

52. After ten hours of fruitless negotiations, he stormed out of the meeting in exasperation.

53. She smacked her books down on the table and stormed out of the room.

54. The king stormed out into the garden to regain his composure. —Esther 7:5-7.

55. 11, 1945, the Bushmasters stormed ashore as part of the Lingayen Gulf invasion

56. Sam threw his books down in disgust and stormed out of the room.

57. Scarlet with rage, she swept past her employer and stormed up the stairs.

58. 6 He stormed the city, defeated the Mamelukes at Aleppo, and then attacked the Turks.

59. He Bristled at our criticism of his novel and stormed out of the room.

60. He Bristled at our criticism of his novel and stormed out of the room

61. A young man stormed into his former school with a gun taken from his parents’ bedroom.

62. He stormed from the room in a fit of pique, shouting that he had been misunderstood.

63. 11 Last December government troops stormed 20 prisons to dislodge prisoners from the dormitory wards.

64. Synonyms for Bushwhacked include attacked, assaulted, assailed, struck, stricken, stormed, charged, beset, rushed and trashed

65. Synonyms for Bristled include bridled, raged, fumed, got angry, gotten angry, seethed, sod, spitted, spat and stormed

66. The photographers stormed the railing and took aim like a starved infantry picking off fish from a bridge.

67. Synonyms for Blindsided include sucker punched, charged, stormed, assailed, assaulted, attacked, invaded, rushed, raided and struck

68. Trump “inflamed, encouraged, incited, directed, and aided and Abetted” the “insurrectionist mob” that stormed the U.S

69. When her ideas were rejected, she slapped her report on the table and stormed out of the meeting.

70. 19 Red-faced, the judge stormed off the bench and slammed the door to his chambers in reply.

71. 22 They each stormed away to their desks, Oliver grumbling to everyone in earshot and Rain in silent rage.

72. The Gestapo forced open the front door, and twenty-five to thirty men stormed up each entrance.

73. On 22 September, before daylight, the amphibious force stormed the beach at Finschhafen; by noon, all troops were ashore.

74. He stormed out of the building, got into his car, and Blinded along the road at a dangerous speed

75. ‘Such was the devastation of puerperal, or Childbed, fever, which stormed European and American maternity wards for over a century.’

76. When it came to a part that mentioned the Vatican, the priest turned very red and stormed out.

77. Claim: A pro-Trump mob Chanted "Hang Mike Pence" as they stormed the U.S

78. 🔊 The spoiled girl could not maintain her Composure and stormed off the stage when she lost the beauty pageant

79. Warders in riot gear stormed the room after four hours and marched the 12 protesters to a segregation block.

80. When her ideas were rejected,(Sentencedict) she slapped her report on the table and stormed out of the meeting.