Use "stopping point" in a sentence

1. Cutoffs that don’t have a clear starting and stopping point

2. Concludes: to bring (an event) to a natural or appropriate stopping point

3. It is important stopping point on the road from Quito to the Pacific coast.

4. A busy trading center, it was a stopping point for merchant traders traveling on the Silk Road.

5. To be classified as an Algorithm, a set of rules must be unambiguous and have a clear stopping point.

6. Finally, the court cited concerns that the Babiches' claims would open the door to a field with no sensible or just stopping point

7. Augusta whale watching in Flinders Bay is fantastic from June to August as it is the first stopping point for many southern right and humpback whales that come to feed, breed and play

8. Situated on an oasis in the Zerafshan river delta in central Uzbekistan, Bukhara lies on a crossroads of ancient trade routes that stretched across Central Asia, and was a vital stopping point for merchants on the edge of the Kyzyl Kum (Red Sand) and Kara Kum (Black Sand) deserts.

9. Actually, gas Ballasting is a very simple operation and when properly applied can keep vacuum pumps in optimal conditions even when used in wet processes that can potentially contaminate the oil with condensation. When vacuum pumps have a faulty gas ballast valve that has no stopping point, a variety of issues can arise.