Use "stooped" in a sentence

1. She is small and slightly stooped.

2. She stooped and lifted the valance.

3. He stooped and lifted the valance.

4. He stooped to look under the table.

5. He stooped and put down his gun.

6. Cao Cao has stooped to evil tricks

7. Automatically he stooped to pick it up.

8. The coachman stooped down for his orders.

9. Richard stood five foot ten, slightly stooped.

10. She stooped low to look under the bed.

11. Blindly he stooped to pick up the towels.

12. Her partner stooped to claim his goodnight kiss.

13. Two men in shirt sleeves stooped over the car.

14. To my surprise,she stooped to come among us.

15. 26 Blindly he stooped to pick up the towels.

16. She was taller than he was and stooped slightly.

17. 19 Dave stooped down to tie his shoes.

18. He had not, until recently, stooped to personal abuse.

19. She stooped to pick the book up off the floor.

20. They were tired and despondent, stooped in their waterproof coveralls.

21. Archer stooped over and threw a log upon the embers.

22. 28 She stooped low to look under the bed.

23. Between catwalks loomed the stooped carapaces of the Titans.

24. Elizabeth stooped to lay a hand on his tummy.

25. He stooped over the sink in the men's room.

26. White , with a slight cry , stooped down and snatched it off .

27. Cao Cao has stooped to evil tricks. This is psychological warfare.

28. Automatically she stooped to retrieve the spilled things, to tidy up.

29. “And again he stooped down, and wrote on the ground.

30. She stooped a shade awkwardly to rub behind a black velvet ear.

31. Samuel's father was a stooped, gray - haired man, his face worn and wrinkled.

32. The merchant, the client, had willingly stooped into the dungeon of lust.

33. He was stooped and shriveled, and his face was lopsided from swelling—red and raw.

34. That fact hardly caught the military brass stooped over $ 000 toilet seats with their britches down.

35. Synonyms for Condescended include stooped, deigned, conceded, descended, unbent, unbended, consented, vouchsafed, accommodated and agreed

36. Then he stooped at the shoulders, as if listening closely and looking on with leaky blue eyes.

37. But he stooped and appeared to shamble as he walked, chunky and untidy in his tweed suit.

38. She tore the letter up and threw it on the floor. Marion stooped to pick up the bits.

39. Synonyms for Curtseyed include bobbed, curtsied, genuflected, knelt, kneeled, bowed, stooped, prostrated oneself, dropped a curtsy and bent the knee

40. Bowed adjective bent, lowered, angled, curved, arched, inclined, crooked, hunched, stooped, procumbent He walked aimlessly, head down and shoulders Bowed.

41. Gripping the over head chrome rail[], he stooped forward as if to see what street was coming up.

42. Alida went downstairs, stooping a little, not knowing that she stooped, annoyed at the trouble a hot drink caused.

43. There she lay , so beautiful that he could not turn his eyes away , and he stooped down and gave her a kiss .

44. We walk to the tree nearest JD and then Ferreira leads me, stooped over, closer and closer to the enormous elephant.

45. He stared at the old stooped man with the thinning grey hair and bushy walrus moustache who controlled the nation's money.

46. A Breeder's shoulders are stooped and often heaped with abuse from competitors, but they're wide enough to support the weight of a thousand defects and

47. Parkinson disease, also called primary parkinsonism, paralysis Agitans, or idiopathic parkinsonism, a degenerative neurological disorder that is characterized by the onset of tremor, muscle rigidity, slowness in movement (bradykinesia), and stooped posture (postural instability)

48. Each day of her life except Sundays she could be seen walking along the sidewalk, pail and brush in hand, her gray hair pulled back into a tight bob, her shoulders weary from work and stooped with age.

49. V ' i ,^-V- ‘.Republican ycAa in the city and Odell’s ‘afraid' slfepifil he wan exceedingly Aumous Abqiit that low)y abt of tike door and stopped or matter.” ' * I stooped at every flowerbed, wttlle Jo- thoughtfully I anna watched her

50. " Say , by the way , " Candice said as she stooped to gather up her purse and briefcase , " I saw this documentary the other night on the Discovery Channel about a psychic who works with the police to solve some of their toughest cases , and while I was watching I immediately thought of you .

51. The classic view of the Ancien régime in France—the state of the nation before the French Revolution of 1789—is one of opulent, corpulent aristocrats enjoying wealth, privilege, and the finery of life, while totally divorced from the mass of the French people, who stooped in rags to pay for it

52. To recap the latest episode, the authors have stooped to the hoary old plot device of a startling newspaper revelation to Chivvy the drama along.: Presumably to Chivvy things along, the Chief Justice says he has provided the working party with a supporting secretariat supplied by the Department of Justice.: If another director complained about not having money, jarman would Chivvy them to